Yeah, it's been a few months shy of a year since I last posted here. Why am I posting after having not posted for so long? I'm making this post to say that I'm officially closing this blog. Why? I've created a PB&J Otter forum that will be even better than this site once I get more people to join. It will have episode downloads, games you can play with other users and many other things that I know you'll enjoy.
Here's the link to it:
It's just starting out as of this post, so there are only two users (myself and a friend) at the moment. However, if all of you fans join, I'm sure we can really make this a great forum. This forum will have much more flexible rules than other forums. You'll be able to bump threads within reason, double post, and do many more things that you can't do on any other forum sites.
To anyone who really enjoyed this blog, I'm sorry that I'm closing this, but this is to maximize the PB&J Otter content I'm able to share with you.
Thanks to all of the viewers of this blog. I'm glad I was able to share what I've been able to share with you.
Oodelay, PB&J fans!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Eye Spy / Happy Harmony - Watch online
I managed to find a recording of "Eye Spy / Happy Harmony" on one of my tapes, so if you have access to Veoh in your country (I know some of you readers outside of the US don't get Veoh), you can watch the whole thing online. The quality is a little blurry because I had to compress the file to 180 MB (it was originally 360--jeez!), but you can still enjoy it. I have included the coming up next bumper for PB&J Otter and Rolie Polie Olie at the beginning of the video for those of you who may be interested.
Here's the link, and enjoy the episode!
Here's the link, and enjoy the episode!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Transcript - Sleepyhead
Yeah, it's been a while since I last posted here. Sorry about that. There hasn't been too much to post about, so I've been avoiding it. Again, I'm sorry about this. I'll try to get back into the swing of posting.
Anyway, Agent0042 has provided us with another transcript. This time it's "Sleepyhead." Thanks!
Written by Robert Askin
Music for Songs by Ned Ginsburg, Lyrics for Songs by Lyrics and Music
Transcribed by Agent0042
I really like this one. There's a lot of good, solid entertaining moments. It also shows the kids coming together to solve a problem and help out someone in need. Very nice lullaby song in this one too.
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Cody Pennes as Scootch Raccoon
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Corinne Orr as Wanda Raccoon
Walter Raccoon
Walter Raccoon: "Sleepyhead"
(Walter Raccoon pulls up at the dock of the Raccoon family houseboat in his recycling boat.)
Pinch: Morning, Daddy!
Scootch: Papa!
Wanda: Did you have a good night at work?
Walter: The best. It was a great night for recycling.
Pinch: What did you do?
Scootch: (waving his arms) Tell us. Tell us.
(A flashback sequence is shown, outlining the events of Walter's work. In it, the two Muskrat children are shown playing paddleball against Mr. Muskrat's doors.)
Walter: Mr. Muskrat had to replace his doors because they took a terrible beating and it looked like his new doors were in for the same problem. But I got an idea how to use the old doors to save the new ones. (He is shown working.) I turned 'em into a ping pong table!
Scootch: (raising his arms) Yay!
Wanda: That was great thinking, Walter.
Pinch: What else did you do, Daddy?
Walter: Well, let's see.
(Another flashback sequence is shown.)
Walter: I turned a jumble of wires and bottles into a string of lanterns.
Wanda: We're very proud of you, honey.
Walter: Thanks, dear.
Pinch: (raising her hand) Daddy, I bet you're the best recycler there ever was.
Wanda: I hope everyone appreciates you as much as we do.
Walter: Well, that's the most exciting news of all. You're lookin' at Lake Hoohaw's Recycling Hero of the Year. I'm getting an award this evening.
Scootch: Papa! (He walks up to Walter. Walter picks him and gives him a hug.)
Pinch: An award? Do you get to make a speech and everything? Do you?
Walter: You bet I do. And I want you all to be there. (He pokes Scootch in the nose playfully. Scootch covers his nose and giggles.)
Wanda: We wouldn't miss it for the world. (Walter hands off Scootch to her and she holds him.) Now you make sure to get a good day's sleep. This is gonna be a big night in the Raccoon household. (The three start walking to their houseboat.)
Walter: I need to sleep, but I don't think I'll be able to. I'm too excited!
(The sound of musical whistling is heard.)
Walter: Hmm?
(The camera angle changes to show two songbirds in a tree-- a purplish female one on the left and a periwinkle male on the right.)
Walter: But if anything could help me sleep, it's the sound of those lovely larks. (He yawns. He and Wanda head inside.)
Pinch: And don't worry, Daddy. If that doesn't work, we'll help.
Scootch: Yeah, help.
(Scene change. Walter is shown briefly walking around his bedroom through the window of the Raccoon family houseboat. Wipe to down below, where Pinch and Scootch are standing underneath another window. They pace around, seemingly on patrol. Peanut, Butter and Jelly are shown approaching on rollerskates.)
Pinch: Quiet, ya'll.
Jelly: (whispering) What's the matter?
Pinch: Our Dad's asleep.
Peanut: What a sleepyhead. It's daytime.
Pinch: Our Dad sleeps during the day 'cause he works all night.
Peanut: (whispering) Why does he do that?
Pinch: He works at night so that when everybody wakes up, all their trash is gone and recycled.
Peanut: Oh, that's really smart.
Pinch: In fact, he's Recycling Hero of the Year.
Jelly: That's great!
Peanut: Hoohaw, way to go!
Butter: He-wo! Hee hee hee hee hee.
Jelly: (waving) Someday I'm gonna be a hero and wave to crowds and make speeches.
Peanut: Me too.
Butter: Me thwee!
(Scene change. Jelly is standing on a chair in front of a table that has an umbrella, making a speech.)
Jelly: My fellow lake Hoohawers, I'm honored to be your hero!
(The others applaud.)
Jelly: I'd like to thank my Mama, my Daddy and the Academy for this award. (She bows and the others applaud again. She gets down and Peanut takes her place.)
Peanut: I too am humbled by... what's that? My time's up? Aw man. (The others applaud, he takes a brief bow and gets down.)
Jelly: Hurray for Peanut!
Pinch: We love you, Peanut!
Scootch: Yay!
(The view slides up to Walter's room.)
Butter: He-wo!
Walter: (poking his head out the window) Pinch, Scootch, kids, please keep it down! I was almost asleep. (yawns)
Scootch: Sorry, my fault!
Walter: Just play a little more quietly, okay?
(He closes the window. The scene changes and the larks are shown flying in, singing their tune. They land on top of the umbrella.)
Peanut: Shh! Keep it down! No chirping!
Pinch: It's okay, Peanut. Keep singing, little birds. (The birds look at each other, then resume their singing.)
Pinch: My Dad says he likes the way the larks sound. They help him sleep.
Peanut: Then let's make sure he can hear 'em. Let's get 'em closer to his window. (He picks up the umbrella.)
Jelly: Good idea. It's almost there!
Pinch: It's working! Listen! (sound of Walter's snoring, a gust of wind blows the top off the umbrella) Oh no! (The birds fly away and the umbrella top covers the window.)
Jelly: Maybe he's so fast asleep, he didn't notice.
Peanut: 'Fraid not.
(Walter pokes his head through the umbrella top.)
Walter: What happened? Is everyone okay?
Butter: (pointing) Pwetty fwower!
Scootch: Sorry, my fault!
Jelly: Oops!
Butter: Sowwy.
Pinch: Sorry, Daddy.
Walter: It's okay, kids. But be careful. Now I've really gotta get some sleep. (He struggles to break free of the umbrella.) Oh dear. Oh!
(The others walk back towards the table. Flick approaches.)
Flick: Hey! How come your dad was dressed up like a big, giant flower? Wasn't he supposed to be sleeping?
Pinch: (looking very frustrated) Oh!
Flick: What? What did I say?
Jelly: It's really important that we help Mr. Raccoon fall asleep.
Peanut: And now the birds that were helping him flew away.
Flick: Hey, I'm a bird. I can help. What do I have to do?
Pinch: Well, the sounds of the birds help Daddy fall asleep.
Flick: Bird sounds? I'll give him bird sounds.
Pinch: Nice sounds, Flick.
Flick: Hey, all the sounds I make are nice. Check this out. (He flies up to Walter's window. A gentle melody is played.) Cuckoo.
Peanut: Keep going. You can tell he's asleep when you hear him snoring.
Flick: Cuckoo. Cuckoo! (He flies in a loop and starts singing very off-key.) I'm so cuckoo when I'm with you-you!
(Flick continues to sing indistinctly as the others are shown down below. They all cover their ears.)
Jelly: What a terrible racket! How can Mr. Raccoon sleep through all that?
Walter: (walking up behind the others) I can't. Why is Flick doing that?
(The others turn around and look Walter in surprise. Up above, Flick continues his "singing," increasingly incoherent. He falls and lands in a garbage can, ending up with a banana peel on top of his head.)
Flick: Uh, they told me you like bird noises.
Scootch: Sorry, my fault.
Walter: Now, kids, no more noise. Please? Okay? (He yawns and walks away.)
Pinch: Poor Daddy. He's having so much trouble sleeping. We need to do something for him. But what?
Jelly: We sleep every night. We're experts on sleeping. If we can't help him, nobody can.
Peanut: Yeah. So we just gotta think what puts us to sleep. (He imagines lying down to bed.) I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. (He starts snoring.)
