I have been talking with my friends, and we've come up with more episode ideas:
Hiccup and At 'Em:
Scootch gets the hiccups and everyone tries to find a way to cure them. However, none of their ideas are working.
- This episode is paired with the episode below.
- Scootch appologizes for each hiccup.
The Mysterious Sleepwalker:
Munchy has a problem. Every night, he walks in his sleep and unknowingly causes chaos on Lake Hoohaw. Everyone tries to find a way to stop this, but how can they break something like that?
- This is a sequel to Munchy's No Big Deal.
- Flick dreams of fighting crime with Mallard Man in some scenes.
Stuck on Jelly:
Scootch starts to develop a crush on Jelly, but he gets nervous around her.
- This is paired with the episode below.
Babysitting Gone Wild:
Wanda (Pinch and Scootch's mom) asks Pinch to watch Scootch for the day while she's at work. But Pinch attends Ballet School that same day. With that, she asks Jelly to babysit Scootch for her. Jelly accepts, but can she handle it?
- This takes place after the episode before.
The New Neighbors:
A family of squirrels moves into Lake Hoohaw, but everyone is hesitant to get to know them, thus they start making up rumors about them.
- The names of the Squirrel family are:
Father: Scott Squirrel
Mother: Sarah Squirrel
Sister 1: Samantha Squirrel
Sister 2: Sophie Squirrel
Brother 1: Sammy Squirrel
Brother 2: Steve Squirrel
- This is a double-length episode.
Scootch's Birthday:
Scootch is very excited because today is his birthday. But one of the characters* has forgotten about it.
*We're going to have a vote on who forgets his birthday!
- This is the first time we see Scootch's birthday celebrated.
- This is paired with the episode below.
Flick sees wrestling on TV and decides that he wants to become a wrestler himself. His friends try to show him how crazy that idea is.
- This is the first time there has ever been wrestling in the show. (The violence in the wrestling is extremely toned down for obvious reasons)
Munchy Hearts Art:
Everybody is painting their own pictures. They all like each other's paintings--except for Munchy's. They unintentionally make him feel bad about his painting, so he vows to never paint another thing again.
- This is paired with the below episode.
- This is the first time everyone has been shown painting in a group.
Make Way for the Bully:
Peanut encounters a bully named "Horseradish" on Lake Hoohaw one day. He doesn't go away, so he has to figure out how to deal with him.
- This is the first time an actual bully is shown in the show.
I'm Not Peanut:
Peanut gets a bump on his head and gets the idea that he is Jelly. The others try to figure out how to get him to realize that he is not Jelly and restore his memory.
- Peanut says a lot of the things that Jelly would normally throughout the period of time in the episode that he thinks he's Jelly.
- This is paired with the below episode.
Scootch's Beginnings:
Everyone recalls the day that the Raccoons moved into Lake Hoohaw and how they didn't like Scootch at first, but Butter convinced them that he wasn't as bad as they thought he was.
- Sequel to Bubbles' Beginnings.
Without Scootch:
Scootch has done so much damage lately that Pinch decides that she wishes she never had a little brother. That night, she has a dream where she lives with Wanda and Walter as an only child.
- This is the first time we see a chacter's dream for an extended period of time.
- This a double-length episode.
Whew! That's a lot of episodes. It took me forever to type this up. There are more my friends and I have come up with, but I'll get to posting those later because I've got other stuff I need to do.
Oodelay, PB&J fans!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Transcript - Ducking Out on Valentine's Day
Sorry this was late, but I finally got to posting it. Thanks, Agent0042!
"Ducking Out on Valentine's Day"
Written by Anne Baumgarten and Bruce Shelly
Songs by Fred Newman and Dan Sawyer
Transcribed by Agent0042
(Happy Valentine's Day in early July.)
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Eddie Korbich as Ootsie Snooty
Eddie Korbich as Bootsie Snooty
Bruce Bayley Johnson as Mayor Jeff
Chris Phillips as Munchy Beaver
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Corinne Orr as Shirley Duck
Cap'n Crane (non-speaking)
Mrs. Connie Crane (non-speaking)
Mayor Jeff: "Ducking Out on Valentine's Day"
(The scene focuses in on Ernest, who appears to be punching some figures into a calculator. Ootsie and Bootsie pull up on a boat attached to a large freight vessel.)
