Here's another transcript, courtesy of Agent0042. Thanks!
"Hope Castle"
Written by Michael Maurer
Songs by Fred Newman (Annie-nominated), Dan Sawyer (Annie-nominated), Rich Mendoza, and Michael Maurer
Transcribed by Agent0042
(Thank you, Mr. Maurer, for making it easy on me by including so many songs, cutting down on the time it took to transcribe this. Great guest spot by Carmen Carter, performing "Hope Will Carry Us Through.")
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Chris Phillips as Ernest Otter
Chris Phillips as Cap'n Crane
Jackie Hoffman as Mrs. Connie Crane
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Eddie Korbich as Ootsie Snooty
Eddie Korbich as Bootsie Snooty
Bruce Bayley Johnson as Mayor Jeff
Chris Phillips as Munchy Beaver
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Cody Pennes as Scootch Raccoon
Jelly: "Hope Castle"
Mayor Jeff: And that's why every year, we take a holiday to honor the heroic Captain Gazpacho, finder and founder of Lake Hoohaw and builder of Fort Gazpacho. And as a constant reminder of our glorious past, this mighty fort still stands strong and proud. (He leans too hard against a wooden post. It falls over and so does he.) Ooh, uh, ooh. Well, mostly anyway.
Flick: Wow.
Peanut: That was a great tour, Mayor Jeff.
Flick: Thanks, Mayor Jeff. See ya'!
Jelly: See ya', Mayor Jeff.
Peanut: Wow, Fort Gazpacho is so cool.
Jelly: The coolest.
Ootsie: Are you kidding? It's all old and full of holes.
Bootsie: And no hot tub.
Ootsie and Bootsie: What's up with that?
Peanut: They didn't have hot tubs when Captain Gazpacho found Lake Hoohaw.
Jelly: Fort Gazpacho is over two hundred years old.
Munchy: That's older than my Dad.
Pinch: That's older than my Dad's favorite shirt.
Flick: Cheese and quackers, guys. That's practically forever!
(Everyone keeps walking along, but Jelly suddenly stops. There is a "ding" sound.)
Jelly: Wouldn't it be great to make something that lasts forever? Something that people would remember us by.
Bootsie: Our parents have already taken care of that. (She and Ootsie gesture towards something in the distance.)
Ootsie: Behold,
Ootsie and Bootsie: Mount Snootiemore! (A mountain with their faces in the style of Mount Rushmore is shown in the distance. Construction workers can be seen, hard at work on it.)
Ootsie: Oh, don't we look absolutely monumental?
Bootsie: Uh, oh no! Look, Ootsie. They made my nose too big!
Ootsie: Mine too! Whatever will we do? (They run away screaming.)
Peanut: So what could we make, Jelly?
Jelly: I bet if we Noodle Danced, we could think of something to make that would last forever.
Flick: How 'bout carving our faces in babbleberry pie.
Jelly: I don't think that would last forever, Flick.
Flick: I don't think it would last till dinner. It's my love of pie that'll last forever.
Peanut: I think we need to keep thinking then.
Jelly: We need to Noodle Dance.
Peanut: I'll noodle, but I won't dance.
Noodle, noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance
(As usual, Peanut quickly joins in the dancing. Jelly gets an idea.)
Jelly: I got it! How 'bout a Sphinx?
Flick: Hey, who ya' sayin' stinks?
Jelly: No. A Sphinx.
Peanut: You mean one of those really old Egyptian statue thingies?
Jelly: Yeah.
(She and Peanut begin dancing like Egyptians. A song begins.)
~~~ Make it Last ~~~
We can do it, something great
Make it last
[Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Flick and Pinch]
We can do it, just can't wait
Make it last
Make it last till the seas run dry
[Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Munchy, Flick, Pinch and Scootch]
Until the sands of time go by
Make it last together
[Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Munchy, Flick, Pinch and Scootch]
Forever, remember, make it last
(I know, how 'bout a skyscraper?)
We can build it, something grand
Make it last
[Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Flick, Pinch]
We'll be proud to see it stand
Make it last
Something sturdy, something high
All the way up to the sky
[Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Flick, Pinch]
Make it last together
Forever, remember, make it last!
(Maybe we could make a giant dam!)
We can make it out of wood
Make it last
[Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Flick, Pinch]
Carve it, stack it, like we should
Make it last
Strong as it can be
Hold the water, stop the sea
[Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Flick, Pinch]
Make it last together
Forever, remember, make it last!
Make it last!
(The song ends and Munchy expounds upon his dam idea.)
Munchy: A giant dam, made from a bazillion logs. That oughta last a while.
Flick: How we gonna get a bazillion logs?
Jelly: It doesn't have to be big and fancy for people to remember it.
(Butter is shown having constructed the start of a sandcastle from a pail.)
Butter: Tee hee hee hee. Tee hee hee hee.
Jelly: That's it! We'll make a sandcastle!
Flick: A sandcastle?! That's so dinky. Nobody's gonna come to see that.
Jelly: Yes, they will. We'll make it so big and cool that even Captain Gazpacho would be impressed. What do you say, ya'll? Wanna do it?
Peanut: Well, I don't know.
Munchy: I only work in wood.
Jelly: Come on. You guys can help us too!
Pinch: We could?
Flick: Yeah, we could, except we're gonna play hide-and-seek instead. You guys comin'?
Munchy: Yeah! ... Uh, no.
Peanut: Uh, we'll catch up with you, Flick.
Flick: Have it your way. But you don't know what you're missing.
(Everyone runs off except Munchy and PB&J.)
Jelly: We can play hide-and-seek anytime. But makin' a sandcastle that will last forever, now that's a really big deal!
Butter: (bringing over a bucket and shovel) Dig! Dig!
Jelly: Okay! Let's get our buckets and shovels and get to work.
(Slide wipe to new scene. Everyone has brought their bucket and shovels. The scene closes in on them.)
Munchy: You sure we shouldn't use wood? Sand might fall down or something.
Jelly: Not if you mix it right. And here comes the Lake Hoohaw mixing expert now!
Mayor Jeff: Oodelay, PB&J!
Jelly: Oodelay, Mayor Jeff! How do you mix the sand for a really great sandcastle?
Mayor Jeff: Sandcastles, mm? Now what was that secret Hoohaw sand recipe I cooked up when I was a kid? Oh yes, I remember now! Three parts sand,
Jelly: Three parts sand,
Mayor Jeff: two parts water, stir well and bake in the sun for two minutes. Or was that my babbleberry muffin recipe? Well, gotta go water my melons. Good luck, kids.
Jelly: Thanks, Mayor Jeff! I think it's just right.
Peanut: Now we gotta get some tools to make shapes with.
(Munchy grabs a small stick and starts nibbling on it.)
Peanut: Cool tool, Munch!
Munchy: Thanks! I'm good with wood. It's sand I'm not so sure about.
Jelly: This is so much fun. Look, Peanut, my tower's almost finished.
Peanut: That's great, Jelly. I'm putting a window in mine, see?
Munchy: Hey guys, what do you think of my tower?
Peanut: Well, Munch, it's, you know, a little crooked.
Munchy: Hmm.
(A song begins. In the song, Peanut and Jelly encourage Munchy to try again. As the song continues, he gains confidence and even joins in the song.)
~~~ Try, Try Again ~~~
[Peanut and Jelly]
If at first you don't succeed
Try again, try again
Determination is all you need
So just try, try again
Never tell yourself you can't
Give yourself another chance
[Peanut and Jelly]
So if at first you don't succeed
Just try, try again
(I'm gonna try again!)
[Peanut, Jelly and Munchy]
If at first you fall on your face
Try again, try again
Remember the tortoise won that race
And just try, try again
If at first it all goes wrong
You can always sing this song
So if at first you don't succeed
Just try, try again
[Peanut, Jelly and Munchy]
If at first you don't succeed
Just try, try again.
Butter: (wearing her pail on her head) Yeah! (giggles)
Munchy: Hey, check out my tower now, guys. I tried, tried again and I think I'm getting the hang of it.
Flick: (from offscreen) You're it, Pinch! You're it!
Pinch: I'm not it, you're it!
Munchy: Hey, watch it, watch it, my--
Scootch: Yahhhhh! (slams into the tower)
Munchy: --tower.
Scootch: Sorry, sorry, my fault.
Flick: Hey, that's not bad, for a start.
Pinch: And it sure looks like more fun than we're having.
Jelly: Wanna help?
Flick: Does a duck have webbed feet? (He picks up a pail and shovel.)
Pinch: Look at this pretty shell. Wouldn't it look great right here?
Jelly: (as a military theme plays) All right, everybody! Let's try it again and let's try it together!
~~~ All Together We Can Build It ~~~
Track 8, Playhouse Disney, Vol. 2
All together we can build it, build it, build it
Work together till we build it
A castle in the sand
All together we can make it, make it, make it
Work together till we make it
A castle that's so grand
I'll dig a tunnel
I'll pack the fort
We'll decorate with shells
Around the castle door
All together we can build it, build it, build it
Work together till we build it
A castle in the sand
All together we can make it, make it, make it
Work together till we make it
A castle that's so grand
I'll raise the tower
I'll build the hall
We'll put little turrets
Along the castle wall
All together we can build it, build it, build it
Work together till we build it
Our castle in the sand!
Jelly: Wow, it's great! All our castle needs now is a flag! (A blue feather flutters down from the sky. Jelly sticks it in.)
Peanut: And some brave knights to defend it. And I know just where to find 'em. (He goes to his room and gets them.) Perfect!
Jelly: Wow, we did it. We made the coolest thing since Fort Gazpacho.
Flick: Yeah, the coolest!
Butter: (peeking up from one of the walls) Cool!
Jelly: We'll call it Castle Forever.
Flick: Yeah! And defend it against wild creatures.
Jelly: Even if it means sacrificing our lives in some cruel and painful way. (silence, sound of crickets chirping) Okay. How about until lunchtime? (Others say "okay.") Long live Castle Forever!
Others: Long live Castle Forever! Hoo hoo! Yeah!
(Two storm clouds appear in the sky.)
Jelly: And from now on, citizens of Lake Hoohaw will come to our castle to remember the heroes who bravely built it. (A strong wind sends some leaves whipping past her.)
Munchy: Did you feel that wind? You don't think a storm is coming? (A raindrop falls on him, he gasps. Ootsie and Bootsie appear, holding umbrellas and a refined classical theme plays.)
Ootsie: What's that thing?
Jelly: Castle Forever.
Peanut: Soon to be a famous Lake Hoohaw landmark.
Bootsie: It's made out of sand!
Ootsie: It won't last two seconds if there's a storm.
Bootsie: You should have made it out of a mountain, like Mount Snootiemore. (She indicates it.) Then it would have lasted forever.
Ootsie: Oh no! My lips are too big!
Bootsie: Mine too!
Ootsie: Ugh. I don't want fat lips like that forever, Bootsie.
Bootsie: Me neither, Ootsie.
Ootsie and Bootsie: (running off) Daddy!!!
Peanut: A storm? This is bad.
Jelly: It's gonna wreck our castle.
Munchy: I knew we should have made it out of wood.
(The sound of thunder cracks in the sky. Dark clouds gather. The scene fades to black, indicating the end of the first half. The scene returns. The rain is starting to come down harder.)
Jelly: Maybe it's just gonna drizzle a little.
Peanut: Yeah, this is nothing.
(A strong wind blows and thunder cracks.)
Flick: Cheese and quackers, guys, get real! A big, giant storm's coming!
(Up in the Watchbird Tower, Connie Crane is observing everyone below. She spots the sandcastle.)
Connie: How beautiful!
Cap'n Crane: (who has binoculars focused on the distance) How dreadful!
Connie: Dreadful?
Cap'n Crane: The most dreadful thing I've ever seen, Connie!
Connie: You're gonna have to get some new lenses on those binoculars if you think that sandcastle looks dreadful. (twang on soundtrack)
Cap'n Crane: Sandcastle? What sandcastle? (He spots it.) Oh, Connie, I'm talking about those mean-lookin' storm clouds heading our way.
(The thunder cracks, a towering dark cloud rises and an ominous theme plays.)
Connie: Well, don't just stand there gapin'! Sound the Watchbird Alert!
Cap'n Crane: Good thinkin' Connie. Honk! Watchbird Alert! Watchbird Alert! Storm's a brewin'!
Munchy: Uh oh. The Watchbird Alert! A storm is coming! (shudders)
Butter: (placing the bucket over her head) Storm! Fun! Tee hee hee hee!
Flick: For you, maybe. But I'm gettin' inside, where it's warm and dry.
Pinch and Scootch: Me too.
(The three walk away. Munchy, however, walks over towards the sandcastle. The wind blows away the feather flag. Jelly grabs for it and misses.)
Jelly: Whoa!
Peanut: I think we'd better go too, Jel.
Jelly: What about Castle Forever? I don't think it's storm-proof.
(There's more loud thunder. The wind blows by again and all shudder and chatter.)
Peanut: Let's go inside and talk about it over hot cocoa.
(They race off. Inside, Opal pours them hot cocoa. Butter gets a bottle. Ernest watches as the rain patters on the window.)
Ernest: Looks like a real doozy, kids.
Opal: Oh, I'd better bring in the laundry.
Ernest: Last time we had a big storm, the lake rose up over the dock.
Munchy: Over the dock? That means... (gasps)
Munchy, Peanut and Jelly: Castle Forever will be underwater!
Butter: Oh.
Jelly: We can't let that happen. There's gotta be a way to save our castle!
Peanut: How?
Jelly: I know! With noodles!
Munchy: We're gonna save Castle Forever with noodles?
Jelly: Yeah! We just use our noodles to come up with a way. (picking up Baby Butter and getting off the bench) Let's Noodle Dance!