Pinch: Once I feel my soft flower blanket around me, I'm out like a light. (She imagines Walter in a flower field.) I know. Maybe we should take Daddy to a flower meadow. That's soft. (Walter snores in the fantasy.)
Butter: Cwadle! Cozy! (She imagines herself in a cradle, then Walter in one, snoring.)
Jelly: We can put all that stuff together. A pillow, a soft blanket, and a cradle and he'll fall right asleep.
Pinch: But I don't think my Dad will fit in a cradle.
Peanut: So we'll build a dad-sized one.
Jelly: Phew. We're gonna need a lot of supplies.
Peanut: I bet Dad'll help.
Pinch: Good thinking, Peanut.
Butter: (waving her arms excitedly) Cwadle, yay!
(Scene change to the Otter household. Opal is shown hanging laundry and she watches with a smile as the kids pass by with a wheelbarrow of supplies.)
Peanut: Thanks for helping out, Dad!
Ernest: (offscreen) My pleasure.
(Everyone chatters noisily and excitedly as they set to work.)
Walter: (walking up to Peanut and Jelly) Kids! Could you please be a little quieter? You're making a terrible racket.
(The kids step aside and present to Walter the finished cradle.)
Pinch: We made it for you, Daddy. To help you sleep.
Walter: A cradle? For me? You really outdid yourselves. What a sweet idea.
(He lays down in it and it starts to rock. An instrumental of Brahm's Lullaby plays.)
Jelly: (rocking the cradle) How does it feel? Comfy?
Walter: Yes, it's very restful. (The headboard breaks and it falls. The camera cuts to Scootch as Walter is heard tumbling.)
Scootch: Oops! Sorry, my fault.
(Walter is shown laying in the broken remains of the cradle.)
Walter: Um, great work, kids, but I guess I'm too big for a cradle.
(Slide wipe to Jelly, who is swinging Butter on a tire swing. The others are standing or sitting around, dejected.)
Jelly: We've tried everything to help Mr. Raccoon sleep.
Peanut: But nothing's worked.
Jelly: (as a ding sound effect plays) Hey, I know something we haven't tried.
Flick: My super-hypnotic magic duck powers? (Scootch covers his mouth and giggles.)
Jelly: No! The Noodle Dance.
(The Noodle Dance sequence begins immediately. The others dance happily while Peanut stands still. Scootch hops over to where he is and dances a bit. Peanut gives in and starts dancing.)
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance.
(A light bulb appears over Jelly's head and the sequence ends.)
Jelly: I've got it!
Pinch: Shh! Not so loud.
Jelly: Right. Shh. That's my idea.
(She goes into a fantasy sequence and glue is shown covering the screen, then all of Lake Hoohaw.)
Jelly: We'll cover all of Lake Hoohaw in glue, so everybody will get stuck and won't be able to move.
Pinch: Sure. If nobody can move, nobody can do anything to wake up my Dad. (The sequence ends.)
Peanut: Great idea. But I don't think we've got enough glue to do that.
Jelly: We'll just have to pretend! Okay? Nobody move!
(Everybody stands completely still. A small branch falls from a tree and Peanut rushes over and catches it before it hits the ground.)
Peanut: Shh.
(Pinch belongs humming melodically.)
Jelly: Shh! What are you doing?!
Pinch: Sorry. I'm humming. But I'll hum softer. This song helps me think.
(Sounds of snoring are heard. Baby Butter has fallen asleep.)
Jelly: It doesn't just help you think. It helps Butter sleep.
Peanut: Yeah. Just like your dad and the birds.
Pinch: Now that gives me and idea.
(The group walks up outside the window. Pinch begins humming and the others join. The larks fly into the tree. The group begins singing a song. As the song begins, Jelly covers Flick's beak.)
~~~Oodelee, Oodelay~~~
[Peanut, Jelly, Pinch]
Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm, mmm, mmm
Oodelee, oodelay
Oodelee, oodelay
Sleep my neighbor
Sleep through the day
All my friends are quiet at play
So sleep as sunlight fills up the sky
Close your eyes and sleep
Oodelee, oodelay
Oodelee, oodelay
(He's asleep!)
(sound of Walter Raccoon snoring, extended instrumental break)
[Peanut, Jelly and Pinch]
Close your eyes and sleep.
(Scene change. The recycling boat is shown from the outside as Walter gives his speech. As Walter continues, he is shown speaking inside.)
Walter: And so, one person's trash is another person's treasure. That's my motto. And as some of the youngsters proved today, a little imagination can help ya' think up the answer to any problem.
(Mayor Jeff is shown wheeling in a birdbath containing the two larks. As Walter continues to speak, sounds of snoring can be heard.)
Walter: I dedicate these recycled things to the energetic and creative kids of Lake Hoohaw.
(Walter looks shocked. The scene changes to show that Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick, Pinch and Scootch are all sound asleep.)
Walter: (as a tinkly instrumental of "Oodelee, Oodelay" plays) Oh my. Did my little speech put them to sleep?
Wanda: (covering Pinch with a blanket) No, dear. They're just totally worn out from trying to put you to sleep.
Walter: (giggling, as the shot shows the outside of the boat) Can you imagine that? Ha ha!
(The adults all laugh and the scene fades to black. During the closing credits, instrumentals of "Theme of Sergeant Gravel" [from "Sergeant Gravel to the Rescue"] and "Oodelee, Oodelay" are played.)
Anyway, Agent0042 has provided us with another transcript. This time it's "Sleepyhead." Thanks!
Written by Robert Askin
Music for Songs by Ned Ginsburg, Lyrics for Songs by Lyrics and Music
Transcribed by Agent0042
I really like this one. There's a lot of good, solid entertaining moments. It also shows the kids coming together to solve a problem and help out someone in need. Very nice lullaby song in this one too.
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Cody Pennes as Scootch Raccoon
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Corinne Orr as Wanda Raccoon
Walter Raccoon
Walter Raccoon: "Sleepyhead"
(Walter Raccoon pulls up at the dock of the Raccoon family houseboat in his recycling boat.)
Pinch: Morning, Daddy!
Scootch: Papa!
Wanda: Did you have a good night at work?
Walter: The best. It was a great night for recycling.
Pinch: What did you do?
Scootch: (waving his arms) Tell us. Tell us.
(A flashback sequence is shown, outlining the events of Walter's work. In it, the two Muskrat children are shown playing paddleball against Mr. Muskrat's doors.)
Walter: Mr. Muskrat had to replace his doors because they took a terrible beating and it looked like his new doors were in for the same problem. But I got an idea how to use the old doors to save the new ones. (He is shown working.) I turned 'em into a ping pong table!
Scootch: (raising his arms) Yay!
Wanda: That was great thinking, Walter.
Pinch: What else did you do, Daddy?
Walter: Well, let's see.
(Another flashback sequence is shown.)
Walter: I turned a jumble of wires and bottles into a string of lanterns.
Wanda: We're very proud of you, honey.
Walter: Thanks, dear.
Pinch: (raising her hand) Daddy, I bet you're the best recycler there ever was.
Wanda: I hope everyone appreciates you as much as we do.
Walter: Well, that's the most exciting news of all. You're lookin' at Lake Hoohaw's Recycling Hero of the Year. I'm getting an award this evening.
Scootch: Papa! (He walks up to Walter. Walter picks him and gives him a hug.)
Pinch: An award? Do you get to make a speech and everything? Do you?
Walter: You bet I do. And I want you all to be there. (He pokes Scootch in the nose playfully. Scootch covers his nose and giggles.)
Wanda: We wouldn't miss it for the world. (Walter hands off Scootch to her and she holds him.) Now you make sure to get a good day's sleep. This is gonna be a big night in the Raccoon household. (The three start walking to their houseboat.)
Walter: I need to sleep, but I don't think I'll be able to. I'm too excited!
(The sound of musical whistling is heard.)
Walter: Hmm?
(The camera angle changes to show two songbirds in a tree-- a purplish female one on the left and a periwinkle male on the right.)
Walter: But if anything could help me sleep, it's the sound of those lovely larks. (He yawns. He and Wanda head inside.)
Pinch: And don't worry, Daddy. If that doesn't work, we'll help.
Scootch: Yeah, help.
(Scene change. Walter is shown briefly walking around his bedroom through the window of the Raccoon family houseboat. Wipe to down below, where Pinch and Scootch are standing underneath another window. They pace around, seemingly on patrol. Peanut, Butter and Jelly are shown approaching on rollerskates.)
Pinch: Quiet, ya'll.
Jelly: (whispering) What's the matter?
Pinch: Our Dad's asleep.
Peanut: What a sleepyhead. It's daytime.
Pinch: Our Dad sleeps during the day 'cause he works all night.
Peanut: (whispering) Why does he do that?
Pinch: He works at night so that when everybody wakes up, all their trash is gone and recycled.
Peanut: Oh, that's really smart.
Pinch: In fact, he's Recycling Hero of the Year.
Jelly: That's great!
Peanut: Hoohaw, way to go!
Butter: He-wo! Hee hee hee hee hee.
Jelly: (waving) Someday I'm gonna be a hero and wave to crowds and make speeches.
Peanut: Me too.
Butter: Me thwee!
(Scene change. Jelly is standing on a chair in front of a table that has an umbrella, making a speech.)
Jelly: My fellow lake Hoohawers, I'm honored to be your hero!