Ootsie and Bootsie: Mr. Otter!
Ernest: (waving) Good morning, Ootsie! Good morning, Bootsie!
Ootsie: You're so right, Mr. Otter.
Bootsie: It is a good morning.
Ootsie: To do us a favor.
Bootsie: We want all our little friends to get our gigantic Valentines. (She indicates large boxes stamped with hearts. Ernest looks stunned.) But we're off on a luxury ski trip to Mount Poodle. So could you keep them here until the big Valentine picnic?
Ootsie: And then pass them out?
Ernest: Well, I'd be happy to.
Ootsie: (on a bone phone) Attention, all hands.
Bootsie: (also on a bone phone) Unload the Valentines! (a big hook unloads a single set of boxes out of the many)
Ernest: How do I know who gets what?
Ootsie: We put the names
Bootsie: on every box. Thank you, Mr. Otter!
Ootsie: Thanks a lot! (They speed away. Ernest is splashed.)
Ernest: Don't mention it.
(Scene change. Ernest is unloading the many Valentines.)
Peanut: Hi, Dad!
Flick: Hello, Mr. Otter.
Jelly: What's that stuff?
Ernest: Ootsie and Bootsie left their Valentines for me to pass out at the big picnic.
Jelly: Wow! These are gigantic.
Peanut: Wonder what's in 'em. Babbleberry candies, I hope.
Jelly: (holding up one of the Valentines, which are heart-shaped) Look, Peanut. Here's one with your name on it.
Peanut: And here's one for you, Jel.
Flick: Here's Munchy's. And Pinch's.
Jelly: Here's Butter's.
Peanut: Scootch's.
Flick: (grabbing and tossing aside many Valentines) Mine? Where's mine? Cheese and quackers, where is it?!
(Scene change. Flick and the others have apparently gone through numerous Valentines, but couldn't find Flick's.)
Peanut: I don't get it. There's gotta be a Valentine for you.
Flick: Huh. Right. There's "gotta" be. But we checked six times and there isn't.
Peanut: Sorry, Flick.
Flick: Hey, it's no skin off my beak. Who cares?
Jelly: You care.
Flick: Me? No way. Never! I'm glad I didn't get one. I don't like Valentines. (crosses his arms) Huh! (accidentally kicks against one of the boxes and starts hopping up and done, clutching his foot) Ouch! I gotta go. I'm late for my... foot doctor appointment.
Jelly: He's just pretending he doesn't want a Valentine.
Peanut: Yeah. And if the Snooties didn't give him one, we will. Come on.
Jelly: All right.
(Scene change. Focus in on the Otter family houseboat, where they're working on Valentines.)
Jelly: Butter, can you give me back my red crayon?
Butter: (giggles as she finishes her Valentine, then hands over the crayon)
Jelly: Thanks. I need this to write Flick's name on his Valentine.
Flick: Hey, you guys. What's up?
Peanut: Nothing.
Jelly: Yeah, nothing.
Flick: Are you sure?
Peanut and Jelly: Uh huh.
Flick: All that nothing you're making looks to me like Valentines.
Peanut: Well, maybe. Kind of.
Flick: Ya better not be making Valentines for me.
Jelly: How come?
Flick: (holding out his hand, closing his eyes and turning his head to the side) 'Cause I don't want any. Waste of paper, waste of paste, waste of doilies. Don't give me a Valentine. Ever.
Jelly: Maybe just a little one?
Flick: No. Tear it up. Throw it away. If you don't, I'll be mad at you past Hoohaw Halloween. (He stalks off.)
Peanut: He's just saying that.
Jelly: But do we give him one, or don't we?
(Slide wipe to Munchy, who is nibbling out wooden Valentines.)
Flick: Hey, Munch. What are you sinking your teeth into now?
Munchy: (holding a partially chewed Valentine) Uh, nothing.
Flick: (grabbing it) Let me see. It's a Valentine!
Munchy: (trying to grab it back) Maybe.
Flick: (letting go) Well, it'd better not be for me.
Munchy: (falling over because Flick suddenly let go) How come.
Flick: I don't like Valentines. (crossing his arms) They're for babies. Whatever you do, don't give me on.