Peanut: I'll noodle, but no way am I dancing.
Noodle, noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Jelly: I've got it! (She walks to the kitchen counter and grabs a glass of water.) We put a big waterproof dome over our castle. That way, it'll last forever. Well?
Peanut: Great idea, Jelly. Only where are we gonna find a glass that big?
Jelly: Hmm. In Giant Land! Where everything is gigantic.
Peanut: Right. But we never could get there the last time we tried.
Jelly: Oh yeah, I forgot.
Ernest: (as Opal returns with a basket of laundry) Gotta run to the storeboat, dear. Need to pick up some plywood to nail over the windows.
Peanut: Wood over the windows?
Munchy: Sure, Peanut. Wood's much stronger than glass.
Peanut: How do you know that?
Munchy: I'm a beaver. I know everything about wood. (Ernest and Opal leave the room.) That's it! We can make Castle Forever so strong, the storm can't hurt it! With Munchy's new superstrong jiffy wood spray. It makes things wooden. Guaranteed to protect against any kind of weather.
Jelly: Good idea, Munchy, but I don't think there's such a thing as jiffy wood spray.
Munchy: (furrowing his eyebrow angrily) Well, there should be!
Peanut: I got it! We could move our castle to a safe place away from the storm. Only, I'm too young to drive a bulldozer.
Jelly: Then I guess we'd better use what we can find around the house. Now, let's see... (spotting an umbrella) Aha! Come on, guys. We've gotta save Castle Forever before it's too late.
(They exit the house with the supplies they've found.)
(Hey, where ya'll going?)
(We need to save our castle, Daddy.)
(Okay, but the storm's closing in. You don't have much time.)
[Carmen Carter]
Lightning whips the skies
The wind begins to rise
We're racing with the hurricane
And bracing for a blow
As the thunder starts to burst
We prepare for the worst
We hope for the best 'cause we know
Into every life some rain must fall
[Backing Vocalists]
Rain must fall
[Carmen Carter]
But as dark clouds form
And the storm begins to brew
Hope springs eternal in us all
[Backing Vocalists]
Hope springs eternal
[Carmen Carter]
And our hope will carry us through
Storm clouds pass
Darkness never lasts
A brave new dawn will bring the day
When the sun will shine
But until that time
A ray of hope will light the way
Into every life, some rain must fall
[Backing Vocalists]
Rain must fall
[Carmen Carter]
But as dark clouds form
And the storm begins to brew
Hope springs eternal in us all
[Backing Vocalists]
Hope springs eternal
[Carmen Carter]
And our hope will carry us through.
(As the song ends, Jelly's umbrella blows away, high into the sky.)
Munchy: The storm's getting worse. Maybe we should panic.
Jelly: Not yet!
(Mean-looking lightning flashes in the sky. Jelly squeals.)
Ernest: Kids, come inside right now!
Munchy: Now can we panic?
Peanut: Come on, ya'll. We gotta go now.
(They run back to the Otter family houseboat. The sand on the castle begins to slide away and one of the knights falls over. The kids watch a storm from a window of their room. Opal opens the door and comes in.)
Jelly: Isn't there anything we can do to save our castle?
Opal: Sometimes there's only thing you can do and that's just wait and see what happens.
Jelly: That makes me sad.
Peanut: Me too.
Butter: Me thwee.
Opal: It's okay, to be sad. But, you know, sometimes outta the bad comes some good. And in a strange way, it makes you stronger.
Jelly: What good will come from the storm, Mama?
Opal: Can't say. You just have to look for the brighter side of things, that's all.
Peanut: (pointing) Hey, look! I see a little bright side already!
(The clouds part and the sun comes out. Scene change. Munchy and PB&J have gathered at the beach. There is nothing there.)
Munchy: Where's our castle? I'm sure this is where we left it.
Jelly: Here's our flag.
Munchy: And here's our buckets and shovels.
Flick: Hey, what happened to our castle?
Jelly: Castle's totally gone, Flick. The storm blew it away.
Peanut: Not to mention my best knights.
Ootsie: (from offscreen) See? We told you it wouldn't last through the storm.
Peanut and Jelly: Huh? (They turn to face the Snooties.)
Bootsie: Not like our monument.
(There is a loud rumbling. Mount Snootiemore crumbles and collapses in a pile of rubble. The only recognizable part remaining looks like... Baby Butter?)
Ootsie and Bootsie: (gasp) Daddy! (They run off.)
Peanut: You okay, Jel?
Jelly: It's not fair, Peanut. Castle Forever was supposed to last forever. Now it's nothing.
~~~ Nothing Lasts Forever ~~~
Nothing lasts forever, that's what people say
When something you've been dreaming of
Just gets washed away
Nothing lasts forever, what am I supposed to do
When hopes and plans vanish in the sand
How do I make it through?
At least we worked together
We gave it our best shot
Maybe when you lose something
You discover what you've got
(You've got us, Jelly.)
(Yeah, that's true. Thanks, Peanut.) [They hug.]
Nothing lasts forever
Nothing we can do
It's hard to know
When things just come and go
It's so hard to understand
When things just shift about like sand.
Munchy: So what do we do now?
Pinch: Play hide-and-seek?
Jelly: I don't feel much like doin' anything.
Butter: (who is building a new sandcastle) Tee hee hee hee.
Jelly: Hmm?
Peanut: I think Baby Butter's got the right idea.
Jelly: Yeah. It's like Mama said. Maybe we just need to look on the bright side. (picks up a shiny rock) Check out this cool pebble that the storm washed up.
(Scootch and Munchy start crawling along the beach, searching for treasures.)
Munchy: Wow. Maybe there's other stuff too. Check out this shell!
Jelly: That would look really cool on a sandcastle.
Flick: Cheese and quackers! You mean we're gonna do it all over again?
Jelly: Sure, why not?
Flick: Why not? We spent a whole day makin' the first one and the storm blew it over and--
Jelly: And now we can make an even better castle.
Peanut: But this time, we're gonna build it stronger. Yeah. Let's make the best castle ever!
Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Pinch and Scootch: All right!
Peanut: We can use this bottle cap.
Munchy: And this old seashell. It would make a really great, uh... really great... (Flick grabs it.) Huh?
Flick: Hmm. Secret hiding place! Every castle's gotta have a secret hiding place!
Jelly: And these leaves could be flags for castle towers.
Pinch: The only thing missing is a name.
Peanut: We could call it Castle Here Today, Gone Tomorrow.
Munchy: How 'bout Babbleberry Castle?
Pinch: Or Lake Hoohaw Castle?
Flick: Agh. Castle Cheese and Quackers.
Peanut, Jelly, Pinch and Munchy: Castle Cheese and Quackers?!
Munchy: Or what about Betty Lou Beaver Castle?
Flick: Munchy, that's your mom's name!
Munchy: I know. I love that name.
Jelly: Hmm. I know! How about Hope Castle?
Peanut: What made you think up that name, Jel?
Jelly: Well, I just hope this castle stays around longer than the last one! (Everyone laughs.)
Carmen Carter: Hope springs eternal in us all.
Backing Vocalists: Hope springs eternal.
Carmen Carter: And our hope will carry us through.
(During the closing credits, an instrumental of "Try, Try Again" plays.)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
I have a logo up
I finally was able to get a logo up on the PB&J Otter Wikia. Feel free to check it out. Let me know what you think of it, too, if you want.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
PB&J Otter episodes in English!
I was just looking at Agent0042's fileburst uploads when I noticed this:
Agent0042 has also uploaded the English versions (with the video) of Forgive me Not and These Shoes are Made for Walking. You can find them on his account uploads for Fileburst.
Hope you enjoy these as much as I did!
Agent0042 has also uploaded the English versions (with the video) of Forgive me Not and These Shoes are Made for Walking. You can find them on his account uploads for Fileburst.
Hope you enjoy these as much as I did!
Transcript - Follow Your Nose
Agent0042 has sent me another transcript. Thanks!
"Follow Your Nose"
Written and Story Edited by Eric Weiner
Songs by Fred Newman and Dan Sawyer
Transcribed by Agent0042
(Agent0042: How can Eric Weiner have written something like this and then go and create something like "Dora the Explorer"? Anyway, in this very special double-length episode, created in partnership with the American Foundation for the Blind, the Otters and Flick meet a family of moles who have low vision and read using Braille. They learn how to use their other senses to get around. This episode features two songs. The first of them was featured on one of the Playhouse Disney albums, though I like the second song better. I mean, come on, it's a rock song! That's pretty cool. Anyway, enjoy the transcript. This one was a bit rough because my recording wasn't very great-- I did the best I could, but I can't guarantee that there aren't small portions that are inaccurate.)
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Chris Phillips as Ernest Otter
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Chris Phillips as Edward Mole
Jackie Hoffman as Molly Mole
Eddie Korbich as Nosey Mole
Mr. Mole
Mrs. Mole
Opal: "Follow Your Nose"
Opal: Have a good time, kids!
Peanut: We will!
Jelly: We will, Mama!
Opal: Ooh, I almost forgot. I packed a little something for your picnic.
Jelly: Thanks, Mama!
Opal: No peeking till your picnic. And don't go any further than Babbleberry Hill.
Peanut and Jelly: We won't.
Mrs. Mole: Nosey! Come down here! And shut the door behind you, please.
Mr. Mole: All right. Everybody ready?
Mrs. Mole: Ready.
Mr. Mole: Then let's get started.We're supposed ot be at Aunt Sally's by 2.
Mrs. Mole: Edward?
Edward: Okay, mom. Where mine?
Molly: This is yours. Me too, please.
Mr. Mole: Perfect day for a picnic, Mrs. Mole.
Mrs. Mole: Yep, truly that.
~~~An Oodely-Doodely Day~~~
Track 6, Playhouse Disney, Volume Two
Oodely oodle, skippety doodle, oodlely-doodely day
A skip, a poke, a little joke
We're off and on our way
A pack on our backs
We'll follow the tracks
And oh it's gonna be great
A perfect day, hip-hip-hooray
We can hardly wait
So exciting, exploring the walls and floors
So inviting, opening brand-new doors
[Peanut, Butter and Jelly]
Oodely oodle, skippety doodle, oodlely-doodely day
A hop, a skip, we're on a trip
To places far away
We've packed a snack
A pic-a-nack
And oh what fun it'll be
A perfect day
We're on our way
To see what we can see
Smell the flowers
Adventure's round the bend
Sunny hours, meeeting brand-new friends
[PB&J and Moles]
Oodely oodle, skippety doodle, oodlely-doodely day
Oodely oodle, skippety do--
It's an oodely-doodely day
It's an oodely-doodely day
[PB&J and Moles]
It's an oodely doodely day!
(all giggle)
Molly: Hey, Mama, when are we gonna stop for lunch?
Edward: Yeah, I'm gettin' hungry.
Mr. Mole: Let me check the time. Almost noon. Time for our picnic lunch.
Edward, Molly and Nosey: Yay!
Mrs. Mole: You kids go and play. We'll call you when we're ready.
Edward, Molly and Nosey: Okay!
Mrs. Mole: Stay out of trouble.
Edward, Molly and Nosey: Bye, Mama!
Jelly: This basket's kinda heavy.
Peanut: I know how we can make it lighter.
Peanut and Jelly: Let's eat!
Butter: Yay!
Jelly: Wonder what Mama packed for us.
Peanut: Yeah, now we can look.
(Flick pops up from behind the picnic basket.)
Flick: Surprise! (The others scream in surprise.)
Peanut: Flick, what are you doing here?
Flick: I can smell babbleberry pie a mile away.
Flick, Peanut and Jelly: Mmm, babbleberry pie.
Flick: My mouth is watering. Let's eat.
Butter: Yeah!
Peanut: Thanks, Butter.
Jelly: Babbleberry pie.
Flick: Uh oh! We'd better get out of here!
Peanut: What is it? What do you see?
Peanut and Jelly: Huh?
Peanut: It's a door.
Jelly: I've seen doors like that all over the forest.
Flick: Yeah, but do you know who lives behind those doors?
Jelly: I give up. Who?
Flick: Ah, cheese and quackers. Don't you know about moles?
Peanut: Sure we do. Dad's got a big one right on the back of his--
Flick: No, not that kind of mole. I'm talkin' about real moles.
Peanut and Jelly: Real moles?!
Flick: Strange creatures that dig dark tunnels under the earth. They're martial arts experts and they carry these numchucky stick weapon thingies!
Peanut: Now where did you hear that?
Jelly: Yeah. Who says?
Flick: Uh, everybody. Moles wear these dark glasses. That proves they're hiding something.
Jelly: No it doesn't.
Flick: And get this-- moles can't stand ducks. Or otters. (Butter starts crying.)
Peanut: Don't worry, Butter. Flick's just making up stories.
Jelly: Yeah, Flick. How come we've never seen one of these strange mole creatures of yours.
Flick: That's the thing. They'll hear you.
Jelly: Who?
Flick: Undergrounders. They live down under the ground.
Jelly: Uh uh.
Flick: Uh huh. Come on! We gotta get outta here before the moles find us and take us with their numchucky sticks! (He starts to run off, but notices that PB&J aren't. He gasps.) What are you doing?!
Jelly: We wanna see one of those moles.
Flick: Yeah, but I just finished telling ya'--
Jelly: Yeah, but I wanna decide for myself.
Flick: Oh!
Jelly: Hey, look, there's another door.
Edward: Nosey?!
Molly: Nosey, stay where you are! Nosey!
Flick: Moles aboard. We gotta get out of here! PB&J?!
Peanut: I wanna meet one of them.
Jelly: Let go! We're staying!
(All talk over each other. They don't realize that Butter has wandered away and met Nosey.)