(The others applaud.)
Jelly: I'd like to thank my Mama, my Daddy and the Academy for this award. (She bows and the others applaud again. She gets down and Peanut takes her place.)
Peanut: I too am humbled by... what's that? My time's up? Aw man. (The others applaud, he takes a brief bow and gets down.)
Jelly: Hurray for Peanut!
Pinch: We love you, Peanut!
Scootch: Yay!
(The view slides up to Walter's room.)
Butter: He-wo!
Walter: (poking his head out the window) Pinch, Scootch, kids, please keep it down! I was almost asleep. (yawns)
Scootch: Sorry, my fault!
Walter: Just play a little more quietly, okay?
(He closes the window. The scene changes and the larks are shown flying in, singing their tune. They land on top of the umbrella.)
Peanut: Shh! Keep it down! No chirping!
Pinch: It's okay, Peanut. Keep singing, little birds. (The birds look at each other, then resume their singing.)
Pinch: My Dad says he likes the way the larks sound. They help him sleep.
Peanut: Then let's make sure he can hear 'em. Let's get 'em closer to his window. (He picks up the umbrella.)
Jelly: Good idea. It's almost there!
Pinch: It's working! Listen! (sound of Walter's snoring, a gust of wind blows the top off the umbrella) Oh no! (The birds fly away and the umbrella top covers the window.)
Jelly: Maybe he's so fast asleep, he didn't notice.
Peanut: 'Fraid not.
(Walter pokes his head through the umbrella top.)
Walter: What happened? Is everyone okay?
Butter: (pointing) Pwetty fwower!
Scootch: Sorry, my fault!
Jelly: Oops!
Butter: Sowwy.
Pinch: Sorry, Daddy.
Walter: It's okay, kids. But be careful. Now I've really gotta get some sleep. (He struggles to break free of the umbrella.) Oh dear. Oh!
(The others walk back towards the table. Flick approaches.)
Flick: Hey! How come your dad was dressed up like a big, giant flower? Wasn't he supposed to be sleeping?
Pinch: (looking very frustrated) Oh!
Flick: What? What did I say?
Jelly: It's really important that we help Mr. Raccoon fall asleep.
Peanut: And now the birds that were helping him flew away.
Flick: Hey, I'm a bird. I can help. What do I have to do?
Pinch: Well, the sounds of the birds help Daddy fall asleep.
Flick: Bird sounds? I'll give him bird sounds.
Pinch: Nice sounds, Flick.
Flick: Hey, all the sounds I make are nice. Check this out. (He flies up to Walter's window. A gentle melody is played.) Cuckoo.
Peanut: Keep going. You can tell he's asleep when you hear him snoring.
Flick: Cuckoo. Cuckoo! (He flies in a loop and starts singing very off-key.) I'm so cuckoo when I'm with you-you!
(Flick continues to sing indistinctly as the others are shown down below. They all cover their ears.)
Jelly: What a terrible racket! How can Mr. Raccoon sleep through all that?
Walter: (walking up behind the others) I can't. Why is Flick doing that?
(The others turn around and look Walter in surprise. Up above, Flick continues his "singing," increasingly incoherent. He falls and lands in a garbage can, ending up with a banana peel on top of his head.)
Flick: Uh, they told me you like bird noises.
Scootch: Sorry, my fault.
Walter: Now, kids, no more noise. Please? Okay? (He yawns and walks away.)
Pinch: Poor Daddy. He's having so much trouble sleeping. We need to do something for him. But what?
Jelly: We sleep every night. We're experts on sleeping. If we can't help him, nobody can.
Peanut: Yeah. So we just gotta think what puts us to sleep. (He imagines lying down to bed.) I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. (He starts snoring.)
Pinch: Once I feel my soft flower blanket around me, I'm out like a light. (She imagines Walter in a flower field.) I know. Maybe we should take Daddy to a flower meadow. That's soft. (Walter snores in the fantasy.)
Butter: Cwadle! Cozy! (She imagines herself in a cradle, then Walter in one, snoring.)
Jelly: We can put all that stuff together. A pillow, a soft blanket, and a cradle and he'll fall right asleep.
Pinch: But I don't think my Dad will fit in a cradle.
Peanut: So we'll build a dad-sized one.
Jelly: Phew. We're gonna need a lot of supplies.
Peanut: I bet Dad'll help.
Pinch: Good thinking, Peanut.
Butter: (waving her arms excitedly) Cwadle, yay!
(Scene change to the Otter household. Opal is shown hanging laundry and she watches with a smile as the kids pass by with a wheelbarrow of supplies.)
Peanut: Thanks for helping out, Dad!
Ernest: (offscreen) My pleasure.
(Everyone chatters noisily and excitedly as they set to work.)
Walter: (walking up to Peanut and Jelly) Kids! Could you please be a little quieter? You're making a terrible racket.
(The kids step aside and present to Walter the finished cradle.)
Pinch: We made it for you, Daddy. To help you sleep.
Walter: A cradle? For me? You really outdid yourselves. What a sweet idea.
(He lays down in it and it starts to rock. An instrumental of Brahm's Lullaby plays.)
Jelly: (rocking the cradle) How does it feel? Comfy?
Walter: Yes, it's very restful. (The headboard breaks and it falls. The camera cuts to Scootch as Walter is heard tumbling.)
Scootch: Oops! Sorry, my fault.
(Walter is shown laying in the broken remains of the cradle.)
Walter: Um, great work, kids, but I guess I'm too big for a cradle.
(Slide wipe to Jelly, who is swinging Butter on a tire swing. The others are standing or sitting around, dejected.)
Jelly: We've tried everything to help Mr. Raccoon sleep.
Peanut: But nothing's worked.
Jelly: (as a ding sound effect plays) Hey, I know something we haven't tried.
Flick: My super-hypnotic magic duck powers? (Scootch covers his mouth and giggles.)
Jelly: No! The Noodle Dance.
(The Noodle Dance sequence begins immediately. The others dance happily while Peanut stands still. Scootch hops over to where he is and dances a bit. Peanut gives in and starts dancing.)
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance.
(A light bulb appears over Jelly's head and the sequence ends.)
Jelly: I've got it!
Pinch: Shh! Not so loud.
Jelly: Right. Shh. That's my idea.
(She goes into a fantasy sequence and glue is shown covering the screen, then all of Lake Hoohaw.)
Jelly: We'll cover all of Lake Hoohaw in glue, so everybody will get stuck and won't be able to move.
Pinch: Sure. If nobody can move, nobody can do anything to wake up my Dad. (The sequence ends.)
Peanut: Great idea. But I don't think we've got enough glue to do that.
Jelly: We'll just have to pretend! Okay? Nobody move!
(Everybody stands completely still. A small branch falls from a tree and Peanut rushes over and catches it before it hits the ground.)
Peanut: Shh.
(Pinch belongs humming melodically.)
Jelly: Shh! What are you doing?!
Pinch: Sorry. I'm humming. But I'll hum softer. This song helps me think.
(Sounds of snoring are heard. Baby Butter has fallen asleep.)
Jelly: It doesn't just help you think. It helps Butter sleep.
Peanut: Yeah. Just like your dad and the birds.
Pinch: Now that gives me and idea.
(The group walks up outside the window. Pinch begins humming and the others join. The larks fly into the tree. The group begins singing a song. As the song begins, Jelly covers Flick's beak.)
~~~Oodelee, Oodelay~~~
[Peanut, Jelly, Pinch]
Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm, mmm, mmm
Oodelee, oodelay
Oodelee, oodelay
Sleep my neighbor
Sleep through the day
All my friends are quiet at play
So sleep as sunlight fills up the sky
Close your eyes and sleep
Oodelee, oodelay
Oodelee, oodelay
(He's asleep!)
(sound of Walter Raccoon snoring, extended instrumental break)
[Peanut, Jelly and Pinch]
Close your eyes and sleep.
(Scene change. The recycling boat is shown from the outside as Walter gives his speech. As Walter continues, he is shown speaking inside.)
Walter: And so, one person's trash is another person's treasure. That's my motto. And as some of the youngsters proved today, a little imagination can help ya' think up the answer to any problem.
(Mayor Jeff is shown wheeling in a birdbath containing the two larks. As Walter continues to speak, sounds of snoring can be heard.)
Walter: I dedicate these recycled things to the energetic and creative kids of Lake Hoohaw.
(Walter looks shocked. The scene changes to show that Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick, Pinch and Scootch are all sound asleep.)
Walter: (as a tinkly instrumental of "Oodelee, Oodelay" plays) Oh my. Did my little speech put them to sleep?
Wanda: (covering Pinch with a blanket) No, dear. They're just totally worn out from trying to put you to sleep.
Walter: (giggling, as the shot shows the outside of the boat) Can you imagine that? Ha ha!
(The adults all laugh and the scene fades to black. During the closing credits, instrumentals of "Theme of Sergeant Gravel" [from "Sergeant Gravel to the Rescue"] and "Oodelee, Oodelay" are played.)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Transcript - Munchy's Sinking Feeling
Be sure to thank Agent0042, because he has provided us with another PB+J Otter transcipt. Thanks!