Munchy: Well, okay. If that's what you don't want, that's what you won't get.
Flick: Good. That's what I want. (holding out his arms as if waving off the idea of Valentines) No Valentines.
(Scene change to Raccoon family houseboat. Pinch is taking some Valentine cookies out of the oven.)
Pinch: (singing) Will you be my Valentine? / I'll be yours and you'll be mine.
Flick: Hey! My beak just sneaked the smell of cookies!
Pinch: Valentine cookies. My mom's helping me make them for the big picnic tomorrow. (She and her mom hug.)
Flick: (waving his arms) Warning! Important warning! Ya bettern ot be making any for me.
Pinch: What did you say?
Flick: I said, don't give me cookie Valentines. (checking off on his fingers) Or paper Valentines, or wooden Valentines, Or any other kinda Valentines. (slams the door)
(Scene change. Mayor Jeff is giving direction to the Cranes, who are holding a large banner with a heart in their beaks.)
Mayor Jeff: Okay. Higher! Higher! (Flick peeks at the action from behind a bush.) That's perfect! Well, hello there, Flick. Did you come to help us get ready for the big picnic?
Flick: (folding his arms behind his back) Uh, no, Mayor Jeff. I, uh, can't. Gotta go..home. Right now. (dashes off)
Mayor Jeff: Well, be sure to come back tomorrow! This'll be the best Valentine's Day Lake Hoohaw has ever had. (The Cranes drop the banner on top of his head.)
(Scene change. Flick is at home in his bedroom, looking at himself in a handheld mirror.)
Flick: So, Flick, can you go to that picnic? No way. Not when everybody else'll get Valentines and I won't. Oh. So, tell me, what can I do? What?! (starts pacing) Need an idea. A brilliant idea. Maybe I should use my noodle. (stops pacing) Hey, you're right! I knew I could count on me. We'll do a Noodle Dance.
(He starts tapping his forehead and the Noodle Dance music starts. The Noodle Dance background appears.)
Noodle, noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Use your little ducky brain
Flick: We got it! I'll build a big, gigantic rain machine and rain on the picnic so they don't have one.
(In Flick's fantasy sequence, a rain-making machine flies overhead and douses everyone with rain. It knocks down the banner.)
Peanut and Pinch: Huh?! Ahhh! (They run off. End of fantasy sequence.)
Flick: But then nobody else would have any fun. Keep thinkin'. Maybe I could pretend to be sick. Then, I wouldn't have to go.
(He imagines himself with a compress on his head and a thermometer in his beak, all the way to the top.)
Mrs. Duck: (holding out a spoon of medicine) Here you go, Flick.
Flick: Bleh! (end sequence) Ugh. Sick is no fun. Maybe I could run away.
(He imagines himself on a train, at sunset, playing a harmonica, a small sack tied on a stick. In the distance, a wolf is shown howling.)
Flick: No. Mom would be sad. And it would be too lonely. The only Valentine I'd get would be from myself. (ding sound) Hey, that's it. Whoa! I could send myself some Valentines. Dozens. Hundreds. Woo-hoo!
(Slide-wipe to Flick's kitchen, where he's now at the table, making himself Valentines.)
Mrs. Duck: Hi, Flick. Ooh, you're making Valentines for all your friends. (hugging him) Aren't you thoughtful and sweet?
Flick: Uh, Mom, these aren't for my friends.
Mrs. Duck: Then who are they for?
Flick: W-well.. me.
Mrs. Duck: You're giving all those to yourself. But why?
Flick: Because I'm not gonna get any from anybody else.
Mrs. Duck: That's silly, Flick. Of course you'll get Valentines.
Flick: Not now. I talked to Peanut, I talked to Jelly, I talked to everybody. I told them I didn't want any Valentines.
Mrs. Duck: Flick, honey, it might have been better to tell your friends how you really felt.
Flick: Oh. That's too hard.
Mrs. Duck: Well, it is hard, Flick. But it sounds to me like not telling your friends how you feel is making you one miserable duck.
Flick: Yeah, you're right. After what I told everybody, the only Valentines I'll get are my own scribbly ones. Hmm.
Mrs. Duck: Well, cheer up. You can still go the Valentine picnic and have lots of fun.