Nosey: Hi!
Butter: Hi!
Nosey: Hi!
Butter: Hi! (They giggle and chatter.)
Flick: Well, I'm outta here. If you three otters wanna stay around and risk a mole attack-- (gasps) It's-- it's-- it's an undergrounder! Look, he's stealing our pie. Catch him! Catch him!
Jelly: Flick, wait! Slow down!
Flick: I'm not scared of him. He's a thief! He's got our pie!
Molly: Uh oh.
Edward: Come on.
(Everyone screams and shouts at each other.)
Butter: No!
Edward: Nosey.
Flick: Wha'?!
Edward: It's okay, Nosey.
Flick: What did I tell ya'?! Numchucks!
Edward: What's goin' on?
Flick: That little undergrounder stole our babbleberry pie.
Edward: Nosey would never steal anything.
Butter: No no no! No no!
Jelly: Flick Duck, hold your feathers. Um, my name is Jelly. Jelly Otter.
Molly: I'm Molly Mole. That's Edward. And that's my brother, Nosey.
Jelly: Molly, this is gonna sound crazy, but my friend Flick says you use those canes for martial arts. Uh, that's not true, right!
(Edward uses his cane to perform a series of mock-martial arts maneuevers. Flick screams in fear.)
Molly: Cut it out, Edward. We just use these to feel around in front of us so we know what's there.
Peanut: Why can't you just see what's there?
Flick: Because they're undergrounders!
Molly: Oh. 'Cause we can't see too well.
Peanut: You mean you can't see anything at all?
Molly: Well, a little. We can tell if it's really bright out. That's why we wear these dark glasses. The bright sun hurts our eyes.
Peanut and Jelly: Flick!
Flick: (chuckles nervously) Okay. But that little undergrounder took our pie. I mean, what do you think, Butter gave it to him?
Butter: Nosey! (The two giggle and cuddle affectionately.)
Peanut, Jelly, Edward and Molly: Awwww.
Flick: Okay, I was wrong. Can't a duck make a mistake?
Peanut: We're very sorry.
Flick: Okay, okay, me too. I keep tellin' 'em not to believe a word I say.
Edward: That's okay.
Flick: Look, Peanut, Bucky Spacebeaver!
Edward: What? You know Bucky?
Peanut: We've got the new issue right here.
Edward: Master Command, do you read me? Asteroids approaching!
Flick: Only Bucky Spacebeaver can save us now. Hey, how do you read this thing anyway?
Peanut: Yeah, what are all these little bumps?
Edward: It's called Braille. You use it when you can't see very well. It's kinda like a secret code.
Peanut, Jelly and Flick: Whoa!
Jelly: Hey, excuse me, Spacebeavers, but where did Butter go?
Molly: Yeah. And where's Nosey?
Peanut: They're gone!
Edward: Nosey doesn't know his way around out here.
Molly: We gotta find them!
(Everyone starts calling out Nosey and Butter's names, hoping to get their attention. Nosey and Butter are off happily playing on their own and eating the pie.)
Jelly: Peanut, I'm getting worried.
Flick: Huh? Ah, cheese and quackers! Wait! Finding them is gonna be a piece of pie! Look! (He indicates a trail of pie crumbs.)
Peanut: Hey, look, there's a whole trail of crumbs!
Jelly: Come on!
(They follow the trail. But a crow appears and eats the crumbs.)
Crow: What a tasty trail of crumbs. Mmm mm! Well, see ya'! Caw caw caw!
Flick: So much for our trail.
Peanut: Now what? (They all start shouting out again.)
Flick: Now what?
Peanut: So we can't follow a trail of crumbs if there aren't any crumbs.
Edward: Oh, yes we can.
Others: Huh?
Edward: All ya' gotta do is follow your nose.
Jelly: Hey, good thinking.
Molly: My brother once won a sniffing contest.
Peanut: Hey, I smell babbleberries!
Edward: This way!
Flick: This never woulda happened if I'd eaten that pie.
(They find Butter and Nosey and cheer.)
Edward: Oh wow. Oh, thank goodness!
Flick: Oh no!
Peanut and Jelly, Edward and Molly: What?
Flick: They ate all the pie! I think I'm gonna cry. (burps, everyone giggles)
Mrs. Mole: Edward! Molly! Nosey!
Edward: We're over here, ma!
Molly: Oh, I've got an idea. Don't go away, anyone! ... ... Mom says it's okay for you to come to our picnic. She baked clamberry cookies for dessert.
Flick: Clamberry cookies?! Oh, yum!
Peanut: Hey, Jelly, isn't that great? Jelly?
Jelly: You want us to go underground? Oh, uh, well, I'd like to, but, uh, I kinda gotta go. My mama doesn't like if we're gone too long.
Molly: Oh, okay.
Peanut: Jelly, why are you saying that?
Jelly: I'll tell you later.
Flick: Does this mean I don't get any clamberry cookies?
Molly: Well, it was nice to meet you.
Peanut, Jelly and Flick: Bye!
Edward: Come on, Molly, let's go.
Jelly: It's just that I'm kind of, sorta, really, scared of the dark.
Flick: What did you say?!
Jelly: I'm scared of the dark!
Molly: What? Why would anybody be scared of the dark?
Jelly: Well, how would I find my way around down there?
Molly: It's not so hard. You use your nose and your hands and your ears.
Peanut: Yeah. Just like we found Butter and Nosey.
Molly: Here, I'll show you! You ever play Follow the Leader?
Jelly: Uh huh.
Molly: Well, this game's called Following the Cave. Hey, you can play. I got one. Now, Jelly, take my hand. Now, what you do is you just kinda swing back and forth real easy and make sure there's nothing in front of you. There ya' go.
Jelly: Am I gonna bump into somethin'?
Molly: Don't worry. You'll feel it before ya' do.
Jelly: Nothing... nothing... Cave
(All cheer for Jelly.)
Edward: Use your ears Jelly.
Jelly: Clamberry Creek!
Edward: That-a-way.
Jelly: That sounds like the creek. I can do it! I can find my way around in the dark!
[The Otters, The Moles and Flick]
You've got follow your nose, follow your nose
Feel around the ground with your tippy-toes
Follow your nose, eyes stay closed
Open up your ears and just suppose
There's a better way of lookin' around
[Edward and Molly]
Just open up your senses
Touch and skip and use your ears
Open up and lose your fears
All I've gotta do is follow my nose, follow my nose
Feel around the ground with my tippy-toes
Follow my nose, eyes stay closed
Open up my ears and just suppose
[The Otters, The Moles and Flick]
There's another way of lookin' around
Just open up your senses
Touch and skip and use your ears
When we open our minds, fears disappear!
And we'll just follow our nose, follow our nose
Feel around the ground with our tippy-toes
Follow our nose, eyes stay closed
Open up our ears and just suppose
There's another way of lookin' around
Just open up our senses
Touch and skip and use our ears
When we open our minds, fears disappear
Our fears disappear!
Jelly: Be right back!
Edward: Hey, where ya' goin'?
Jelly: To ask my mama if I can come to lunch!
Flick: Don't eat all the cookies while we're gone!
Opal: They invited you to lunch? Well, isn't that nice? Are Mr. and Mrs. Mole gonna be there too?
Peanut and Jelly: Uh huh!
Opal: Jelly, are you gonna be okay? It'll be mighty dark.
Jelly: I'm not afraid. Too much.
Peanut: Yeah. 'Cause Edward and Molly showed us how to find our way around in the dark.
Jelly: Hey! I'll wear my Super Jellina Cape of Fearlessness.
Opal: Lucky thing I just finished mending it. Here you go.
Jelly: (as triumphant theme plays) Wow! I feel super-fearless. Thanks, Mama!
Opal: You're welcome, Jellina.
(The Otters and Flick return to the moles. There are sounds of laughter and chattering.)
Jelly: She said it was okay.
Butter: Nosey, Nosey!
Peanut: Come on, let's go eat, guys. Cool.
Jelly: Now, Baby Butter, just 'cause it's really dark down there, I don't want you to get scared, okay?
Butter: (clearly not scared at all) Whee!
Molly: Well, this is it, Jelly. You ready?
Jelly: Ready. (ominous music plays) Not ready!
Molly: Jelly, I'm gonna be with you the whole time.
Jelly: Okay. And I've also got my Super Jellina Cape of Fearlessness, so here goes nothing. I did it! I did it! I did it!
Flick: Cheese and quackers, would you stop jumping on my toes?
Jelly: Sorry.
Mr. Mole: Lunch is served!
Edward: Oh boy. (They all cheer and enjoy the picnic.)
Jelly: I love these mushroom salad sticks. Are they hard to make?
Mrs. Mole: Oh, it's easy if you do it right, Jelly.
Edward: Hey, guys, now that we're finished reading, you want to read our comic book?
Flick: Sure! But how are we gonna read in the dark?
Edward: I can read in the dark, no problem. I just move my fingers over these bumps.
(He reads a bit and they all indicate they're taking off.)
Mr. Mole: Be sure you come right back, Edward. We've still got a long trip ahead of us.
Edward: Oh, we're just walking them out.
Peanut: There's still something I don't get. Who digs all these big tunnels?
Edward: (giggles) We do. Digging tunnels is what moles do best. It's easy as pie!
(Nosey shouts happily and starts to dig a tunnel.)
Molly: Nosey, no, not now!
Jelly: What's he doing?
Peanut: I hear digging.
Molly: Nosey, stop it. Come on, Nosey!
Jelly: Stop! Don't leave me!
Molly: Oops, sorry, Jelly! Here I am!
Jelly: Come back! Where are you!? Ahh! Ahh!
Molly: Jelly!
Jelly: Molly!
Molly: Follow my voice.
Jelly: Okay. Only one problem.
Molly: What's that?
Jelly: I'm too scared to move.
Peanut: Okay, I know what to do. Whenever we're really stuck on a problem, we do a Noodle Dance to help us think of ideas.
Jelly: Dance?! I can't even see!
Peanut: Jell, you don't need to see to use your noodle.
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Use your noodle, use your brain
Jelly: I've got it! I'll get a super-powerful sunstick, stick it in the tunnel and boom. I can see where I'm going!
Peanut: Great idea, Jelly. But how are you going to get a super-powerful sunstick when you can't find your way out of the tunnel? (Jelly screams.)
Molly: Jelly, wait. I've got another idea. Remember when we were playing Follow Your Nose?
Jelly: I don't feel like playing games right now. Sorry.
Molly: But you weren't scared when you were wearing my bandana over your eyes.
Jelly: That's 'cause I wasn't underground!
Molly: How do you know you're underground now? Use that cape of yours to cover your eyes. You can pretend you're anywhere!
Jelly: That's right! My Super Jellina Cape of Fearlessness will help calm me down. Uh oh! () my cape is gone! (screams) What do I do now?
Molly: Use your arms, Jelly. What do you feel?
Jelly: I found a string. This feels like... hey this isn't a string. It's yarn from my cape! It must have snagged on something. I know. I can follow the string right out of the tunnel. I'm saved! (The others all cheer for her.)
Molly: I can here you, Jelly. Keep coming this way. Hey, there you are.
Edward: Are you okay? Well, here you go.
Flick: So, now that I know you're not an evil numchuckin' undergrounder, you wanna come over for babbleberry pie sometime?
Edward: Sure, but you'd better watch out. I'm a martial arts expert.
Flick: Ah ha ha ha. (all giggle)
Edward: How about a Bucky Spacebeaver salute?
Flick: Da da da da da!
Jelly: Thanks for everything, Molly. Well, bye.
Molly: Bye.
Opal: Jelly was so excited. Seems like she's really getting over being afraid of the dark.
Jelly: You got that right, mama. Huh?
Opal: Jelly Otter, what are you doing up so late?
Jelly: I came for some pie.
Ernest: How did you know we were having pie?
Jelly: That's easy. I just followed my nose.
(Everyone laughs.)
"Follow Your Nose"
Written and Story Edited by Eric Weiner
Songs by Fred Newman and Dan Sawyer
Transcribed by Agent0042
(Agent0042: How can Eric Weiner have written something like this and then go and create something like "Dora the Explorer"? Anyway, in this very special double-length episode, created in partnership with the American Foundation for the Blind, the Otters and Flick meet a family of moles who have low vision and read using Braille. They learn how to use their other senses to get around. This episode features two songs. The first of them was featured on one of the Playhouse Disney albums, though I like the second song better. I mean, come on, it's a rock song! That's pretty cool. Anyway, enjoy the transcript. This one was a bit rough because my recording wasn't very great-- I did the best I could, but I can't guarantee that there aren't small portions that are inaccurate.)
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Chris Phillips as Ernest Otter
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Chris Phillips as Edward Mole
Jackie Hoffman as Molly Mole
Eddie Korbich as Nosey Mole
Mr. Mole
Mrs. Mole
Opal: "Follow Your Nose"
Opal: Have a good time, kids!
Peanut: We will!
Jelly: We will, Mama!
Opal: Ooh, I almost forgot. I packed a little something for your picnic.
Jelly: Thanks, Mama!
Opal: No peeking till your picnic. And don't go any further than Babbleberry Hill.
Peanut and Jelly: We won't.
Mrs. Mole: Nosey! Come down here! And shut the door behind you, please.
Mr. Mole: All right. Everybody ready?
Mrs. Mole: Ready.
Mr. Mole: Then let's get started.We're supposed ot be at Aunt Sally's by 2.
Mrs. Mole: Edward?
Edward: Okay, mom. Where mine?
Molly: This is yours. Me too, please.
Mr. Mole: Perfect day for a picnic, Mrs. Mole.
Mrs. Mole: Yep, truly that.