"Munchy's Sinking Feeling"
Written by Anne Baumgarten and Bruce Shelly
Music for Songs by Jeffrey Lodin, Lyrics for Songs by William Squier
Transcribed by Agent0042
(This story reminds me of "Cry Buggie" from "Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends." Squirt was upset that he wouldn't be able to play soccerberry because he hurt his ankle. He didn't want to cry, though, because Dragon had said that crying was for babies.)
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Chris Phillips as Munchy Beaver
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Chris Phillips as Ernest Otter
Walter Raccoon
Ernest: "Munchy's Sinking Feeling"
(A triumphant theme plays and a toy boat is shown sailing in the water, attached to a small rope.)
Munchy: Smooth waters ahead, Captain! (makes wind noises) Watch out for pirates! Full speed ahead!
Walter: (approaching with his recycling boat) Easy. Easy, now.
(Peanut, Jelly and Pinch are out walking when Jelly spots...)
Jelly: Huh? I don't think Munchy sees the recycling boat.
Peanut: I don't think the recycling boat sees Munchy!
Pinch: (covering her eyes) I don't think I'll watch.
Peanut: Look out, Munchy!
Jelly: Stop! Look out! (sound of clunk and boat shattering)
Munchy: (observing the pieces) My boat!
Walter: Sorry. Really, really sorry. I'll get ya' a new one.
Munchy: Thank you, but I don't want a new one. My dad chewed me that boat special. I've had it since I was born.
Walter: (picking up a bunch of toys) Would you like some of these toys the Snootie Poodles threw out? They toss out bushels of 'em every morning.
Munchy: (as Peanut, Jelly and Pinch approach) No thank you. I think I'll just go home now.
Jelly: We're sorry, Munchy. (Munchy starts to walk away, then stops.)
Peanut: Yeah. We know you loved that boat.
Pinch: It's no wonder you're starting to cry.
Munchy: Cry? No, not me! Never! Babies cry. Wimps cry. I--I'm too big for crying. Maybe I'll see you guys sometime. I gotta go. (He walks away.)
Jelly: We can't let him be this sad!
Peanut: So what can we do?
Jelly: Well, there must be a hundred ways to cheer him up. Hmm. Maybe we can give him something to replace his boat. Like a rock, or a leaf, or... (gasps) Your Bucky Space Beaver doll!
Peanut: Bucky Spacebeaver action figure! (Jelly grabs for it.) Huh?! (grabbing back) A-and I'm keeping him!
Jelly: Munchy'll just play with him for a while!
Peanut: (holding on to the doll) No!
Pinch: I know how you feel, Peanut. I have a favorite doll too.
Peanut: Bucky Spacebeaver is not a doll! He's an action figure!
Pinch: What's the difference?
Peanut: (as a heroic theme plays) He's the fearless conquerer of distant galaxies and unknown asteroids!
Jelly: And right now, Munchy needs to play with him! You could share it for a little while, couldn't you?
Peanut: I could? Yeah, I guess I could. (He hands the doll to Jelly.)
Jelly: (running off) Munchy, wait up? (Peanut frowns.)
Pinch: (approaching Peanut and putting a hand on his shoulder) Jelly's right, Peanut. No matter what it takes to make Munchy feel better, you, I mean, we, should do it.
Peanut: (nonchalant) Yeah, I guess.
Pinch: Ask yourself this, Peanut-- what would Bucky Spacebeaver do if a friend really needed his help?
Peanut: Munchy, Jelly, wait for us! We wanna help!
(Walter Raccoon watches the scene as everyone tries to help Munchy. They head for the Otter family houseboat.)
Peanut: (inside a box decorated like a rocket ship) Okay, Munchy. Pretend I'm trapped up here on this damaged space station. So you and Bucky Spacebeaver have to come and rescue me.
Munchy: I sure wish some superhero could have rescued my boat. (sitting down and putting down the doll) Bucky doesn't feel like going into space right now.
Pinch: (holding a tray of cookies shaped like fish) Have a happy fish cookie, Munchy. Whenever I eat a happy fish cookie, I feel like smiling.
Munchy: (taking the cookie) I used to eat cookies when I played with my boat. (sets down the cookie) Right now, I'm not so hungry.
(Peanut and Pinch shrug. Scene change-- Pinch heads inside the houseboat.)
Pinch: Jelly? Making Munchy happy is going to be harder than we thought.
Jelly: Don't worry, Pinch. When Munchy sees this, he'll bust out laughing. (She presents Butter, who is decorated as a clown.)
Butter: Tee hee hee hee.
Jelly: Show Pinch what we've been practicing.
Butter: Hee hee hee. Hee hee hee. (walks up to Pinch and squirts in the face with water from her bottle)
Pinch: Aaahh!
Butter: (exiting the houseboat) Funny, funny!
Pinch: Uh huh, great. You give that a try. But just in case that doesn't work, I'm going for help. (She leaves. Butter walks to Munchy and taps him on the shoulder.)
Jelly: Butter wants to do a trick I showed her. Okay, Butter!
Butter: Funny, funny! (She does a handstand. Peanut and Jelly giggle unconvincingly.)
Peanut: Wow, that's a big laugh.
Jelly: (speaking at the same time as Peanut) Funny clown!
Munchy: One time I played that my boat took a whole circus across the ocean.
Butter: (standing on her head) Not funny?
(Munchy shakes his head and starts to walk away.)
Peanut and Jelly: Munchy?
Peanut: I've got an idea. Hey, Munchy, how about a real fun game of catch.
(He removes a ball from the pretend spaceship and throws it at Munchy, but Munchy doesn't even try to catch it. It just bounces off his chest.)
Munchy: I don't feel like catch. (turns his back on Peanut)
Peanut: Nothing's working.
Jelly: Pinch went to get Flick. Maybe he can help.
Flick: (from offscreen) Hey, Munchy! (approaches quickly, panting for breath) I hear that...
Munchy: Not me. I'm not crying. That's for sure. I'm not. (sniffles slightly)
Butter: (approaching Flick) Tee hee hee hee!
Flick: (picking Butter up and placing her on his head) Hey! How do you like my clown hat?
Butter: Tee hee hee hee.
Munchy: Yeah. Funny.
Flick: Munchy, speaking of hats, hear's a joke. Why did the turkey cross the road?
Munchy: He was looking for his boat?
Flick: Na-a-ah! The turkey crossed the road...
Jelly: prove he wasn't chicken!
Flick: (looks irritated, but decides to let it go) Yeah! To prove he wasn't chicken!
(He places his hands to the side of head and laughs wildly, then falls on the ground clutches himself laughing.)
Munchy: Oh. Then where was his boat?
Jelly: We're just making him sadder.
Flick: He hasn't heard my best one yet! (gets up and runs back to Munchy) Hey, Munch-- here's one you'll love. Why didn't anyone take the school bus to school?
Munchy: I don't know. Why didn't anyone take the school bus to school?
Flick: Because it wouldn't fit through the door! Ha ha ha ha ha! I quack myself up! Ha ha. Oh, that's even funnier! I quack myself up! A ha, t'cha! I'm a duck, get it?! A ha ha, ha ha ha... (drumroll, Flick places his hands in his head and looks sad.) Tough crowd.
Pinch: (counting on her fingers) Games don't work, clowns don't work, jokes don't work. Well, bad jokes don't work. Nothing works.
Peanut and Jelly: Hmm...
Jelly: Well, Munchy likes funny songs.
Peanut: You're a genius, Jelly! (walks over to Munchy) Hey, Munchy!
~~~Laugh it Out~~~
(Hey, Munchy!)
When you need a giggle
Give a little wiggle
How you gonna pout, waddlin' about?
Try a little wobble
Shakin' like a blobble
Take the way you're feelin' and laugh it out
[Peanut, Jelly, Flick and Pinch]
Go to where the giggles grow, deep down inside
Never knew a hee-hee-ho-ho-ho
Ya' had to hide
Flappin' like a duck-o
Make you wanna chuckle
What's a day without flippin' like a trout?
[Peanut, Jelly, Flick and Pinch]
Feelin' really doofy, get a little goofy
Take the way you're feelin' and laugh it out
Waddle wobble, waddle wiggle
Twirlin' like a whirly-giggle
Take the way you're feeling and laugh it out
(I used to sing songs to my boat.)
Pinch: He's gonna cry.
Peanut: Hey, Munchy, you don't wanna cry. You wanna laugh.
Flick: Yeah. Turn that geezer frown upside-down.
Munchy: What frown? I'm laughing. Eh. Now will everybody just excuse me please? (walks away)
Pinch: Everything we do just makes him sadder and sadder.
Jelly: Then we've gotta do something we haven't thought of yet. Let's noodle!
Pinch: Great idea!
Butter: Noodle, noodle!
(The Noodle Dance sequence begins. Peanut stands still for just a couple of seconds and then starts dancing.)
Noodle, noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Flick: I've got it! A tickle machine! (funky techno music plays as Flick imagines his idea)
Munchy: (giggles uncontrollably as the machine tickles him, fantasy sequence ends)
Jelly: Where do we get one, Flick?
Flick: Uh. Hey, I'm an idea guy. You all can work out the details.
Peanut: That's a pretty big detail, Flick.
Flick: (walking over to the pretend spaceship and sitting down) Yeah, okay, you're right.
Pinch: Flick, you're a genius!
Flick: I always thought so, up 'til now.
Pinch: But you are. That box. It's just what we need.
Flick: It is?