Flick: Fun? Now? You're kidding, right?
Mrs. Duck: It's always more fun to give Valentines than to get them.
Flick: Even ones that are scribbly?
Mrs. Duck: Well, you'll find out tomorrow.
(Scene change to the next day. Mayor Jeff is standing in front of the banner.)
Mayor Jeff: I hereby declare that the Hoohaw Valentine's Day Picnic is about to begin. 1 2 3...
Mayor Jeff, Peanut, Butter and Jelly: Happy Valentine's Day! (all cheer)
Jelly: Hey!
Peanut: Hey, Flick.
Flick: (pulling out three Valentine cards) They're kinda scribbly. Go ahead, laugh at 'em. Happy Valentine's Day, Peanut. Happy Valentine's Day, Jelly and Butter.
Peanut: Thanks, Flick.
Jelly: Yeah, thank you.
Butter: 'ank you.
Flick: I know you won't give me any back because I asked you not to.
Peanut: Yeah, you did.
Flick: Well, I didn't really, really, exactly kinda mean it. But next year I won't do that, so you can give me Valentines then?
Jelly: (reaching behind her back) You won't have to wait till next year. Here. (Both she and Peanut present cards.) Happy Valentine's Day, Flick.
Peanut: Happy Valentine's Day, Flick.
Flick: Hmm? Wow. You made me Valentines after I told you not to.
Jelly: We really, really kinda sorta didn't believe you.
Peanut: We knew you'd really feel just as good about getting ours as we feel about getting yours.
Pinch: (approaching with her cookies) Happy Valentine's Day, Flick.
Flick: Wow, Pinch, thanks. You didn't believe me either?
Pinch: (shaking her head) Nope.
Munchy: Me neither.
Flick: Huh?
Munchy: Happy Valentine's Day.
Flick: Man, thanks. And here! I got Valentines for you guys, if you don't mind scribbly. (sound of horn honking)
Ootsie: Flick, we found it!
Flick: Huh?
Bootsie: Your Valentine!
Ootsie: It fell behind the thousand inch plasma screen TV on our limo boat. We came back early from our luxury ski trip
Bootsie: so we could be sure you got it.
(Ootsie pushes a button on the mini-car they're driving and a box unloads from a panel in the car.)
Ootsie and Bootsie: Happy Valentine's Day!
Flick: Thanks, guys. Am I lucky duck or what? Happy Valentine's Day right back at you. (hands them each Valentines)
Ootsie: These are great.
Bootsie: Scribbly is really in this year.
Jelly: Well, after all his worry, Flick got Valentines from everybody.
Peanut: And everybody got Valentines from Flick.
Jelly: But it sure woulda been easier if he hadn't tried to hide what he really wanted. You know, Flick, there's an old song that says it all.
Flick: Huh?
~~~ You Just Can't Hide Your Heart ~~~
You can't keep the sun from risin'
You can't keep good friends apart
Like a breeze that blows, everybody knows
You just can't hide your heart
[Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Flick, Pinch, Ootsie and Bootsie]
You can't keep a creek from flowin'
You can't be somethin' that you're not
Ain't no doubt, you've gotta let you're feelings out
You know you just can't hide your heart
You can't keep the wind from blowin', heh heh
You can't keep a lid on a boilin' pot
A little candle glow has gotta shine, you know
[Ootsie and Bootsie]
You just can't hide your heart
[Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Flick, Pinch, Ootsie and Bootsie]
You can't keep a creek from flowin'
You can't be somethin' that you're not
Ain't no doubt, you've gotta let you're feelings out
You know you just can't hide your heart.
(Scene change to the dock outside the Otter Family houseboat.)
Jelly: Ootsie and Bootsie's Valentine candy is delicious.
Peanut: Double delicious.
Butter: Yum yum.
Flick: (approaching, holding a long list) Hey, guys. Haven't finished your Valentine candy yet?
Peanut: Don't tell me you ate yours already.
Flick: Hours ago. Needed to get to work on this.
Peanut: What is it?
Flick: Your official reminder list. Keep it handy.
Peanut: (reading) "Flick wants birthday presents. Flick wants Hoohaw Hoo presents. Flick wants Hoohaw Halloween treats." (PB&J giggle.)