~~~An Oodely-Doodely Day~~~
Track 6, Playhouse Disney, Volume Two
Oodely oodle, skippety doodle, oodlely-doodely day
A skip, a poke, a little joke
We're off and on our way
A pack on our backs
We'll follow the tracks
And oh it's gonna be great
A perfect day, hip-hip-hooray
We can hardly wait
So exciting, exploring the walls and floors
So inviting, opening brand-new doors
[Peanut, Butter and Jelly]
Oodely oodle, skippety doodle, oodlely-doodely day
A hop, a skip, we're on a trip
To places far away
We've packed a snack
A pic-a-nack
And oh what fun it'll be
A perfect day
We're on our way
To see what we can see
Smell the flowers
Adventure's round the bend
Sunny hours, meeeting brand-new friends
[PB&J and Moles]
Oodely oodle, skippety doodle, oodlely-doodely day
Oodely oodle, skippety do--
It's an oodely-doodely day
It's an oodely-doodely day
[PB&J and Moles]
It's an oodely doodely day!
(all giggle)
Molly: Hey, Mama, when are we gonna stop for lunch?
Edward: Yeah, I'm gettin' hungry.
Mr. Mole: Let me check the time. Almost noon. Time for our picnic lunch.
Edward, Molly and Nosey: Yay!
Mrs. Mole: You kids go and play. We'll call you when we're ready.
Edward, Molly and Nosey: Okay!
Mrs. Mole: Stay out of trouble.
Edward, Molly and Nosey: Bye, Mama!
Jelly: This basket's kinda heavy.
Peanut: I know how we can make it lighter.
Peanut and Jelly: Let's eat!
Butter: Yay!
Jelly: Wonder what Mama packed for us.
Peanut: Yeah, now we can look.
(Flick pops up from behind the picnic basket.)
Flick: Surprise! (The others scream in surprise.)
Peanut: Flick, what are you doing here?
Flick: I can smell babbleberry pie a mile away.
Flick, Peanut and Jelly: Mmm, babbleberry pie.
Flick: My mouth is watering. Let's eat.
Butter: Yeah!
Peanut: Thanks, Butter.
Jelly: Babbleberry pie.
Flick: Uh oh! We'd better get out of here!
Peanut: What is it? What do you see?
Peanut and Jelly: Huh?
Peanut: It's a door.
Jelly: I've seen doors like that all over the forest.
Flick: Yeah, but do you know who lives behind those doors?
Jelly: I give up. Who?
Flick: Ah, cheese and quackers. Don't you know about moles?
Peanut: Sure we do. Dad's got a big one right on the back of his--
Flick: No, not that kind of mole. I'm talkin' about real moles.
Peanut and Jelly: Real moles?!
Flick: Strange creatures that dig dark tunnels under the earth. They're martial arts experts and they carry these numchucky stick weapon thingies!
Peanut: Now where did you hear that?
Jelly: Yeah. Who says?
Flick: Uh, everybody. Moles wear these dark glasses. That proves they're hiding something.
Jelly: No it doesn't.
Flick: And get this-- moles can't stand ducks. Or otters. (Butter starts crying.)
Peanut: Don't worry, Butter. Flick's just making up stories.
Jelly: Yeah, Flick. How come we've never seen one of these strange mole creatures of yours.
Flick: That's the thing. They'll hear you.
Jelly: Who?
Flick: Undergrounders. They live down under the ground.
Jelly: Uh uh.
Flick: Uh huh. Come on! We gotta get outta here before the moles find us and take us with their numchucky sticks! (He starts to run off, but notices that PB&J aren't. He gasps.) What are you doing?!
Jelly: We wanna see one of those moles.
Flick: Yeah, but I just finished telling ya'--
Jelly: Yeah, but I wanna decide for myself.
Flick: Oh!
Jelly: Hey, look, there's another door.
Edward: Nosey?!
Molly: Nosey, stay where you are! Nosey!
Flick: Moles aboard. We gotta get out of here! PB&J?!
Peanut: I wanna meet one of them.
Jelly: Let go! We're staying!
(All talk over each other. They don't realize that Butter has wandered away and met Nosey.)
Nosey: Hi!
Butter: Hi!
Nosey: Hi!
Butter: Hi! (They giggle and chatter.)
Flick: Well, I'm outta here. If you three otters wanna stay around and risk a mole attack-- (gasps) It's-- it's-- it's an undergrounder! Look, he's stealing our pie. Catch him! Catch him!
Jelly: Flick, wait! Slow down!
Flick: I'm not scared of him. He's a thief! He's got our pie!
Molly: Uh oh.
Edward: Come on.
(Everyone screams and shouts at each other.)
Butter: No!
Edward: Nosey.
Flick: Wha'?!
Edward: It's okay, Nosey.
Flick: What did I tell ya'?! Numchucks!
Edward: What's goin' on?
Flick: That little undergrounder stole our babbleberry pie.
Edward: Nosey would never steal anything.
Butter: No no no! No no!
Jelly: Flick Duck, hold your feathers. Um, my name is Jelly. Jelly Otter.
Molly: I'm Molly Mole. That's Edward. And that's my brother, Nosey.
Jelly: Molly, this is gonna sound crazy, but my friend Flick says you use those canes for martial arts. Uh, that's not true, right!
(Edward uses his cane to perform a series of mock-martial arts maneuevers. Flick screams in fear.)
Molly: Cut it out, Edward. We just use these to feel around in front of us so we know what's there.
Peanut: Why can't you just see what's there?
Flick: Because they're undergrounders!
Molly: Oh. 'Cause we can't see too well.
Peanut: You mean you can't see anything at all?
Molly: Well, a little. We can tell if it's really bright out. That's why we wear these dark glasses. The bright sun hurts our eyes.
Peanut and Jelly: Flick!
Flick: (chuckles nervously) Okay. But that little undergrounder took our pie. I mean, what do you think, Butter gave it to him?
Butter: Nosey! (The two giggle and cuddle affectionately.)
Peanut, Jelly, Edward and Molly: Awwww.
Flick: Okay, I was wrong. Can't a duck make a mistake?
Peanut: We're very sorry.
Flick: Okay, okay, me too. I keep tellin' 'em not to believe a word I say.
Edward: That's okay.
Flick: Look, Peanut, Bucky Spacebeaver!
Edward: What? You know Bucky?
Peanut: We've got the new issue right here.
Edward: Master Command, do you read me? Asteroids approaching!
Flick: Only Bucky Spacebeaver can save us now. Hey, how do you read this thing anyway?
Peanut: Yeah, what are all these little bumps?
Edward: It's called Braille. You use it when you can't see very well. It's kinda like a secret code.
Peanut, Jelly and Flick: Whoa!
Jelly: Hey, excuse me, Spacebeavers, but where did Butter go?
Molly: Yeah. And where's Nosey?
Peanut: They're gone!
Edward: Nosey doesn't know his way around out here.
Molly: We gotta find them!
(Everyone starts calling out Nosey and Butter's names, hoping to get their attention. Nosey and Butter are off happily playing on their own and eating the pie.)
Jelly: Peanut, I'm getting worried.
Flick: Huh? Ah, cheese and quackers! Wait! Finding them is gonna be a piece of pie! Look! (He indicates a trail of pie crumbs.)
Peanut: Hey, look, there's a whole trail of crumbs!
Jelly: Come on!
(They follow the trail. But a crow appears and eats the crumbs.)
Crow: What a tasty trail of crumbs. Mmm mm! Well, see ya'! Caw caw caw!
Flick: So much for our trail.
Peanut: Now what? (They all start shouting out again.)
Flick: Now what?
Peanut: So we can't follow a trail of crumbs if there aren't any crumbs.
Edward: Oh, yes we can.
Others: Huh?
Edward: All ya' gotta do is follow your nose.
Jelly: Hey, good thinking.
Molly: My brother once won a sniffing contest.
Peanut: Hey, I smell babbleberries!
Edward: This way!
Flick: This never woulda happened if I'd eaten that pie.
(They find Butter and Nosey and cheer.)
Edward: Oh wow. Oh, thank goodness!
Flick: Oh no!
Peanut and Jelly, Edward and Molly: What?
Flick: They ate all the pie! I think I'm gonna cry. (burps, everyone giggles)
Mrs. Mole: Edward! Molly! Nosey!
Edward: We're over here, ma!
Molly: Oh, I've got an idea. Don't go away, anyone! ... ... Mom says it's okay for you to come to our picnic. She baked clamberry cookies for dessert.
Flick: Clamberry cookies?! Oh, yum!
Peanut: Hey, Jelly, isn't that great? Jelly?
Jelly: You want us to go underground? Oh, uh, well, I'd like to, but, uh, I kinda gotta go. My mama doesn't like if we're gone too long.
Molly: Oh, okay.
Peanut: Jelly, why are you saying that?
Jelly: I'll tell you later.
Flick: Does this mean I don't get any clamberry cookies?
Molly: Well, it was nice to meet you.
Peanut, Jelly and Flick: Bye!
Edward: Come on, Molly, let's go.
Jelly: It's just that I'm kind of, sorta, really, scared of the dark.
Flick: What did you say?!
Jelly: I'm scared of the dark!
Molly: What? Why would anybody be scared of the dark?
Jelly: Well, how would I find my way around down there?
Molly: It's not so hard. You use your nose and your hands and your ears.
Peanut: Yeah. Just like we found Butter and Nosey.
Molly: Here, I'll show you! You ever play Follow the Leader?
Jelly: Uh huh.
Molly: Well, this game's called Following the Cave. Hey, you can play. I got one. Now, Jelly, take my hand. Now, what you do is you just kinda swing back and forth real easy and make sure there's nothing in front of you. There ya' go.
Jelly: Am I gonna bump into somethin'?
Molly: Don't worry. You'll feel it before ya' do.
Jelly: Nothing... nothing... Cave
(All cheer for Jelly.)
Edward: Use your ears Jelly.
Jelly: Clamberry Creek!
Edward: That-a-way.
Jelly: That sounds like the creek. I can do it! I can find my way around in the dark!
[The Otters, The Moles and Flick]
You've got follow your nose, follow your nose
Feel around the ground with your tippy-toes
Follow your nose, eyes stay closed
Open up your ears and just suppose
There's a better way of lookin' around
[Edward and Molly]
Just open up your senses
Touch and skip and use your ears
Open up and lose your fears
All I've gotta do is follow my nose, follow my nose
Feel around the ground with my tippy-toes
Follow my nose, eyes stay closed
Open up my ears and just suppose
[The Otters, The Moles and Flick]
There's another way of lookin' around
Just open up your senses
Touch and skip and use your ears
When we open our minds, fears disappear!
And we'll just follow our nose, follow our nose
Feel around the ground with our tippy-toes
Follow our nose, eyes stay closed
Open up our ears and just suppose
There's another way of lookin' around
Just open up our senses
Touch and skip and use our ears
When we open our minds, fears disappear
Our fears disappear!
Jelly: Be right back!
Edward: Hey, where ya' goin'?
Jelly: To ask my mama if I can come to lunch!
Flick: Don't eat all the cookies while we're gone!
Opal: They invited you to lunch? Well, isn't that nice? Are Mr. and Mrs. Mole gonna be there too?
Peanut and Jelly: Uh huh!
Opal: Jelly, are you gonna be okay? It'll be mighty dark.
Jelly: I'm not afraid. Too much.
Peanut: Yeah. 'Cause Edward and Molly showed us how to find our way around in the dark.
Jelly: Hey! I'll wear my Super Jellina Cape of Fearlessness.
Opal: Lucky thing I just finished mending it. Here you go.
Jelly: (as triumphant theme plays) Wow! I feel super-fearless. Thanks, Mama!
Opal: You're welcome, Jellina.
(The Otters and Flick return to the moles. There are sounds of laughter and chattering.)
Jelly: She said it was okay.
Butter: Nosey, Nosey!
Peanut: Come on, let's go eat, guys. Cool.
Jelly: Now, Baby Butter, just 'cause it's really dark down there, I don't want you to get scared, okay?
Butter: (clearly not scared at all) Whee!
Molly: Well, this is it, Jelly. You ready?
Jelly: Ready. (ominous music plays) Not ready!
Molly: Jelly, I'm gonna be with you the whole time.
Jelly: Okay. And I've also got my Super Jellina Cape of Fearlessness, so here goes nothing. I did it! I did it! I did it!
Flick: Cheese and quackers, would you stop jumping on my toes?
Jelly: Sorry.
Mr. Mole: Lunch is served!
Edward: Oh boy. (They all cheer and enjoy the picnic.)
Jelly: I love these mushroom salad sticks. Are they hard to make?
Mrs. Mole: Oh, it's easy if you do it right, Jelly.
Edward: Hey, guys, now that we're finished reading, you want to read our comic book?
Flick: Sure! But how are we gonna read in the dark?
Edward: I can read in the dark, no problem. I just move my fingers over these bumps.
(He reads a bit and they all indicate they're taking off.)
Mr. Mole: Be sure you come right back, Edward. We've still got a long trip ahead of us.
Edward: Oh, we're just walking them out.
Peanut: There's still something I don't get. Who digs all these big tunnels?
Edward: (giggles) We do. Digging tunnels is what moles do best. It's easy as pie!
(Nosey shouts happily and starts to dig a tunnel.)
Molly: Nosey, no, not now!
Jelly: What's he doing?
Peanut: I hear digging.
Molly: Nosey, stop it. Come on, Nosey!
Jelly: Stop! Don't leave me!
Molly: Oops, sorry, Jelly! Here I am!
Jelly: Come back! Where are you!? Ahh! Ahh!
Molly: Jelly!
Jelly: Molly!
Molly: Follow my voice.