Pinch: Sure. We could use it to build Munchy a big new boat.
(She imagines Munchy sailing out at sea on a big new boat.)
Peanut: (as the fantasy is shown) That box is cardboard, Pinch. I'm afraid it'd get soggy and sink. (The boat is shown sinking.)
Munchy: Whoa, oh! (fantasy sequence ends)
Pinch: Hmm. (imagines new idea) Then we get a special waterproof paint and paint it all over the box. (sequence ends)
Peanut: Great idea! Do we have any waterproof paint?
Pinch: Nope, sorry. But look at Munchy now!
(Munchy is just now picking up the Bucky Spacebeaver doll.)
Pinch: He's got the Bucky Spacebeaver doll.
Peanut: (crossing his arms) It's an action figure!
Jelly: (putting her hand on Peanut's shoulder) Rigght. And I know how we can cheer him up! (poking Peanut in the face) Peanut, you really want to cheer him up, right?
Peanut: Well, yeah.
Jelly: So it's okay? You're with me?
Peanut: (throwing up his hands) Sure, if it makes Munchy happy.
(Jelly walks over to Munchy.)
Jelly: Isn't Bucky Spacebeaver great?
Munchy: Uh yeah, kinda.
Jelly: You can keep him for as long as you want! Right, Peanut?
Peanut: What?! (rubs the back of his head) Well, okay. As long as "as long as he wants" isn't that long.
Jelly: Bucky Spacebeaver's better than any old boat. He won't break, he won't sink, he can be your new favorite toy!
Peanut: (rushing over) Wait!
Jelly: Take it! Keep him! Have fun!
Peanut: (clutching his head) Oh no. I don't think I can do this!
Pinch: (walking up to Jelly) Jelly, this isn't going to work.
Jelly: How come?
(The "camera" briefly shows Peanut wearing a big wobbling frown, as if he's going to cry.)
Pinch: Because now Peanut's gonna cry.
Jelly: You're right. Now we've got two people to try to make happy.
Pinch: (rubbing her right eye) All this sadness is making me feel like crying. (She does, then there is a ding sound effect and she smiles.) There. I feel much better.
Jelly: Wow. Maybe that'll work for Munchy and Peanut! (walking over to Munchy) Go ahead and cry. (walks over to Peanut) It's okay!
Peanut: (shaking his head) Not me. (pokes himself in the chest) I'm not gonna cry. (points to Munchy) Are you?
Munchy: Not me. (puts his arms to the side and adopts a fierce look) Crying is for babies.
Peanut: (eyes closed and finger pointing) Yeah! Big kids don't cry. (He crosses his arms.)
Munchy: (crossing his arms too) No crying! Never!
Peanut and Munchy: Hmph!
(They give each other a look as if coming to an agreement. They then turn face forward and bawl their eyes out. They embrace, then stop crying. Both get looks of surprise, then smile. They release each other.)
Peanut: Hey, I feel better!
Munchy: Yeah, me too. Much better.
Pinch: Sometimes you just have to let your sad feelings out.
Peanut: I guess when ya' have to cry, ya' have to cry.
Munchy: Yeah. (closes his eyes and smiles, points to himself) Even big guys like me.
Peanut: Even anyone. Hey, Munchy, you can play with my Bucky Spacebeaver for as long as you want.
Munchy: (holding out the doll) But he's your favorite.
Peanut: Yeah.
Munchy: You would share your favorite toy with me for as long as I want.
Peanut: It would be okay. I'm not sad anymore.
Munchy: (frowning) Well, I'm still sad about losing my boat, (smiles) but not too sad. Here. (hands back the doll) You wanna play catch?
Peanut: Sure!
Munchy: Come on!
(They race away. Scene change. The two play catch with the ball seen earlier and giggle.)
Peanut: I've got it! Here you go, Munchy!
Flick: (who is watching with the others) I still think my tickle machine would have worked.
Walter: (running towards the group) Oh, there you are, laddie. Been lookin' for you from the recycle boat to Babblberry Hill. (holds out Munchy's boat, ding sound effect) Here.
Munchy: My boat!
Walter: Yep. Felt really bad when I caused that shipwreck. So I fished all the pieces out of the lake and fixed her up.
Peanut: Wow. It looks good as new.
Munchy: Thank you so much, Mr. Raccoon.
Walter: My pleasure. (pats him on the head) Next time, we've both gotta be more careful.
Munchy: Aye aye, sir. Hey, would Bucky Spacebeaver like a boat ride?
Peanut: Would he? Full speed ahead!
(Scene change. The Otter family is out on the deck of the houseboat late at night, just before bedtime.)
Jelly: It makes me sad to think we were just making Munchy sadder.
Peanut: How sad?
Jelly: Well, I'm not gonna cry about it.
Peanut: Go ahead. You'll feel better.
Ernest: The truth is, sometimes I cry.
Opal: Grown-ups do, you know. All right, Butter, it's time for bed.
Butter: (crossing her arms) No bed.
Peanut: Uh oh. Ya' think she's gonna cry?
Jelly: Quick! Get the tickle machine!
(She and butter race over to Butter and they tickle her.)
Peanut and Jelly: Tickle tickle tickle. Ticky ticky ticky.
(The music from the tickle machine fantasy sequence plays. Everyone laughs. During the closing credits, instrumentals of "When Are We Gonna Get There?" and "Laugh it Out" play.
"Munchy's Sinking Feeling"
Written by Anne Baumgarten and Bruce Shelly
Music for Songs by Jeffrey Lodin, Lyrics for Songs by William Squier
Transcribed by Agent0042
(This story reminds me of "Cry Buggie" from "Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends." Squirt was upset that he wouldn't be able to play soccerberry because he hurt his ankle. He didn't want to cry, though, because Dragon had said that crying was for babies.)
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Chris Phillips as Munchy Beaver
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Chris Phillips as Ernest Otter
Walter Raccoon
Ernest: "Munchy's Sinking Feeling"
(A triumphant theme plays and a toy boat is shown sailing in the water, attached to a small rope.)
Munchy: Smooth waters ahead, Captain! (makes wind noises) Watch out for pirates! Full speed ahead!
Walter: (approaching with his recycling boat) Easy. Easy, now.
(Peanut, Jelly and Pinch are out walking when Jelly spots...)
Jelly: Huh? I don't think Munchy sees the recycling boat.
Peanut: I don't think the recycling boat sees Munchy!
Pinch: (covering her eyes) I don't think I'll watch.
Peanut: Look out, Munchy!
Jelly: Stop! Look out! (sound of clunk and boat shattering)
Munchy: (observing the pieces) My boat!
Walter: Sorry. Really, really sorry. I'll get ya' a new one.
Munchy: Thank you, but I don't want a new one. My dad chewed me that boat special. I've had it since I was born.
Walter: (picking up a bunch of toys) Would you like some of these toys the Snootie Poodles threw out? They toss out bushels of 'em every morning.
Munchy: (as Peanut, Jelly and Pinch approach) No thank you. I think I'll just go home now.
Jelly: We're sorry, Munchy. (Munchy starts to walk away, then stops.)
Peanut: Yeah. We know you loved that boat.
Pinch: It's no wonder you're starting to cry.
Munchy: Cry? No, not me! Never! Babies cry. Wimps cry. I--I'm too big for crying. Maybe I'll see you guys sometime. I gotta go. (He walks away.)
Jelly: We can't let him be this sad!
Peanut: So what can we do?
Jelly: Well, there must be a hundred ways to cheer him up. Hmm. Maybe we can give him something to replace his boat. Like a rock, or a leaf, or... (gasps) Your Bucky Space Beaver doll!
Peanut: Bucky Spacebeaver action figure! (Jelly grabs for it.) Huh?! (grabbing back) A-and I'm keeping him!
Jelly: Munchy'll just play with him for a while!
Peanut: (holding on to the doll) No!
Pinch: I know how you feel, Peanut. I have a favorite doll too.
Peanut: Bucky Spacebeaver is not a doll! He's an action figure!
Pinch: What's the difference?
Peanut: (as a heroic theme plays) He's the fearless conquerer of distant galaxies and unknown asteroids!
Jelly: And right now, Munchy needs to play with him! You could share it for a little while, couldn't you?
Peanut: I could? Yeah, I guess I could. (He hands the doll to Jelly.)
Jelly: (running off) Munchy, wait up? (Peanut frowns.)
Pinch: (approaching Peanut and putting a hand on his shoulder) Jelly's right, Peanut. No matter what it takes to make Munchy feel better, you, I mean, we, should do it.
Peanut: (nonchalant) Yeah, I guess.
Pinch: Ask yourself this, Peanut-- what would Bucky Spacebeaver do if a friend really needed his help?
Peanut: Munchy, Jelly, wait for us! We wanna help!
(Walter Raccoon watches the scene as everyone tries to help Munchy. They head for the Otter family houseboat.)
Peanut: (inside a box decorated like a rocket ship) Okay, Munchy. Pretend I'm trapped up here on this damaged space station. So you and Bucky Spacebeaver have to come and rescue me.
Munchy: I sure wish some superhero could have rescued my boat. (sitting down and putting down the doll) Bucky doesn't feel like going into space right now.
Pinch: (holding a tray of cookies shaped like fish) Have a happy fish cookie, Munchy. Whenever I eat a happy fish cookie, I feel like smiling.