Jelly: Flick!
Flick: What? What, guys? Tell me, what?
"Ducking Out on Valentine's Day"
Written by Anne Baumgarten and Bruce Shelly
Songs by Fred Newman and Dan Sawyer
Transcribed by Agent0042
(Happy Valentine's Day in early July.)
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Eddie Korbich as Ootsie Snooty
Eddie Korbich as Bootsie Snooty
Bruce Bayley Johnson as Mayor Jeff
Chris Phillips as Munchy Beaver
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Corinne Orr as Shirley Duck
Cap'n Crane (non-speaking)
Mrs. Connie Crane (non-speaking)
Mayor Jeff: "Ducking Out on Valentine's Day"
(The scene focuses in on Ernest, who appears to be punching some figures into a calculator. Ootsie and Bootsie pull up on a boat attached to a large freight vessel.)
Ootsie and Bootsie: Mr. Otter!
Ernest: (waving) Good morning, Ootsie! Good morning, Bootsie!
Ootsie: You're so right, Mr. Otter.
Bootsie: It is a good morning.
Ootsie: To do us a favor.
Bootsie: We want all our little friends to get our gigantic Valentines. (She indicates large boxes stamped with hearts. Ernest looks stunned.) But we're off on a luxury ski trip to Mount Poodle. So could you keep them here until the big Valentine picnic?
Ootsie: And then pass them out?
Ernest: Well, I'd be happy to.
Ootsie: (on a bone phone) Attention, all hands.
Bootsie: (also on a bone phone) Unload the Valentines! (a big hook unloads a single set of boxes out of the many)
Ernest: How do I know who gets what?
Ootsie: We put the names
Bootsie: on every box. Thank you, Mr. Otter!
Ootsie: Thanks a lot! (They speed away. Ernest is splashed.)
Ernest: Don't mention it.
(Scene change. Ernest is unloading the many Valentines.)
Peanut: Hi, Dad!
Flick: Hello, Mr. Otter.
Jelly: What's that stuff?
Ernest: Ootsie and Bootsie left their Valentines for me to pass out at the big picnic.
Jelly: Wow! These are gigantic.
Peanut: Wonder what's in 'em. Babbleberry candies, I hope.
Jelly: (holding up one of the Valentines, which are heart-shaped) Look, Peanut. Here's one with your name on it.
Peanut: And here's one for you, Jel.
Flick: Here's Munchy's. And Pinch's.
Jelly: Here's Butter's.
Peanut: Scootch's.
Flick: (grabbing and tossing aside many Valentines) Mine? Where's mine? Cheese and quackers, where is it?!
(Scene change. Flick and the others have apparently gone through numerous Valentines, but couldn't find Flick's.)
Peanut: I don't get it. There's gotta be a Valentine for you.
Flick: Huh. Right. There's "gotta" be. But we checked six times and there isn't.
Peanut: Sorry, Flick.
Flick: Hey, it's no skin off my beak. Who cares?
Jelly: You care.
Flick: Me? No way. Never! I'm glad I didn't get one. I don't like Valentines. (crosses his arms) Huh! (accidentally kicks against one of the boxes and starts hopping up and done, clutching his foot) Ouch! I gotta go. I'm late for my... foot doctor appointment.
Jelly: He's just pretending he doesn't want a Valentine.
Peanut: Yeah. And if the Snooties didn't give him one, we will. Come on.
Jelly: All right.
(Scene change. Focus in on the Otter family houseboat, where they're working on Valentines.)
Jelly: Butter, can you give me back my red crayon?
Butter: (giggles as she finishes her Valentine, then hands over the crayon)
Jelly: Thanks. I need this to write Flick's name on his Valentine.
Flick: Hey, you guys. What's up?
Peanut: Nothing.
Jelly: Yeah, nothing.
Flick: Are you sure?
Peanut and Jelly: Uh huh.
Flick: All that nothing you're making looks to me like Valentines.
Peanut: Well, maybe. Kind of.
Flick: Ya better not be making Valentines for me.
Jelly: How come?
Flick: (holding out his hand, closing his eyes and turning his head to the side) 'Cause I don't want any. Waste of paper, waste of paste, waste of doilies. Don't give me a Valentine. Ever.