Jelly: Okay. Only one problem.
Molly: What's that?
Jelly: I'm too scared to move.
Peanut: Okay, I know what to do. Whenever we're really stuck on a problem, we do a Noodle Dance to help us think of ideas.
Jelly: Dance?! I can't even see!
Peanut: Jell, you don't need to see to use your noodle.
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Use your noodle, use your brain
Jelly: I've got it! I'll get a super-powerful sunstick, stick it in the tunnel and boom. I can see where I'm going!
Peanut: Great idea, Jelly. But how are you going to get a super-powerful sunstick when you can't find your way out of the tunnel? (Jelly screams.)
Molly: Jelly, wait. I've got another idea. Remember when we were playing Follow Your Nose?
Jelly: I don't feel like playing games right now. Sorry.
Molly: But you weren't scared when you were wearing my bandana over your eyes.
Jelly: That's 'cause I wasn't underground!
Molly: How do you know you're underground now? Use that cape of yours to cover your eyes. You can pretend you're anywhere!
Jelly: That's right! My Super Jellina Cape of Fearlessness will help calm me down. Uh oh! () my cape is gone! (screams) What do I do now?
Molly: Use your arms, Jelly. What do you feel?
Jelly: I found a string. This feels like... hey this isn't a string. It's yarn from my cape! It must have snagged on something. I know. I can follow the string right out of the tunnel. I'm saved! (The others all cheer for her.)
Molly: I can here you, Jelly. Keep coming this way. Hey, there you are.
Edward: Are you okay? Well, here you go.
Flick: So, now that I know you're not an evil numchuckin' undergrounder, you wanna come over for babbleberry pie sometime?
Edward: Sure, but you'd better watch out. I'm a martial arts expert.
Flick: Ah ha ha ha. (all giggle)
Edward: How about a Bucky Spacebeaver salute?
Flick: Da da da da da!
Jelly: Thanks for everything, Molly. Well, bye.
Molly: Bye.
Opal: Jelly was so excited. Seems like she's really getting over being afraid of the dark.
Jelly: You got that right, mama. Huh?
Opal: Jelly Otter, what are you doing up so late?
Jelly: I came for some pie.
Ernest: How did you know we were having pie?
Jelly: That's easy. I just followed my nose.
(Everyone laughs.)
Monday, June 15, 2009
PB&J Otter Promo (audio only)
We all owe Agent0042 a big thank-you, because I am now able to share with you the audio of a PB&J Otter promo. Here's what Agent0042 has to say about it:
"I posted an MP3 of the promotional spot for the show that Playhouse Disney aired shortly before each broadcast. The audio quality's not great, but you can understand everything they're saying."
You can find the audio through this link:
"I posted an MP3 of the promotional spot for the show that Playhouse Disney aired shortly before each broadcast. The audio quality's not great, but you can understand everything they're saying."
You can find the audio through this link:
Say It Ain't So!

I was checking the PB&J Otter section on Wikipedia for info I needed for the PB&J Otter Wikia, when I noticed what you see to your right.
It's very unfortunate that someone was willing to post this nonsense on the PB&J Otter page. I'm reporting it, but I just thought I'd show it to you before doing so. After all, we don't want spammers, do we?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Need Help With Title Cards
As you can see through the above link (Edit: Never mind, it doesn't work), I've started a PB&J Otter Wikia. Now check this page over here:
As you'll see when you look there, I have little content on the episode guide. That is mainly due to the lack of title card images (although I'll clearly never have the PB&J Otter and the Legend of Snaildarter title card, as it never moved beyond the script stage).
These are the episodes that I have the title cards for that will be eventually added:
Go Away Gorilla
Mama for a Day
Lost and Found
Sherlock Otter
Collector's Edition
Where Oh Where is Flick?
Win, Win, Winner
Obviously, this isn't the whole series, so this is where I'm asking for your help. If you have any English episodes that I haven't listed here (You Can't Come In is already taken care of), I'd really appreciate it if you could share pics of the title cards for them if possible.
I'm thanking anyone who helps in advance.
Here's where to send the links to the pics, and no--I'm not giving my email address:
Oodelay, PB&J fans!
As you can see through the above link (Edit: Never mind, it doesn't work), I've started a PB&J Otter Wikia. Now check this page over here:
As you'll see when you look there, I have little content on the episode guide. That is mainly due to the lack of title card images (although I'll clearly never have the PB&J Otter and the Legend of Snaildarter title card, as it never moved beyond the script stage).
These are the episodes that I have the title cards for that will be eventually added:
Go Away Gorilla
Mama for a Day
Lost and Found
Sherlock Otter
Collector's Edition
Where Oh Where is Flick?
Win, Win, Winner
Obviously, this isn't the whole series, so this is where I'm asking for your help. If you have any English episodes that I haven't listed here (You Can't Come In is already taken care of), I'd really appreciate it if you could share pics of the title cards for them if possible.
I'm thanking anyone who helps in advance.
Here's where to send the links to the pics, and no--I'm not giving my email address:
Oodelay, PB&J fans!
PB+J Otter,
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Poll Results
The majority of votes for the last poll were for "DVD/BluRay," so it's official. I, personally, think costumes would be interesting to see, but of course, DVDs would be better, nonetheless.
Anyways, I'm starting a new poll, so keep an eye out for it.
Anyways, I'm starting a new poll, so keep an eye out for it.
Transcript - Billy the Duck
Here's another transcript from Agent0042. Thanks!
"Billy the Duck"
Written by Cliff MacGillivray
Songs by Joshua Sitron, Lyrics and Music
Transcribed by Agent0042
(I suppose the moral of this one is "don't judge others before you get to know them." Also-- "you can't believe everything you hear.")
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Chris Phillips as Ernest Otter
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Eddie Korbich as Billy Duck (suspected)
Chris Phillips as Munchy Beaver
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Cody Pennes as Scootch Raccoon
Corinne Orr as Shirley Duck
Opal: "Billy the Duck"
(Ominous music plays. Sound of owl hooting. Inside a tent, Peanut, Flick and Munchy wake up.)
Munchy: W-what was that?
Peanut: It's okay, Munchy. It was just an owl.
Munchy: Are y-you sure? Sometimes big, scary monsters say "hoo" too. (Flick starts giggling.) They're tricky.
Peanut: It's okay, Munchy. It's just crickets and bugs and frogs and stuff.
Munchy: I know. It's the "stuff" that scares me.
Flick: Gah, that stuff doesn't scare me.
Peanut: Does anything scare you, Flick?
Flick: (crosses his arms) Nope. Not a thing. (uncrosses his arms) Well, I do remember a time when I was scared for real. I was so scared, I couldn't sleep for a whole month.
Munchy: I hate scary stuff. It's so (shudders) scary.
Flick: Well, nothin's as scary as my cousin, Billy the duck. He's the biggest, meanest kid in the whole world.
Peanut: Really?
Flick: Yeah.
Munchy: Ooh.
Flick: And my mom got a letter from his mom today. (shudders)
Munchy: Is he that bad, Flick?
Flick: (pointing at Munchy) Worse! One time, when I was little, Billy sat on me and wouldn't let me up for like four minutes.
Munchy: (gasps) Really?
Peanut: (skeptically) Uh huh.
Flick: Oh yeah. Billy's one mean duck. The meanest I've ever known. Big mean. Scary mean. Monster mean.
Munchy: (gasps) M-m-monster! Awwwww!
(He points outside the tent. All three scream as a shadowy figure comes in, but it's just Flick's Mom.)
Mrs. Duck: Relax boys, it's me.
Peanut: Oh.
Munchy: Hee hee.
Flick: Hi, Mom.
Peanut: Hi, Mrs. Duck.
Mrs. Duck: I saw your flashlight on and I thought I'd bring you some chocolate milk and babbleberry pie.
Peanut: Mmm, that looks great.
Flick: Oh yeah!
Munchy: Ooh boy.
Flick: I love it! Thanks, Mom!
Peanut: That's the stuff.
Flick: Thanks!
Mrs. Duck: Oh, and Flick?
Flick: Yeah, Mom?
Mrs. Duck: I have some good news for you. (The three start to sip their chocolate milk.) Your Aunt Susie wrote to say that your cousin Billy the duck is coming for a visit, tomorrow. (Flick stops dirnking hastily and spews out his chocolate milk.) Now finish up your treats and get to sleep.
Flick and Munchy: Okay.
Peanut: Yes, Mrs. Duck. (Mrs. Duck leaves.)
Flick: I got chocolate milk up my beak.
Peanut and Munchy: What are you gonna do, Flick?
Flick: Grow a beard for a disguise.
Peanut: Cheer up, Flick. Maybe your cousin Billy's changed.
Flick: Well, sure he has. He's probably gotten bigger and meaner. (Munchy starts to shudder again.) And now he's coming to get me.
(Lightning flashes and three huddle together and shout. Scene change. Jelly nd Munchy are sitting in the grass, playing checkers.)
Jelly: What's Flick's cousin Billy like, Munchy? Do you know?
Munchy: (a wild-west sounding theme plays) Well, one time he sat on Flick and wouldn't let him up for like four hours.
Jelly: Wow.
(Slide-wipe to Jelly and Pinch, sititng on deck chairs, drinking lemonade.)
Pinch: Have you heard anything about Flick's cousin Billy?
Jelly: I heard he sat on Flick for four days. (Pinch gasps.)
(Scootch and Pinch are now playing with blocks outside their houseboat.)
Pinch: I heard that Billy would pretend he was a monster and then jump on Flicka nd stay there for four whole months.
(Scootch gasps, drops his block and puts up his arms. He jumps up and runs off with a "yahhh!," scattering the blocks.)
Scootch: (runs back over to Pinch) Sorry, my fault. Yahhh! (runs off)
(Scootch and Munchy are now making a turtle in the sand.)
Munchy: You heard Flick's cousin Billy uses kids for trampolines?
Scootch: Yah.
Munchy: Really? Wow. And he's gonna be here today?
Scootch: Yahhhh! (runs off, trampling the sand turtle) Sorry, my fault. Yah!
~~~Big, Bad Billy the Duck~~~
Big, bad, Billy the Duck
When he's in town, you're outta luck
As wooly a bully as you've ever seen
He uses kids as a trampoline
[Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick, Munchy, Pinch and Scootch]
The wind is blowing Billy this way
He's coming tomorrow
We must leave today
He's big, bad, Billy the Duck
When he's in town, you're outta luck
When you see his bill
Head for the hills
When you see his wings
Stand up and sing
[Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick, Munchy, Pinch and Scootch]
Quack, quack, quack
The duck's coming back
Don't find yourself stuck
With big, bad, Billy the Duck
(As the song ends, Scootch points, indicating a boat approaching.)
Flick: I think we should run for the hills while we have the chance!
Peanut: Come on, guys. I think we should all wait and see what Billy's really like.
(A walkway extends and edgy theme plays as Billy, who is wearing a backwards ballcap, descends. Munchy cringes in terror and nibbles on his log nervously. He drops it.)
Munchy: Oops.
Mrs. Duck: (hugging Billy) Welcome to Lake Hoohaw, Billy. You remember your cousin Flick? Kids, I'd like you to meet my nephew, Billy the duck.
Peanut: Well, someone should give him a Lake Hoohaw welcome. I guess that's me. (He steps forward and extends his arm.) Hello! (trips over Munchy's log and falls on his face, knocking Billy into a puddle of mud.) Whoa! (everyone gasps) Uh oh!
(Billy gets up and looks upset. Scene change. The kids are throwing pebbles into a metal can and chattering.)
Peanut: So close. (Throws a bottle cap at it, but it clinks off.) This is not my lucky day.
Munchy: It was going pretty good until you pushed a giant bully into the mud. Ooh, sorry.
Peanut: It was an accident. I tripped.
Munchy: Well, I hope you don't have any more... accidents. (He throws a piece of wood at the can, but misses.)
Peanut: Maybe this lucky monkey cola cap will help.
Munchy: Wow. Is it really lucky?
Butter: Peanut monkey.
Peanut: I don't know. I hear it is. (He tosses it and hits the outside of the can, knocking it over.) Guess not.
Jelly: (rubbing her forehead) Phew. It's hot. Hey, come on, ya'll. Let's go swimming. (She runs off. The others follow.)
Peanut: All right!
Munchy: I wanna swim too.
Pinch: I'll go get my mom's permission. Hoohaw!
(Everyone has left. Billy finds Peanut's "lucky" cola cap. He picks it up and tosses it in the air a couple of times. Scene change. Peanut, Flick, Munchy and Butter are playing outside. Peanut is being swung on a tire swing.)
Peanut: Hmm. Has Billy mentioned our little accident this morning?
Flick: No. I think he's planning how to get you back.
Peanut: He said that?
Flick: Not exactly. But that's what I'd be doin' if someone pushed me in the mud.
Peanut: It was an accident!
Munchy: Uh oh! Here comes trouble.
Flick: I've seen that look before. (shakes his head) That's definitely not his happy look.
Munchy: What are you gonna do, Peanut?
Flick: Peanut? (Peanut has left and is now hiding behind some rocks.)
Butter: (playing with stuffed toys) Hee hee hee hee. (runs up and hugs Billy) Brilly!
Billy: Uh, hi. Where's your friend?
Flick and Munchy: (pointing in opposite directions) He went that way!
Munchy: We'll tell him you're looking for him. Heh heh.
Billy: Don't worry. I'll catch up with him sooner or later. (He walks away.)
Butter: Bye-bye. (waves)
Flick and Munchy: Oh man.
(Scene change. Peanut is walking past the Duck Family houseboat when Billy shows up. Peanut gasps and starts to run away. Billy follows and Peanut picks up the pace, starting to pant. He runs up to his Dad's houseboat, where Butter is playing with a rubber ball.)