Munchy: (taking the cookie) I used to eat cookies when I played with my boat. (sets down the cookie) Right now, I'm not so hungry.
(Peanut and Pinch shrug. Scene change-- Pinch heads inside the houseboat.)
Pinch: Jelly? Making Munchy happy is going to be harder than we thought.
Jelly: Don't worry, Pinch. When Munchy sees this, he'll bust out laughing. (She presents Butter, who is decorated as a clown.)
Butter: Tee hee hee hee.
Jelly: Show Pinch what we've been practicing.
Butter: Hee hee hee. Hee hee hee. (walks up to Pinch and squirts in the face with water from her bottle)
Pinch: Aaahh!
Butter: (exiting the houseboat) Funny, funny!
Pinch: Uh huh, great. You give that a try. But just in case that doesn't work, I'm going for help. (She leaves. Butter walks to Munchy and taps him on the shoulder.)
Jelly: Butter wants to do a trick I showed her. Okay, Butter!
Butter: Funny, funny! (She does a handstand. Peanut and Jelly giggle unconvincingly.)
Peanut: Wow, that's a big laugh.
Jelly: (speaking at the same time as Peanut) Funny clown!
Munchy: One time I played that my boat took a whole circus across the ocean.
Butter: (standing on her head) Not funny?
(Munchy shakes his head and starts to walk away.)
Peanut and Jelly: Munchy?
Peanut: I've got an idea. Hey, Munchy, how about a real fun game of catch.
(He removes a ball from the pretend spaceship and throws it at Munchy, but Munchy doesn't even try to catch it. It just bounces off his chest.)
Munchy: I don't feel like catch. (turns his back on Peanut)
Peanut: Nothing's working.
Jelly: Pinch went to get Flick. Maybe he can help.
Flick: (from offscreen) Hey, Munchy! (approaches quickly, panting for breath) I hear that...
Munchy: Not me. I'm not crying. That's for sure. I'm not. (sniffles slightly)
Butter: (approaching Flick) Tee hee hee hee!
Flick: (picking Butter up and placing her on his head) Hey! How do you like my clown hat?
Butter: Tee hee hee hee.
Munchy: Yeah. Funny.
Flick: Munchy, speaking of hats, hear's a joke. Why did the turkey cross the road?
Munchy: He was looking for his boat?
Flick: Na-a-ah! The turkey crossed the road...
Jelly: prove he wasn't chicken!
Flick: (looks irritated, but decides to let it go) Yeah! To prove he wasn't chicken!
(He places his hands to the side of head and laughs wildly, then falls on the ground clutches himself laughing.)
Munchy: Oh. Then where was his boat?
Jelly: We're just making him sadder.
Flick: He hasn't heard my best one yet! (gets up and runs back to Munchy) Hey, Munch-- here's one you'll love. Why didn't anyone take the school bus to school?
Munchy: I don't know. Why didn't anyone take the school bus to school?
Flick: Because it wouldn't fit through the door! Ha ha ha ha ha! I quack myself up! Ha ha. Oh, that's even funnier! I quack myself up! A ha, t'cha! I'm a duck, get it?! A ha ha, ha ha ha... (drumroll, Flick places his hands in his head and looks sad.) Tough crowd.
Pinch: (counting on her fingers) Games don't work, clowns don't work, jokes don't work. Well, bad jokes don't work. Nothing works.
Peanut and Jelly: Hmm...
Jelly: Well, Munchy likes funny songs.
Peanut: You're a genius, Jelly! (walks over to Munchy) Hey, Munchy!
~~~Laugh it Out~~~
(Hey, Munchy!)
When you need a giggle
Give a little wiggle
How you gonna pout, waddlin' about?
Try a little wobble
Shakin' like a blobble
Take the way you're feelin' and laugh it out
[Peanut, Jelly, Flick and Pinch]
Go to where the giggles grow, deep down inside
Never knew a hee-hee-ho-ho-ho
Ya' had to hide
Flappin' like a duck-o
Make you wanna chuckle
What's a day without flippin' like a trout?
[Peanut, Jelly, Flick and Pinch]
Feelin' really doofy, get a little goofy
Take the way you're feelin' and laugh it out
Waddle wobble, waddle wiggle
Twirlin' like a whirly-giggle
Take the way you're feeling and laugh it out
(I used to sing songs to my boat.)
Pinch: He's gonna cry.
Peanut: Hey, Munchy, you don't wanna cry. You wanna laugh.
Flick: Yeah. Turn that geezer frown upside-down.
Munchy: What frown? I'm laughing. Eh. Now will everybody just excuse me please? (walks away)
Pinch: Everything we do just makes him sadder and sadder.
Jelly: Then we've gotta do something we haven't thought of yet. Let's noodle!
Pinch: Great idea!
Butter: Noodle, noodle!
(The Noodle Dance sequence begins. Peanut stands still for just a couple of seconds and then starts dancing.)
Noodle, noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Flick: I've got it! A tickle machine! (funky techno music plays as Flick imagines his idea)
Munchy: (giggles uncontrollably as the machine tickles him, fantasy sequence ends)
Jelly: Where do we get one, Flick?
Flick: Uh. Hey, I'm an idea guy. You all can work out the details.
Peanut: That's a pretty big detail, Flick.
Flick: (walking over to the pretend spaceship and sitting down) Yeah, okay, you're right.
Pinch: Flick, you're a genius!
Flick: I always thought so, up 'til now.
Pinch: But you are. That box. It's just what we need.
Flick: It is?
Pinch: Sure. We could use it to build Munchy a big new boat.
(She imagines Munchy sailing out at sea on a big new boat.)
Peanut: (as the fantasy is shown) That box is cardboard, Pinch. I'm afraid it'd get soggy and sink. (The boat is shown sinking.)
Munchy: Whoa, oh! (fantasy sequence ends)
Pinch: Hmm. (imagines new idea) Then we get a special waterproof paint and paint it all over the box. (sequence ends)
Peanut: Great idea! Do we have any waterproof paint?
Pinch: Nope, sorry. But look at Munchy now!
(Munchy is just now picking up the Bucky Spacebeaver doll.)
Pinch: He's got the Bucky Spacebeaver doll.
Peanut: (crossing his arms) It's an action figure!
Jelly: (putting her hand on Peanut's shoulder) Rigght. And I know how we can cheer him up! (poking Peanut in the face) Peanut, you really want to cheer him up, right?
Peanut: Well, yeah.
Jelly: So it's okay? You're with me?
Peanut: (throwing up his hands) Sure, if it makes Munchy happy.
(Jelly walks over to Munchy.)
Jelly: Isn't Bucky Spacebeaver great?
Munchy: Uh yeah, kinda.
Jelly: You can keep him for as long as you want! Right, Peanut?
Peanut: What?! (rubs the back of his head) Well, okay. As long as "as long as he wants" isn't that long.
Jelly: Bucky Spacebeaver's better than any old boat. He won't break, he won't sink, he can be your new favorite toy!
Peanut: (rushing over) Wait!
Jelly: Take it! Keep him! Have fun!
Peanut: (clutching his head) Oh no. I don't think I can do this!
Pinch: (walking up to Jelly) Jelly, this isn't going to work.
Jelly: How come?
(The "camera" briefly shows Peanut wearing a big wobbling frown, as if he's going to cry.)
Pinch: Because now Peanut's gonna cry.
Jelly: You're right. Now we've got two people to try to make happy.
Pinch: (rubbing her right eye) All this sadness is making me feel like crying. (She does, then there is a ding sound effect and she smiles.) There. I feel much better.
Jelly: Wow. Maybe that'll work for Munchy and Peanut! (walking over to Munchy) Go ahead and cry. (walks over to Peanut) It's okay!
Peanut: (shaking his head) Not me. (pokes himself in the chest) I'm not gonna cry. (points to Munchy) Are you?
Munchy: Not me. (puts his arms to the side and adopts a fierce look) Crying is for babies.
Peanut: (eyes closed and finger pointing) Yeah! Big kids don't cry. (He crosses his arms.)
Munchy: (crossing his arms too) No crying! Never!
Peanut and Munchy: Hmph!
(They give each other a look as if coming to an agreement. They then turn face forward and bawl their eyes out. They embrace, then stop crying. Both get looks of surprise, then smile. They release each other.)
Peanut: Hey, I feel better!
Munchy: Yeah, me too. Much better.
Pinch: Sometimes you just have to let your sad feelings out.
Peanut: I guess when ya' have to cry, ya' have to cry.
Munchy: Yeah. (closes his eyes and smiles, points to himself) Even big guys like me.
Peanut: Even anyone. Hey, Munchy, you can play with my Bucky Spacebeaver for as long as you want.
Munchy: (holding out the doll) But he's your favorite.
Peanut: Yeah.
Munchy: You would share your favorite toy with me for as long as I want.
Peanut: It would be okay. I'm not sad anymore.
Munchy: (frowning) Well, I'm still sad about losing my boat, (smiles) but not too sad. Here. (hands back the doll) You wanna play catch?
Peanut: Sure!
Munchy: Come on!
(They race away. Scene change. The two play catch with the ball seen earlier and giggle.)
Peanut: I've got it! Here you go, Munchy!
Flick: (who is watching with the others) I still think my tickle machine would have worked.
Walter: (running towards the group) Oh, there you are, laddie. Been lookin' for you from the recycle boat to Babblberry Hill. (holds out Munchy's boat, ding sound effect) Here.
Munchy: My boat!
Walter: Yep. Felt really bad when I caused that shipwreck. So I fished all the pieces out of the lake and fixed her up.
Peanut: Wow. It looks good as new.
Munchy: Thank you so much, Mr. Raccoon.
Walter: My pleasure. (pats him on the head) Next time, we've both gotta be more careful.
Munchy: Aye aye, sir. Hey, would Bucky Spacebeaver like a boat ride?
Peanut: Would he? Full speed ahead!
(Scene change. The Otter family is out on the deck of the houseboat late at night, just before bedtime.)
Jelly: It makes me sad to think we were just making Munchy sadder.
Peanut: How sad?
Jelly: Well, I'm not gonna cry about it.
Peanut: Go ahead. You'll feel better.
Ernest: The truth is, sometimes I cry.
Opal: Grown-ups do, you know. All right, Butter, it's time for bed.
Butter: (crossing her arms) No bed.
Peanut: Uh oh. Ya' think she's gonna cry?
Jelly: Quick! Get the tickle machine!
(She and butter race over to Butter and they tickle her.)
Peanut and Jelly: Tickle tickle tickle. Ticky ticky ticky.
(The music from the tickle machine fantasy sequence plays. Everyone laughs. During the closing credits, instrumentals of "When Are We Gonna Get There?" and "Laugh it Out" play.
PB&J Otter - Season 4 Episode 1 is complete
Finally, I have made the last of my edits and additions to the script, and "Lights, Camera, Otter" is finally complete. You can read it through this link:
I will be running a poll for everyone to say if they liked it or not. I'm starting work on "Scootch and the Magic Tree" right now. I can't say exactly when I'll be done with it, but once I've got enough done, I'll post a preview on Scribd.
Oodelay, PB&J Fans!
I will be running a poll for everyone to say if they liked it or not. I'm starting work on "Scootch and the Magic Tree" right now. I can't say exactly when I'll be done with it, but once I've got enough done, I'll post a preview on Scribd.
Oodelay, PB&J Fans!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
New Episodes for Season 4
I'm really sorry for not posting in a month and a day. Things just got in the way. But I have many new episodes planned for Season 4. Here are some of them.
Needle Little Help:
Flick tells Scootch about getting shots. That night, he has a nightmare, and he is shocked to find out that the next day, he has to get a shot himself. His friends try to come up with a way to help him realize that shots aren't so bad.
- Scootch talks more than usual in this episode, but his vocabulary is still limited.
- Scootch's nightmare has scenes like these ones that I have sketched out:

Another Singin' Kid:
The kids are going to perform a singing concert for everyone in Lake Hoohaw. Flick is nervous about it, mainly because he doesn't sing very well. What will he do now?
- This episode is paired with the above one.
- This is the first time we see Flick crying
- This episode idea comes from a dream I had that was like this:
I was Flick for some weird reason. It was announced that there was a singing concert on Lake Hoohaw that the kids were preparing for. While in PB&J's room, PB&J tried to help me improve my singing since, of course, I felt that I was a horrible singer.
The first day of practice came and I was nervous. I actually ended up singing perfectly until the very end where I sang off-key. I said that the practice was pretty good. Peanut then said that it was actually the concert. "What?? I thought this was practice, and you're telling me this was the real thing?!" I asked in shock. "Yeah, but--" Jelly started. "Forget it," I said. "I'm outta here."
I ran into the woods where I sat on a rock and decided to cry on a rock before I woke up (yes, my dreams are sometimes like that). The kids came to me and Jelly asked, "Flick, are you crying?" "Yeah. I'm crying. What are you going to do about it?" I replied sarcastically. Pinch said, "It's okay, Flick. Nobody noticed that you messed up." "Sure they did," I said, still sarcastically. "They have ears!"
That was when I woke up.
- Flick's sarcasm will be toned down due to it being extreme for the show.
Oodelay, Bikini Bottom:
Sandy has almost everyone in Bikini Bottom gathered into her treedome where she presents her newest invention--a new and improved version of the device that morphed SpongeBob and Squidward together in "SquidBob TentaclePants." She has everyone come inside to test it out. It does teleport them somewhere, but it still malfunctions. Instead of teleporting them to somewhere in Bikini Bottom, it teleports them right into Lake Hoohaw--a completely different dimension.
Mayor Jeff notices an octopus (Squidward) in the water. "Oh no. Not another sea monster" he says, referencing "The Thing That Almost Ate Hoohaw." He then relizes that it is, in fact, an octopus. The kids end up finding out about this and go with Mayor Jeff to get a closer look.
When they go inside Mayor Jeff's submarine and see the majority of Bikni Bottom's residents, they are at first scared to approach them. But the kids come to the conclusion that it would be best to give it a try rather than just avoid them and not bother to even find out who they are.
Fortunately, because the ever-prepared Sandy brought water helmets, the Binki Bottom residents are able to go onto the surface instead of staying in the water. Everyone is introduced. They all becomes friends and start having fun with each other. SpongeBob and Patrick are instant fans of the Noodle Dance, and SpongeBob tries to do all he can to get Squidward to do it.
But later, it turns out that there are still some citizens of Bikini Bottom left, one of which includes Plankton. Plankton has stolen the Krabby Patty formula and is making more Krabby Patties than you can count, making buckets of money from those of the Biknibottomites that are still there.
Sandy has to build a new teleportation device to get them back to Bikini Bottom. But the problem is, she doesn't have the right parts with her. The Snooties, as one would expect, have them, though. But how can everyone convince them to share their parts?
- This is a movie-length idea.
- This is the first PB&J Otter crossover.
- SpongeBob and Patrick sleep in PB&J's old bed.
The Long, Long Wait:
Jelly sees a Limited Edition Commander Casserole and Lord Gravy Action Figure Set advertised on TV, and she really wants it. So, she sends in to have it delivered. The problem is, she is so anxious to get it that she litterally sits by the dock and waits...and waits...and waits... Will anything draw her away from there?
- An annual Pompalope Festival plays in this episode.
- In one scene, a section of the audio from the song, "The Legend of Johnny Pompalope," can be heard.
Zit's No Big Deal:
Peanut looks in the bathroom mirror one day and notices that he has a zit on his face. He does whatever he can to hide it, but it becomes a bigger and bigger challenge to hide overtime. Can he get the courage to tell his parents about it before he goes crazy?
- This is the first time any character is seen with acne.
- The title is a parody of the song, "It's No Big Deal," from "Munchy's No Big Deal."
- This episode is paired with the below one.
Peanut's Bad Habit:
Peanut has a bad habit of biting his nails, but it's getting worse and worse by the minute. Can anything help him learn to control his habit?
- Peanut tells lies in this episode in a similar way that he did in "Bagpipe Blues."
- Peanut struggles to Noodle Dance, due to the fact that he's trying to cover his zit.
Sorry. I have a lot more ideas, but I have forgotten some of them, though one of my friends has saved a lot of them. I will add those missing ones once I am able to.
Needle Little Help:
Flick tells Scootch about getting shots. That night, he has a nightmare, and he is shocked to find out that the next day, he has to get a shot himself. His friends try to come up with a way to help him realize that shots aren't so bad.
- Scootch talks more than usual in this episode, but his vocabulary is still limited.
- Scootch's nightmare has scenes like these ones that I have sketched out:

Another Singin' Kid:
The kids are going to perform a singing concert for everyone in Lake Hoohaw. Flick is nervous about it, mainly because he doesn't sing very well. What will he do now?
- This episode is paired with the above one.
- This is the first time we see Flick crying
- This episode idea comes from a dream I had that was like this:
I was Flick for some weird reason. It was announced that there was a singing concert on Lake Hoohaw that the kids were preparing for. While in PB&J's room, PB&J tried to help me improve my singing since, of course, I felt that I was a horrible singer.
The first day of practice came and I was nervous. I actually ended up singing perfectly until the very end where I sang off-key. I said that the practice was pretty good. Peanut then said that it was actually the concert. "What?? I thought this was practice, and you're telling me this was the real thing?!" I asked in shock. "Yeah, but--" Jelly started. "Forget it," I said. "I'm outta here."
I ran into the woods where I sat on a rock and decided to cry on a rock before I woke up (yes, my dreams are sometimes like that). The kids came to me and Jelly asked, "Flick, are you crying?" "Yeah. I'm crying. What are you going to do about it?" I replied sarcastically. Pinch said, "It's okay, Flick. Nobody noticed that you messed up." "Sure they did," I said, still sarcastically. "They have ears!"
That was when I woke up.
- Flick's sarcasm will be toned down due to it being extreme for the show.
Oodelay, Bikini Bottom:
Sandy has almost everyone in Bikini Bottom gathered into her treedome where she presents her newest invention--a new and improved version of the device that morphed SpongeBob and Squidward together in "SquidBob TentaclePants." She has everyone come inside to test it out. It does teleport them somewhere, but it still malfunctions. Instead of teleporting them to somewhere in Bikini Bottom, it teleports them right into Lake Hoohaw--a completely different dimension.