Mrs. Duck: Yoo-hoo! Flick! Billy! Supper!
Billy: Hmm. (He walks off.)
Peanut: What am I gonna do?
Butter: Peanut monkey. Tee-hee-hee-hee-hee.
Peanut: Huh?
(Scene change. Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick and Munchy are sitting together in a circle in the grass.)
Peanut: I can't keep running away from him for the rest of my life.
Flick: (yawns) I'm so afraid, I haven't slept a wink.
Jelly: Hey, I know. I think it's time for a noodle dance.
(She hops up and starts dancing. The Noodle Dance background appears and the Noodle Dance music begins playing.)
Jelly: Maybe we can figure out what to do about a bully.
Butter: Noodle!
Munchy: (outside of the Noodle Dance) Well, here goes nothing.
Peanut: You think I can hide and dance at the same time? (dons a pair of sunglasses)
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Jelly: I've got it! Maybe we could trick Billy into getting into a rocket ship and then blast it off into deep deep space. Something like that.
Peanut: How 'bout we just send me off in a big old rocket ship. (unbeknownst to the others, Butter has walked off)
Flick: Hey, what if Peanut gave him a bunch of candy? You know, as a way to get Billy not to cream ya'? (He imagines Peanut pulling up with a truck full of candy.)
Peanut: There's gotta be another way to keep Billy from beating me up.
Jelly: Hey, I know. You can tell him not to.
Peanut: Tell him? You've seen him. You've heard how tough he is. He's gonna beat me up!
Jelly: He'll listen and we'll be right behind you, won't we? (Flick and Munchy shake their heads "no" vigorously.) Won't we? (they nod)
(Scene change. Butter approaches Billy, who is reading a comic book, and throws him the ball from earlier.)
Butter: Hee hee hee. Hee hee hee.
(Billy throws the ball back. The others approach him.)
Peanut: Excuse me, Billy, sir? I-I know you wanna beat me up, but before you do, I wanna tell you something.
Billy: Beat you up? What are you talking about?
Peanut: Isn't that why you've been following me around?
Billy: (shakes his head) No. I was trying to give you this back. (holds up the Lucky Monkey Cola cap) You dropped it.
Peanut: My Lucky Monkey Cola cap. But how'd you know it was mine?
Billy: Butter told me.
Butter: (pointing) Peanut monkey, Peanut monkey. Tee-hee-hee-hee.
Peanut: Wow. I mean, thank you. But aren't you mad about being pushed into the mud puddle?
Billy: Nah, I knew it was an accident. It's no big deal.
Peanut: So you're not a bully?
Billy: Bully? Ah ha ha ha ha. What makes you said that?
Peanut: Flick said that when he was little, you sat on him and wouldn't let him up for like four minutes.
Munchy: Days.
Pinch: Months.
Billy: What?! Oh yeah, I remember. (thought bubble appears over his head) Flick wanted to play horsey. Heh heh. I told him I was too big, but he wouldn't believe me. So I got on his back and he got squished for like a second.
Peanut: Eh heh heh heh heh. Really?
Flick: Oh yeah, now I remember. My mistake. Sorry.
Billy: That's all right, Flick.
Peanut: Billy, I'm sorry I thought bad things about you. (holds out his hand) Friends?
Billy: Friends. (They shake on it and Billy gives back the cap.)
Peanut: (holding it up) I guess my monkey cola cap is lucky after all. (all cheer)
Billy: It sure is!
(Scene change to the Otter family household. It's getting late-- the sun is setting.)
Opal: Well, Peanut, you sure seem happy tonight.
Jelly: That's because we all made a new friend today.
Butter: Brilly!
Peanut: Yeah, Billy's not a bully after all.
~~~Good Old Billy the Duck~~~
Good ol' Billy the Duck
If he's your friend
Then you're in luck
We used to think he was a bully
Now that really seems quite silly
[Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick, Opal and Ernest]
We're in luck
With good old Billy the Duck
Good old Billy the Duck
Good old Billy the Duck.
Billy: (opening the door) Uh, are you guys gonna come out to the tent, or what?
Jelly: What's goin' on, Billy?
Billy: Well, it's a little scary out here. Even for a bully. (He chuckles and all laugh.)
Flick: Get it. Bully? Billy? Ah, I quack myself up. Oh, "quack," get it? Ha ha ha ha ha!
"Billy the Duck"
Written by Cliff MacGillivray
Songs by Joshua Sitron, Lyrics and Music
Transcribed by Agent0042
(I suppose the moral of this one is "don't judge others before you get to know them." Also-- "you can't believe everything you hear.")
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Chris Phillips as Ernest Otter
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Eddie Korbich as Billy Duck (suspected)
Chris Phillips as Munchy Beaver
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Cody Pennes as Scootch Raccoon
Corinne Orr as Shirley Duck
Opal: "Billy the Duck"
(Ominous music plays. Sound of owl hooting. Inside a tent, Peanut, Flick and Munchy wake up.)
Munchy: W-what was that?
Peanut: It's okay, Munchy. It was just an owl.
Munchy: Are y-you sure? Sometimes big, scary monsters say "hoo" too. (Flick starts giggling.) They're tricky.
Peanut: It's okay, Munchy. It's just crickets and bugs and frogs and stuff.
Munchy: I know. It's the "stuff" that scares me.
Flick: Gah, that stuff doesn't scare me.
Peanut: Does anything scare you, Flick?
Flick: (crosses his arms) Nope. Not a thing. (uncrosses his arms) Well, I do remember a time when I was scared for real. I was so scared, I couldn't sleep for a whole month.
Munchy: I hate scary stuff. It's so (shudders) scary.
Flick: Well, nothin's as scary as my cousin, Billy the duck. He's the biggest, meanest kid in the whole world.
Peanut: Really?
Flick: Yeah.
Munchy: Ooh.
Flick: And my mom got a letter from his mom today. (shudders)
Munchy: Is he that bad, Flick?
Flick: (pointing at Munchy) Worse! One time, when I was little, Billy sat on me and wouldn't let me up for like four minutes.
Munchy: (gasps) Really?
Peanut: (skeptically) Uh huh.
Flick: Oh yeah. Billy's one mean duck. The meanest I've ever known. Big mean. Scary mean. Monster mean.
Munchy: (gasps) M-m-monster! Awwwww!
(He points outside the tent. All three scream as a shadowy figure comes in, but it's just Flick's Mom.)
Mrs. Duck: Relax boys, it's me.
Peanut: Oh.
Munchy: Hee hee.
Flick: Hi, Mom.
Peanut: Hi, Mrs. Duck.
Mrs. Duck: I saw your flashlight on and I thought I'd bring you some chocolate milk and babbleberry pie.
Peanut: Mmm, that looks great.
Flick: Oh yeah!
Munchy: Ooh boy.
Flick: I love it! Thanks, Mom!
Peanut: That's the stuff.
Flick: Thanks!
Mrs. Duck: Oh, and Flick?
Flick: Yeah, Mom?
Mrs. Duck: I have some good news for you. (The three start to sip their chocolate milk.) Your Aunt Susie wrote to say that your cousin Billy the duck is coming for a visit, tomorrow. (Flick stops dirnking hastily and spews out his chocolate milk.) Now finish up your treats and get to sleep.
Flick and Munchy: Okay.
Peanut: Yes, Mrs. Duck. (Mrs. Duck leaves.)
Flick: I got chocolate milk up my beak.
Peanut and Munchy: What are you gonna do, Flick?
Flick: Grow a beard for a disguise.
Peanut: Cheer up, Flick. Maybe your cousin Billy's changed.
Flick: Well, sure he has. He's probably gotten bigger and meaner. (Munchy starts to shudder again.) And now he's coming to get me.
(Lightning flashes and three huddle together and shout. Scene change. Jelly nd Munchy are sitting in the grass, playing checkers.)
Jelly: What's Flick's cousin Billy like, Munchy? Do you know?
Munchy: (a wild-west sounding theme plays) Well, one time he sat on Flick and wouldn't let him up for like four hours.
Jelly: Wow.
(Slide-wipe to Jelly and Pinch, sititng on deck chairs, drinking lemonade.)
Pinch: Have you heard anything about Flick's cousin Billy?
Jelly: I heard he sat on Flick for four days. (Pinch gasps.)
(Scootch and Pinch are now playing with blocks outside their houseboat.)
Pinch: I heard that Billy would pretend he was a monster and then jump on Flicka nd stay there for four whole months.
(Scootch gasps, drops his block and puts up his arms. He jumps up and runs off with a "yahhh!," scattering the blocks.)
Scootch: (runs back over to Pinch) Sorry, my fault. Yahhh! (runs off)
(Scootch and Munchy are now making a turtle in the sand.)
Munchy: You heard Flick's cousin Billy uses kids for trampolines?
Scootch: Yah.
Munchy: Really? Wow. And he's gonna be here today?
Scootch: Yahhhh! (runs off, trampling the sand turtle) Sorry, my fault. Yah!
~~~Big, Bad Billy the Duck~~~
Big, bad, Billy the Duck
When he's in town, you're outta luck
As wooly a bully as you've ever seen
He uses kids as a trampoline
[Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick, Munchy, Pinch and Scootch]
The wind is blowing Billy this way
He's coming tomorrow
We must leave today
He's big, bad, Billy the Duck
When he's in town, you're outta luck
When you see his bill
Head for the hills
When you see his wings
Stand up and sing
[Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick, Munchy, Pinch and Scootch]
Quack, quack, quack
The duck's coming back
Don't find yourself stuck
With big, bad, Billy the Duck
(As the song ends, Scootch points, indicating a boat approaching.)
Flick: I think we should run for the hills while we have the chance!
Peanut: Come on, guys. I think we should all wait and see what Billy's really like.
(A walkway extends and edgy theme plays as Billy, who is wearing a backwards ballcap, descends. Munchy cringes in terror and nibbles on his log nervously. He drops it.)
Munchy: Oops.
Mrs. Duck: (hugging Billy) Welcome to Lake Hoohaw, Billy. You remember your cousin Flick? Kids, I'd like you to meet my nephew, Billy the duck.
Peanut: Well, someone should give him a Lake Hoohaw welcome. I guess that's me. (He steps forward and extends his arm.) Hello! (trips over Munchy's log and falls on his face, knocking Billy into a puddle of mud.) Whoa! (everyone gasps) Uh oh!
(Billy gets up and looks upset. Scene change. The kids are throwing pebbles into a metal can and chattering.)
Peanut: So close. (Throws a bottle cap at it, but it clinks off.) This is not my lucky day.
Munchy: It was going pretty good until you pushed a giant bully into the mud. Ooh, sorry.
Peanut: It was an accident. I tripped.
Munchy: Well, I hope you don't have any more... accidents. (He throws a piece of wood at the can, but misses.)
Peanut: Maybe this lucky monkey cola cap will help.
Munchy: Wow. Is it really lucky?
Butter: Peanut monkey.
Peanut: I don't know. I hear it is. (He tosses it and hits the outside of the can, knocking it over.) Guess not.
Jelly: (rubbing her forehead) Phew. It's hot. Hey, come on, ya'll. Let's go swimming. (She runs off. The others follow.)
Peanut: All right!
Munchy: I wanna swim too.
Pinch: I'll go get my mom's permission. Hoohaw!
(Everyone has left. Billy finds Peanut's "lucky" cola cap. He picks it up and tosses it in the air a couple of times. Scene change. Peanut, Flick, Munchy and Butter are playing outside. Peanut is being swung on a tire swing.)
Peanut: Hmm. Has Billy mentioned our little accident this morning?
Flick: No. I think he's planning how to get you back.
Peanut: He said that?
Flick: Not exactly. But that's what I'd be doin' if someone pushed me in the mud.
Peanut: It was an accident!
Munchy: Uh oh! Here comes trouble.
Flick: I've seen that look before. (shakes his head) That's definitely not his happy look.
Munchy: What are you gonna do, Peanut?
Flick: Peanut? (Peanut has left and is now hiding behind some rocks.)
Butter: (playing with stuffed toys) Hee hee hee hee. (runs up and hugs Billy) Brilly!
Billy: Uh, hi. Where's your friend?
Flick and Munchy: (pointing in opposite directions) He went that way!
Munchy: We'll tell him you're looking for him. Heh heh.
Billy: Don't worry. I'll catch up with him sooner or later. (He walks away.)
Butter: Bye-bye. (waves)
Flick and Munchy: Oh man.
(Scene change. Peanut is walking past the Duck Family houseboat when Billy shows up. Peanut gasps and starts to run away. Billy follows and Peanut picks up the pace, starting to pant. He runs up to his Dad's houseboat, where Butter is playing with a rubber ball.)
Mrs. Duck: Yoo-hoo! Flick! Billy! Supper!
Billy: Hmm. (He walks off.)
Peanut: What am I gonna do?
Butter: Peanut monkey. Tee-hee-hee-hee-hee.
Peanut: Huh?
(Scene change. Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick and Munchy are sitting together in a circle in the grass.)
Peanut: I can't keep running away from him for the rest of my life.
Flick: (yawns) I'm so afraid, I haven't slept a wink.
Jelly: Hey, I know. I think it's time for a noodle dance.
(She hops up and starts dancing. The Noodle Dance background appears and the Noodle Dance music begins playing.)
Jelly: Maybe we can figure out what to do about a bully.
Butter: Noodle!
Munchy: (outside of the Noodle Dance) Well, here goes nothing.
Peanut: You think I can hide and dance at the same time? (dons a pair of sunglasses)
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Jelly: I've got it! Maybe we could trick Billy into getting into a rocket ship and then blast it off into deep deep space. Something like that.
Peanut: How 'bout we just send me off in a big old rocket ship. (unbeknownst to the others, Butter has walked off)
Flick: Hey, what if Peanut gave him a bunch of candy? You know, as a way to get Billy not to cream ya'? (He imagines Peanut pulling up with a truck full of candy.)
Peanut: There's gotta be another way to keep Billy from beating me up.
Jelly: Hey, I know. You can tell him not to.
Peanut: Tell him? You've seen him. You've heard how tough he is. He's gonna beat me up!
Jelly: He'll listen and we'll be right behind you, won't we? (Flick and Munchy shake their heads "no" vigorously.) Won't we? (they nod)
(Scene change. Butter approaches Billy, who is reading a comic book, and throws him the ball from earlier.)
Butter: Hee hee hee. Hee hee hee.
(Billy throws the ball back. The others approach him.)
Peanut: Excuse me, Billy, sir? I-I know you wanna beat me up, but before you do, I wanna tell you something.
Billy: Beat you up? What are you talking about?
Peanut: Isn't that why you've been following me around?
Billy: (shakes his head) No. I was trying to give you this back. (holds up the Lucky Monkey Cola cap) You dropped it.
Peanut: My Lucky Monkey Cola cap. But how'd you know it was mine?
Billy: Butter told me.
Butter: (pointing) Peanut monkey, Peanut monkey. Tee-hee-hee-hee.
Peanut: Wow. I mean, thank you. But aren't you mad about being pushed into the mud puddle?
Billy: Nah, I knew it was an accident. It's no big deal.
Peanut: So you're not a bully?
Billy: Bully? Ah ha ha ha ha. What makes you said that?
Peanut: Flick said that when he was little, you sat on him and wouldn't let him up for like four minutes.
Munchy: Days.
Pinch: Months.
Billy: What?! Oh yeah, I remember. (thought bubble appears over his head) Flick wanted to play horsey. Heh heh. I told him I was too big, but he wouldn't believe me. So I got on his back and he got squished for like a second.
Peanut: Eh heh heh heh heh. Really?
Flick: Oh yeah, now I remember. My mistake. Sorry.
Billy: That's all right, Flick.
Peanut: Billy, I'm sorry I thought bad things about you. (holds out his hand) Friends?
Billy: Friends. (They shake on it and Billy gives back the cap.)
Peanut: (holding it up) I guess my monkey cola cap is lucky after all. (all cheer)
Billy: It sure is!
(Scene change to the Otter family household. It's getting late-- the sun is setting.)
Opal: Well, Peanut, you sure seem happy tonight.
Jelly: That's because we all made a new friend today.
Butter: Brilly!
Peanut: Yeah, Billy's not a bully after all.
~~~Good Old Billy the Duck~~~
Good ol' Billy the Duck
If he's your friend
Then you're in luck
We used to think he was a bully
Now that really seems quite silly
[Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Flick, Opal and Ernest]
We're in luck
With good old Billy the Duck
Good old Billy the Duck
Good old Billy the Duck.
Billy: (opening the door) Uh, are you guys gonna come out to the tent, or what?
Jelly: What's goin' on, Billy?
Billy: Well, it's a little scary out here. Even for a bully. (He chuckles and all laugh.)
Flick: Get it. Bully? Billy? Ah, I quack myself up. Oh, "quack," get it? Ha ha ha ha ha!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Appologies and From Our Heart
As you'll notice, I have not kept my word for what I was doing with the polls. I was really busy, and I didn't know how to do what I promised I'd do, thus the poll is closed.
To make it up and show I'm sorry, not only am I starting a new poll, but I'm also sharing a video I found on YouTube.
Sorry about this, and I'll try not to do it in the future.
If you want, you can follow along with the Singin' Kid transcript I have up here.
To make it up and show I'm sorry, not only am I starting a new poll, but I'm also sharing a video I found on YouTube.
Sorry about this, and I'll try not to do it in the future.
If you want, you can follow along with the Singin' Kid transcript I have up here.
Transcript - Forgive Me Not
Sorry this was late, but here's another transcript from Agent0042.
"Forgive Me Not"
Written by Dennis Garvey and Tom Nichols
Songs by Fred Newman and Dan Sawyer
Transcribed by Agent0042
(I've seen this plot on at least two or three other shows, but "PB&J Otter" always does stuff well. Coming soon, hopefully, both "Billy the Duck"and "Follow Your Nose.")
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Nancy Giles as Aunt Nanner
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Aunt Nanner: "Forgive Me Not"
Jelly: Is she here? Do ya' see her?
Peanut: No.
Jelly: Mama, when is Aunt Nanner gonna get here?
Opal: Soon, I hope. But I'm afraid you kids need to go to bed.
Peanut, Butter and Jelly: Awwww.
Jelly: One more minute, please?
Ernest: Now kids, you'll get to see Aunt Nanner first thing in the morning. How's that? (sound of boat horn honking)
PB&J: Huh?!
Butter: Nanner!
Otter Family: Oh!
Aunt Nanner: (riding behind the boat on a jetski) Hi, ya'll! (giggles) Woo-hoo! Hoo hoo hoo! Woo hoo!
PB&J: Aunt Nanner! Yeah!
(The boat speeds up to the docking plank for the Otter family houseboat, rounds the bend and Aunt Nanner leaps off.)
Aunt Nanner: Aha! Thanks, guy! Hello, my sweet little angel otters. I've got a surprise for you.
Peanut: Oh boy! Salmon bubble gum!
Jelly: (squeaky with excitement) That's my favorite!
Peanut and Jelly: Thank you!
Opal: Anna, you're here only a minute and you're already spoiling the kids.
Aunt Nanner: Well, they don't see their Aunt Nanner every day now, do they?
Jelly: (noticing Aunt Nanner's snazzy sunglasses) Aunt Nanner, your glasses are beautiful.
Aunt Nanner: You like them?
Jelly: Like them? I love them. (startled by Butter popping her gum) Ahh! (All giggle except Butter.)
Ernest: All right, PB&J. Now it's really time to get ready for bed.
Jelly: (running up and hugging Aunt Nanner along with Peanut) Aw, Daddy, Aunt Nanner just got here.
Peanut: Can't we just a little bit longer?
Aunt Nanner: (putting on a cowboy hat and using a "wild west" accent) Now you listen up, buckaroos. You mosey on into the bunkhouse and get yourself some shuteye. I need you to be well rested for the seahorse rodeo tomorrow night. (all three cheer)
Peanut: Seahorse rodeo!
Ernest: Anna, you're too much.
(Scene change. Jelly is outside playing cowboy and cowgirls with Peanut and Butter. She is wearing a bright red cape. Butter is on Peanut's back and Peanut is wearing a cowboy hot.)
Jelly: Ride 'em, cowbaby!
Butter: Horsey!
(Peanut neighs and gallop about. The three giggle and Pinch approaches the group.)
Pinch: Whatch' ya'll doing?
Jelly: We're playing rodeo.
Peanut: Yeah. Our Aunt Nanner's gonna take us to the seahorse rodeo tonight.
Pinch: Wow, Peanut. Can I play rodeo too?
Jelly: Sure!
Pinch: Great! Gimme your cape!
Jelly: Oh. But this is my rodeo cape.
Pinch: Just for a sec?
Jelly: Mmm... (takes it off and fastens it to Pinch)
Pinch: (gasps in delight) Look at me! I'm the queen of the rodeo! (runs around joyfully) La la la la la...
(The cape catches on a nail in the fence. Pinch starts to run forward...)
Peanut: Pinch! Careful!
(Pinch stops herself, but not before the cape gets ripped She gasps in upset.)
Jelly: My cape!
Pinch: Oh no! Jelly, I'm so sorry. (She hands it back to Jelly.) I'll make it up to you, I promise! (Jelly holds up the cape, which appears ruined.)
Jelly: You mean you'll get me a new one?
Pinch: Well, I don't have a cape and I don't have any money. (This wasn't what Jelly wanted to hear. She walks away. Pinch tails after.) But I'll do anything, Jelly! Anything!
Peanut: (catching up with Jelly) It was just an accident, right Jelly? (Jelly walks away again.)
Pinch: (grasping Peanut by the arm) Oh, I've gotta figure out a way to make this up to her. I've got it!
Peanut: Hmm.
(Scene change. Pinch runs past Jelly and into the Otter family houseboat. She heads into Jelly's room.)
Pinch: Just a sec! (They walk in.) I made your bed and I folded all your clothes and put them away neatly. See?!
Jelly: (without any enthusiasm) Oh my. You didn't have to do that. (She sits down on her bed.)
Pinch: So, do you forgive me?
Jelly: Well...
(Jelly holds the cape up to her face and sobs. Pinch walks away sadly. She joins Peanut and Butter in the kitchen. Jelly enters the room and turns on the water for the faucet...)
Peanut: You don't have to do the dishes, Jelly.
Jelly: Yes, I do. It's my turn to do them today.
Peanut: (indicates Pinch, who is drying a plate) Pinch already did 'em for you.
Pinch: (humming) Hm hm hm hm.
Jelly: Thanks.
Pinch: Now do you forgive me?
Jelly: I for-- I for-- I can't believe you ripped it! That was my special cape! (She stalks off.)
Peanut: (putting a comforting arm around Pinch) Don't worry, Pinch. She'll get over it, I hope.
(Jelly sighs and sits down on the Otter family couch. She tries them on, but then they fall off her face. They hit the table and then the floor.)
Jelly: Oh no! Aunt Nanner's glasses!
(She picks them up and runs outside. Peanut and Butter find her outside, pacing.)
Peanut: Jelly, what's wrong?
Jelly: Oh, Peanut. I broke Aunt Nanner's new sunglasses.
Peanut: Uh oh. How'd you do that?
Jelly: Well, I saw them on the coffee table and I was trying them on a little bit and I dropped 'em. Look. Poor Aunt Nanner. These glasses were so special. What am I gonna do?
Peanut: Maybe we could fix 'em?
Jelly: Peanut Otter, you're the greatest older brother I've ever had.
Peanut: I'm the only older brother you've ever had. (giggles) Come on!
(They walk inside, Butter going for a bit of a ride.)
Aunt Nanner: Howdy, kids! Soon it's gonna be time for the rodeo!
Peanut: (nonchalant) We can't wait.
Jelly: Um, we're gonna go down to the basement and do somethin', okay?
Opal: Okay. You don't need to ask permission for that.
(The three walk sideways, slowly, into the basement, Peanut giving a little wave. Opal puts up her hands as if to say she doesn't get it.)
Jelly: Okay, now how do we fix the glasses?
Peanut: I don't know.
Jelly: You don't know?!
Peanut: Don't panic. Here, chew some of Aunt Nanner's gum. That always calms you down. Now let's see. We need something sticky. Maybe there's something down here we can use. Paint? Nah, that won't work. Glue? Nope, all used up. (Jelly chews her gum, blows it and pops a bubble.) Gum!
Jelly: I just chewed the whole pack. Sorry. I guess I'm more nervous than I thought.
Peanut: No, Jelly. We can use the gum to fix the glasses.
Jelly: Peanut, you're a genius. I'll just put some gum in these holes. Then we can stick the jewels back in good as new. See?
Peanut: Watch out, Jelly. You're getting gum all over everything.
Jelly: Oh no.
Peanut: They look worse than ever.
Jelly: I think we'd better do a noodle dance and fast.
Peanut: (crosses his arms) I'll use my noodle, but I'm not dancing.
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Jelly: I've got it!
Peanut: Wait, let me guess. A time machine.
Jelly: Nope.
Peanut: A helicopter?
Jelly: (shakes her head) Nope.
Peanut: Giant magnet?
Jelly: And no. (takes a deep breath) I have to go and tell Aunt Nanner the truth.
Peanut: What kind of plan is that?
Jelly: It's the only thing to do. (She picks up the glasses and heads upstairs.) Oh, she'll never forgive me. Uh, Aunt Nanner, I'm really sorry. Please don't be mad at me.
Aunt Nanner: Mad at you? What on Earth could ever make me get mad at you, honey?
Jelly: (handing her the glasses) I didn't mean to, but I broke your glasses.
Opal: (wagging her finger) Jelly, you shouldn't have taken Aunt Nanner's glasses without asking her.
Jelly: I know. I'm sorry.
Aunt Nanner: Honey, don't you worry. I can get them fixed. And I know you didn't do it on purpose. I forgive you.
Jelly: You do?
Aunt Nanner: Of course.
Jelly: But they were so expensive.
Aunt Nanner: Expensive? Sweetie, they only cost me six boxtops.
Jelly: Really?
Aunt Nanner: (as she talks, a chorus begins singing "oom bop ahh") Really. And listen, even if they had been expensive, you didn't mean to break them, right?
Jelly: Right.
Aunt Nanner: You're more important to me than any old pair of glasses.
~~~It Works Both Ways~~~
[Male Backing Vocalists]
Oom bop ahh
[Aunt Nanner]
If by mistake we hurt someone
We know just what to do
We quickly say we're sorry
Forgive me please, won't you?
If the person we just hurt
Can look beyond the pain
And say to us that it's okay
We'll all feel good again
[Opal and Male Backing Vocalists]
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh
[Aunt Nanner and Male Backing Vocalists]
It works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
If you say "I'm sorry"
[Aunt Nanner and Male Backing Vocalists]
It works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
If I reply "don't worry"
[Aunt Nanner and Male Backing Vocalists]
When it works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
We've both got no regrets
[Aunt Nanner and Male Backing Vocalists]
It works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
When all forgive and all forget
It's hard to say "I'm sorry"
It's not easy to forgive
[Aunt Nanner]
But folks who know how to let it go
[Aunt Nanner, Jelly and Male Backing Vocalists]
Know just how to live
[Aunt Nanner and Jelly]
It works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
If I say "I'm sorry"
[Aunt Nanner, Opal and Jelly]
It works both ways
If I reply "don't worry"
[Aunt Nanner and Jelly]
When it works both ways
[Aunt Nanner, Jelly and Opal]
We've both got no regrets
Yes, it works both ways
When all forgive and all forget
[Male Backing Vocalists]
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh.