Mayor Jeff notices an octopus (Squidward) in the water. "Oh no. Not another sea monster" he says, referencing "The Thing That Almost Ate Hoohaw." He then relizes that it is, in fact, an octopus. The kids end up finding out about this and go with Mayor Jeff to get a closer look.
When they go inside Mayor Jeff's submarine and see the majority of Bikni Bottom's residents, they are at first scared to approach them. But the kids come to the conclusion that it would be best to give it a try rather than just avoid them and not bother to even find out who they are.
Fortunately, because the ever-prepared Sandy brought water helmets, the Binki Bottom residents are able to go onto the surface instead of staying in the water. Everyone is introduced. They all becomes friends and start having fun with each other. SpongeBob and Patrick are instant fans of the Noodle Dance, and SpongeBob tries to do all he can to get Squidward to do it.
But later, it turns out that there are still some citizens of Bikini Bottom left, one of which includes Plankton. Plankton has stolen the Krabby Patty formula and is making more Krabby Patties than you can count, making buckets of money from those of the Biknibottomites that are still there.
Sandy has to build a new teleportation device to get them back to Bikini Bottom. But the problem is, she doesn't have the right parts with her. The Snooties, as one would expect, have them, though. But how can everyone convince them to share their parts?
- This is a movie-length idea.
- This is the first PB&J Otter crossover.
- SpongeBob and Patrick sleep in PB&J's old bed.
The Long, Long Wait:
Jelly sees a Limited Edition Commander Casserole and Lord Gravy Action Figure Set advertised on TV, and she really wants it. So, she sends in to have it delivered. The problem is, she is so anxious to get it that she litterally sits by the dock and waits...and waits...and waits... Will anything draw her away from there?
- An annual Pompalope Festival plays in this episode.
- In one scene, a section of the audio from the song, "The Legend of Johnny Pompalope," can be heard.
Zit's No Big Deal:
Peanut looks in the bathroom mirror one day and notices that he has a zit on his face. He does whatever he can to hide it, but it becomes a bigger and bigger challenge to hide overtime. Can he get the courage to tell his parents about it before he goes crazy?
- This is the first time any character is seen with acne.
- The title is a parody of the song, "It's No Big Deal," from "Munchy's No Big Deal."
- This episode is paired with the below one.
Peanut's Bad Habit:
Peanut has a bad habit of biting his nails, but it's getting worse and worse by the minute. Can anything help him learn to control his habit?
- Peanut tells lies in this episode in a similar way that he did in "Bagpipe Blues."
- Peanut struggles to Noodle Dance, due to the fact that he's trying to cover his zit.
Sorry. I have a lot more ideas, but I have forgotten some of them, though one of my friends has saved a lot of them. I will add those missing ones once I am able to.
Friday, July 24, 2009
More for the Season 4 Fanfics
I have been talking with my friends, and we've come up with more episode ideas:
Hiccup and At 'Em:
Scootch gets the hiccups and everyone tries to find a way to cure them. However, none of their ideas are working.
- This episode is paired with the episode below.
- Scootch appologizes for each hiccup.
The Mysterious Sleepwalker:
Munchy has a problem. Every night, he walks in his sleep and unknowingly causes chaos on Lake Hoohaw. Everyone tries to find a way to stop this, but how can they break something like that?
- This is a sequel to Munchy's No Big Deal.
- Flick dreams of fighting crime with Mallard Man in some scenes.
Stuck on Jelly:
Scootch starts to develop a crush on Jelly, but he gets nervous around her.
- This is paired with the episode below.
Babysitting Gone Wild:
Wanda (Pinch and Scootch's mom) asks Pinch to watch Scootch for the day while she's at work. But Pinch attends Ballet School that same day. With that, she asks Jelly to babysit Scootch for her. Jelly accepts, but can she handle it?
- This takes place after the episode before.
The New Neighbors:
A family of squirrels moves into Lake Hoohaw, but everyone is hesitant to get to know them, thus they start making up rumors about them.
- The names of the Squirrel family are:
Father: Scott Squirrel
Mother: Sarah Squirrel
Sister 1: Samantha Squirrel
Sister 2: Sophie Squirrel
Brother 1: Sammy Squirrel
Brother 2: Steve Squirrel
- This is a double-length episode.
Scootch's Birthday:
Scootch is very excited because today is his birthday. But one of the characters* has forgotten about it.
*We're going to have a vote on who forgets his birthday!
- This is the first time we see Scootch's birthday celebrated.
- This is paired with the episode below.
Flick sees wrestling on TV and decides that he wants to become a wrestler himself. His friends try to show him how crazy that idea is.
- This is the first time there has ever been wrestling in the show. (The violence in the wrestling is extremely toned down for obvious reasons)
Munchy Hearts Art:
Everybody is painting their own pictures. They all like each other's paintings--except for Munchy's. They unintentionally make him feel bad about his painting, so he vows to never paint another thing again.
- This is paired with the below episode.
- This is the first time everyone has been shown painting in a group.
Make Way for the Bully:
Peanut encounters a bully named "Horseradish" on Lake Hoohaw one day. He doesn't go away, so he has to figure out how to deal with him.
- This is the first time an actual bully is shown in the show.
I'm Not Peanut:
Peanut gets a bump on his head and gets the idea that he is Jelly. The others try to figure out how to get him to realize that he is not Jelly and restore his memory.
- Peanut says a lot of the things that Jelly would normally throughout the period of time in the episode that he thinks he's Jelly.
- This is paired with the below episode.
Scootch's Beginnings:
Everyone recalls the day that the Raccoons moved into Lake Hoohaw and how they didn't like Scootch at first, but Butter convinced them that he wasn't as bad as they thought he was.
- Sequel to Bubbles' Beginnings.
Without Scootch:
Scootch has done so much damage lately that Pinch decides that she wishes she never had a little brother. That night, she has a dream where she lives with Wanda and Walter as an only child.
- This is the first time we see a chacter's dream for an extended period of time.
- This a double-length episode.
Whew! That's a lot of episodes. It took me forever to type this up. There are more my friends and I have come up with, but I'll get to posting those later because I've got other stuff I need to do.
Oodelay, PB&J fans!
Hiccup and At 'Em:
Scootch gets the hiccups and everyone tries to find a way to cure them. However, none of their ideas are working.
- This episode is paired with the episode below.
- Scootch appologizes for each hiccup.
The Mysterious Sleepwalker:
Munchy has a problem. Every night, he walks in his sleep and unknowingly causes chaos on Lake Hoohaw. Everyone tries to find a way to stop this, but how can they break something like that?
- This is a sequel to Munchy's No Big Deal.
- Flick dreams of fighting crime with Mallard Man in some scenes.
Stuck on Jelly:
Scootch starts to develop a crush on Jelly, but he gets nervous around her.
- This is paired with the episode below.
Babysitting Gone Wild:
Wanda (Pinch and Scootch's mom) asks Pinch to watch Scootch for the day while she's at work. But Pinch attends Ballet School that same day. With that, she asks Jelly to babysit Scootch for her. Jelly accepts, but can she handle it?
- This takes place after the episode before.
The New Neighbors:
A family of squirrels moves into Lake Hoohaw, but everyone is hesitant to get to know them, thus they start making up rumors about them.
- The names of the Squirrel family are:
Father: Scott Squirrel
Mother: Sarah Squirrel
Sister 1: Samantha Squirrel
Sister 2: Sophie Squirrel
Brother 1: Sammy Squirrel
Brother 2: Steve Squirrel
- This is a double-length episode.
Scootch's Birthday:
Scootch is very excited because today is his birthday. But one of the characters* has forgotten about it.
*We're going to have a vote on who forgets his birthday!
- This is the first time we see Scootch's birthday celebrated.
- This is paired with the episode below.
Flick sees wrestling on TV and decides that he wants to become a wrestler himself. His friends try to show him how crazy that idea is.
- This is the first time there has ever been wrestling in the show. (The violence in the wrestling is extremely toned down for obvious reasons)
Munchy Hearts Art:
Everybody is painting their own pictures. They all like each other's paintings--except for Munchy's. They unintentionally make him feel bad about his painting, so he vows to never paint another thing again.
- This is paired with the below episode.
- This is the first time everyone has been shown painting in a group.
Make Way for the Bully:
Peanut encounters a bully named "Horseradish" on Lake Hoohaw one day. He doesn't go away, so he has to figure out how to deal with him.
- This is the first time an actual bully is shown in the show.
I'm Not Peanut:
Peanut gets a bump on his head and gets the idea that he is Jelly. The others try to figure out how to get him to realize that he is not Jelly and restore his memory.
- Peanut says a lot of the things that Jelly would normally throughout the period of time in the episode that he thinks he's Jelly.
- This is paired with the below episode.
Scootch's Beginnings:
Everyone recalls the day that the Raccoons moved into Lake Hoohaw and how they didn't like Scootch at first, but Butter convinced them that he wasn't as bad as they thought he was.
- Sequel to Bubbles' Beginnings.
Without Scootch:
Scootch has done so much damage lately that Pinch decides that she wishes she never had a little brother. That night, she has a dream where she lives with Wanda and Walter as an only child.
- This is the first time we see a chacter's dream for an extended period of time.
- This a double-length episode.
Whew! That's a lot of episodes. It took me forever to type this up. There are more my friends and I have come up with, but I'll get to posting those later because I've got other stuff I need to do.
Oodelay, PB&J fans!
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