(During the song, Peanut and Butter enter the room. The song ends, with the backing vocalists wrapping up as Jelly begins speaking...)
Jelly: Oh my, Pinch!
Opal: Where are you going, Jelly?
Jelly: I gotta talk to Pinch.
Pinch: I finished rearranging your sock drawer. (yawns) I'll be back tomorrow to do more stuff for you.
Jelly: Pinch, you didn't mean to tear my cape. I'm sorry I made you feel so bad about it. And I'm sorry I let you do all this work.
Pinch: But your cape!
Jelly: Pinch, you're more important than some old cape.
Pinch: You mean you forgive me?
Jelly: I forgive you, infinity.
(The show's standard theme for fun and happiness plays as Jelly, Pinch and Butter slide downstairs.)
Aunt Nanner: You kids better get ready. It's almost time to go to the seahorse rodeo.
Jelly: You mean you're still taking us? After what I did?
Aunt Nanner: Did? What? I don't remember you doing anything. Do you?
Jelly: Aunt Nanner, you're the best.
Aunt Nanner: And, Pinch, why don't you come along with us? The more the merrier, I always say.
Pinch: Oh, how wonderful.
Aunt Nanner: (putting on her hat) Come on, buckaroos! Fix up your horsies. We're going to the rodeo.
(An instrumental of "It Works Both Ways" plays as all cheer and chatter. They exit the Otter family houseboat.)
Jelly: Yee-hah! Ride 'em, cowgirls. Come on, buckaroo Pinch!
Pinch: Yee-hah, buckaroo Jelly!
"Forgive Me Not"
Written by Dennis Garvey and Tom Nichols
Songs by Fred Newman and Dan Sawyer
Transcribed by Agent0042
(I've seen this plot on at least two or three other shows, but "PB&J Otter" always does stuff well. Coming soon, hopefully, both "Billy the Duck"and "Follow Your Nose.")
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Nancy Giles as Aunt Nanner
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Aunt Nanner: "Forgive Me Not"
Jelly: Is she here? Do ya' see her?
Peanut: No.
Jelly: Mama, when is Aunt Nanner gonna get here?
Opal: Soon, I hope. But I'm afraid you kids need to go to bed.
Peanut, Butter and Jelly: Awwww.
Jelly: One more minute, please?
Ernest: Now kids, you'll get to see Aunt Nanner first thing in the morning. How's that? (sound of boat horn honking)
PB&J: Huh?!
Butter: Nanner!
Otter Family: Oh!
Aunt Nanner: (riding behind the boat on a jetski) Hi, ya'll! (giggles) Woo-hoo! Hoo hoo hoo! Woo hoo!
PB&J: Aunt Nanner! Yeah!
(The boat speeds up to the docking plank for the Otter family houseboat, rounds the bend and Aunt Nanner leaps off.)
Aunt Nanner: Aha! Thanks, guy! Hello, my sweet little angel otters. I've got a surprise for you.
Peanut: Oh boy! Salmon bubble gum!
Jelly: (squeaky with excitement) That's my favorite!
Peanut and Jelly: Thank you!
Opal: Anna, you're here only a minute and you're already spoiling the kids.
Aunt Nanner: Well, they don't see their Aunt Nanner every day now, do they?
Jelly: (noticing Aunt Nanner's snazzy sunglasses) Aunt Nanner, your glasses are beautiful.
Aunt Nanner: You like them?
Jelly: Like them? I love them. (startled by Butter popping her gum) Ahh! (All giggle except Butter.)
Ernest: All right, PB&J. Now it's really time to get ready for bed.
Jelly: (running up and hugging Aunt Nanner along with Peanut) Aw, Daddy, Aunt Nanner just got here.
Peanut: Can't we just a little bit longer?
Aunt Nanner: (putting on a cowboy hat and using a "wild west" accent) Now you listen up, buckaroos. You mosey on into the bunkhouse and get yourself some shuteye. I need you to be well rested for the seahorse rodeo tomorrow night. (all three cheer)
Peanut: Seahorse rodeo!
Ernest: Anna, you're too much.
(Scene change. Jelly is outside playing cowboy and cowgirls with Peanut and Butter. She is wearing a bright red cape. Butter is on Peanut's back and Peanut is wearing a cowboy hot.)
Jelly: Ride 'em, cowbaby!
Butter: Horsey!
(Peanut neighs and gallop about. The three giggle and Pinch approaches the group.)
Pinch: Whatch' ya'll doing?
Jelly: We're playing rodeo.
Peanut: Yeah. Our Aunt Nanner's gonna take us to the seahorse rodeo tonight.
Pinch: Wow, Peanut. Can I play rodeo too?
Jelly: Sure!
Pinch: Great! Gimme your cape!
Jelly: Oh. But this is my rodeo cape.
Pinch: Just for a sec?
Jelly: Mmm... (takes it off and fastens it to Pinch)
Pinch: (gasps in delight) Look at me! I'm the queen of the rodeo! (runs around joyfully) La la la la la...
(The cape catches on a nail in the fence. Pinch starts to run forward...)
Peanut: Pinch! Careful!
(Pinch stops herself, but not before the cape gets ripped She gasps in upset.)
Jelly: My cape!
Pinch: Oh no! Jelly, I'm so sorry. (She hands it back to Jelly.) I'll make it up to you, I promise! (Jelly holds up the cape, which appears ruined.)
Jelly: You mean you'll get me a new one?
Pinch: Well, I don't have a cape and I don't have any money. (This wasn't what Jelly wanted to hear. She walks away. Pinch tails after.) But I'll do anything, Jelly! Anything!
Peanut: (catching up with Jelly) It was just an accident, right Jelly? (Jelly walks away again.)
Pinch: (grasping Peanut by the arm) Oh, I've gotta figure out a way to make this up to her. I've got it!
Peanut: Hmm.
(Scene change. Pinch runs past Jelly and into the Otter family houseboat. She heads into Jelly's room.)
Pinch: Just a sec! (They walk in.) I made your bed and I folded all your clothes and put them away neatly. See?!
Jelly: (without any enthusiasm) Oh my. You didn't have to do that. (She sits down on her bed.)
Pinch: So, do you forgive me?
Jelly: Well...
(Jelly holds the cape up to her face and sobs. Pinch walks away sadly. She joins Peanut and Butter in the kitchen. Jelly enters the room and turns on the water for the faucet...)
Peanut: You don't have to do the dishes, Jelly.
Jelly: Yes, I do. It's my turn to do them today.
Peanut: (indicates Pinch, who is drying a plate) Pinch already did 'em for you.
Pinch: (humming) Hm hm hm hm.
Jelly: Thanks.
Pinch: Now do you forgive me?
Jelly: I for-- I for-- I can't believe you ripped it! That was my special cape! (She stalks off.)
Peanut: (putting a comforting arm around Pinch) Don't worry, Pinch. She'll get over it, I hope.
(Jelly sighs and sits down on the Otter family couch. She tries them on, but then they fall off her face. They hit the table and then the floor.)
Jelly: Oh no! Aunt Nanner's glasses!
(She picks them up and runs outside. Peanut and Butter find her outside, pacing.)
Peanut: Jelly, what's wrong?
Jelly: Oh, Peanut. I broke Aunt Nanner's new sunglasses.
Peanut: Uh oh. How'd you do that?
Jelly: Well, I saw them on the coffee table and I was trying them on a little bit and I dropped 'em. Look. Poor Aunt Nanner. These glasses were so special. What am I gonna do?
Peanut: Maybe we could fix 'em?
Jelly: Peanut Otter, you're the greatest older brother I've ever had.
Peanut: I'm the only older brother you've ever had. (giggles) Come on!
(They walk inside, Butter going for a bit of a ride.)
Aunt Nanner: Howdy, kids! Soon it's gonna be time for the rodeo!
Peanut: (nonchalant) We can't wait.
Jelly: Um, we're gonna go down to the basement and do somethin', okay?
Opal: Okay. You don't need to ask permission for that.
(The three walk sideways, slowly, into the basement, Peanut giving a little wave. Opal puts up her hands as if to say she doesn't get it.)
Jelly: Okay, now how do we fix the glasses?
Peanut: I don't know.
Jelly: You don't know?!
Peanut: Don't panic. Here, chew some of Aunt Nanner's gum. That always calms you down. Now let's see. We need something sticky. Maybe there's something down here we can use. Paint? Nah, that won't work. Glue? Nope, all used up. (Jelly chews her gum, blows it and pops a bubble.) Gum!
Jelly: I just chewed the whole pack. Sorry. I guess I'm more nervous than I thought.
Peanut: No, Jelly. We can use the gum to fix the glasses.
Jelly: Peanut, you're a genius. I'll just put some gum in these holes. Then we can stick the jewels back in good as new. See?
Peanut: Watch out, Jelly. You're getting gum all over everything.
Jelly: Oh no.
Peanut: They look worse than ever.
Jelly: I think we'd better do a noodle dance and fast.
Peanut: (crosses his arms) I'll use my noodle, but I'm not dancing.
Noodle, use your noodle
Noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Jelly: I've got it!
Peanut: Wait, let me guess. A time machine.
Jelly: Nope.
Peanut: A helicopter?
Jelly: (shakes her head) Nope.
Peanut: Giant magnet?
Jelly: And no. (takes a deep breath) I have to go and tell Aunt Nanner the truth.
Peanut: What kind of plan is that?
Jelly: It's the only thing to do. (She picks up the glasses and heads upstairs.) Oh, she'll never forgive me. Uh, Aunt Nanner, I'm really sorry. Please don't be mad at me.
Aunt Nanner: Mad at you? What on Earth could ever make me get mad at you, honey?
Jelly: (handing her the glasses) I didn't mean to, but I broke your glasses.
Opal: (wagging her finger) Jelly, you shouldn't have taken Aunt Nanner's glasses without asking her.
Jelly: I know. I'm sorry.
Aunt Nanner: Honey, don't you worry. I can get them fixed. And I know you didn't do it on purpose. I forgive you.
Jelly: You do?
Aunt Nanner: Of course.
Jelly: But they were so expensive.
Aunt Nanner: Expensive? Sweetie, they only cost me six boxtops.
Jelly: Really?
Aunt Nanner: (as she talks, a chorus begins singing "oom bop ahh") Really. And listen, even if they had been expensive, you didn't mean to break them, right?
Jelly: Right.
Aunt Nanner: You're more important to me than any old pair of glasses.
~~~It Works Both Ways~~~
[Male Backing Vocalists]
Oom bop ahh
[Aunt Nanner]
If by mistake we hurt someone
We know just what to do
We quickly say we're sorry
Forgive me please, won't you?
If the person we just hurt
Can look beyond the pain
And say to us that it's okay
We'll all feel good again
[Opal and Male Backing Vocalists]
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh
[Aunt Nanner and Male Backing Vocalists]
It works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
If you say "I'm sorry"
[Aunt Nanner and Male Backing Vocalists]
It works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
If I reply "don't worry"
[Aunt Nanner and Male Backing Vocalists]
When it works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
We've both got no regrets
[Aunt Nanner and Male Backing Vocalists]
It works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
When all forgive and all forget
It's hard to say "I'm sorry"
It's not easy to forgive
[Aunt Nanner]
But folks who know how to let it go
[Aunt Nanner, Jelly and Male Backing Vocalists]
Know just how to live
[Aunt Nanner and Jelly]
It works both ways
[Aunt Nanner]
If I say "I'm sorry"
[Aunt Nanner, Opal and Jelly]
It works both ways
If I reply "don't worry"
[Aunt Nanner and Jelly]
When it works both ways
[Aunt Nanner, Jelly and Opal]
We've both got no regrets
Yes, it works both ways
When all forgive and all forget
[Male Backing Vocalists]
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh
Oom bop ahh.
(During the song, Peanut and Butter enter the room. The song ends, with the backing vocalists wrapping up as Jelly begins speaking...)
Jelly: Oh my, Pinch!
Opal: Where are you going, Jelly?
Jelly: I gotta talk to Pinch.
Pinch: I finished rearranging your sock drawer. (yawns) I'll be back tomorrow to do more stuff for you.
Jelly: Pinch, you didn't mean to tear my cape. I'm sorry I made you feel so bad about it. And I'm sorry I let you do all this work.
Pinch: But your cape!
Jelly: Pinch, you're more important than some old cape.
Pinch: You mean you forgive me?
Jelly: I forgive you, infinity.
(The show's standard theme for fun and happiness plays as Jelly, Pinch and Butter slide downstairs.)
Aunt Nanner: You kids better get ready. It's almost time to go to the seahorse rodeo.
Jelly: You mean you're still taking us? After what I did?
Aunt Nanner: Did? What? I don't remember you doing anything. Do you?
Jelly: Aunt Nanner, you're the best.
Aunt Nanner: And, Pinch, why don't you come along with us? The more the merrier, I always say.
Pinch: Oh, how wonderful.
Aunt Nanner: (putting on her hat) Come on, buckaroos! Fix up your horsies. We're going to the rodeo.
(An instrumental of "It Works Both Ways" plays as all cheer and chatter. They exit the Otter family houseboat.)
Jelly: Yee-hah! Ride 'em, cowgirls. Come on, buckaroo Pinch!
Pinch: Yee-hah, buckaroo Jelly!
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