Jelly: Maybe just a little one?
Flick: No. Tear it up. Throw it away. If you don't, I'll be mad at you past Hoohaw Halloween. (He stalks off.)
Peanut: He's just saying that.
Jelly: But do we give him one, or don't we?
(Slide wipe to Munchy, who is nibbling out wooden Valentines.)
Flick: Hey, Munch. What are you sinking your teeth into now?
Munchy: (holding a partially chewed Valentine) Uh, nothing.
Flick: (grabbing it) Let me see. It's a Valentine!
Munchy: (trying to grab it back) Maybe.
Flick: (letting go) Well, it'd better not be for me.
Munchy: (falling over because Flick suddenly let go) How come.
Flick: I don't like Valentines. (crossing his arms) They're for babies. Whatever you do, don't give me on.
Munchy: Well, okay. If that's what you don't want, that's what you won't get.
Flick: Good. That's what I want. (holding out his arms as if waving off the idea of Valentines) No Valentines.
(Scene change to Raccoon family houseboat. Pinch is taking some Valentine cookies out of the oven.)
Pinch: (singing) Will you be my Valentine? / I'll be yours and you'll be mine.
Flick: Hey! My beak just sneaked the smell of cookies!
Pinch: Valentine cookies. My mom's helping me make them for the big picnic tomorrow. (She and her mom hug.)
Flick: (waving his arms) Warning! Important warning! Ya bettern ot be making any for me.
Pinch: What did you say?
Flick: I said, don't give me cookie Valentines. (checking off on his fingers) Or paper Valentines, or wooden Valentines, Or any other kinda Valentines. (slams the door)
(Scene change. Mayor Jeff is giving direction to the Cranes, who are holding a large banner with a heart in their beaks.)
Mayor Jeff: Okay. Higher! Higher! (Flick peeks at the action from behind a bush.) That's perfect! Well, hello there, Flick. Did you come to help us get ready for the big picnic?
Flick: (folding his arms behind his back) Uh, no, Mayor Jeff. I, uh, can't. Gotta go..home. Right now. (dashes off)
Mayor Jeff: Well, be sure to come back tomorrow! This'll be the best Valentine's Day Lake Hoohaw has ever had. (The Cranes drop the banner on top of his head.)
(Scene change. Flick is at home in his bedroom, looking at himself in a handheld mirror.)
Flick: So, Flick, can you go to that picnic? No way. Not when everybody else'll get Valentines and I won't. Oh. So, tell me, what can I do? What?! (starts pacing) Need an idea. A brilliant idea. Maybe I should use my noodle. (stops pacing) Hey, you're right! I knew I could count on me. We'll do a Noodle Dance.
(He starts tapping his forehead and the Noodle Dance music starts. The Noodle Dance background appears.)
Noodle, noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Use your little ducky brain
Flick: We got it! I'll build a big, gigantic rain machine and rain on the picnic so they don't have one.
(In Flick's fantasy sequence, a rain-making machine flies overhead and douses everyone with rain. It knocks down the banner.)
Peanut and Pinch: Huh?! Ahhh! (They run off. End of fantasy sequence.)
Flick: But then nobody else would have any fun. Keep thinkin'. Maybe I could pretend to be sick. Then, I wouldn't have to go.
(He imagines himself with a compress on his head and a thermometer in his beak, all the way to the top.)
Mrs. Duck: (holding out a spoon of medicine) Here you go, Flick.
Flick: Bleh! (end sequence) Ugh. Sick is no fun. Maybe I could run away.
(He imagines himself on a train, at sunset, playing a harmonica, a small sack tied on a stick. In the distance, a wolf is shown howling.)
Flick: No. Mom would be sad. And it would be too lonely. The only Valentine I'd get would be from myself. (ding sound) Hey, that's it. Whoa! I could send myself some Valentines. Dozens. Hundreds. Woo-hoo!
(Slide-wipe to Flick's kitchen, where he's now at the table, making himself Valentines.)
Mrs. Duck: Hi, Flick. Ooh, you're making Valentines for all your friends. (hugging him) Aren't you thoughtful and sweet?
Flick: Uh, Mom, these aren't for my friends.
Mrs. Duck: Then who are they for?
Flick: W-well.. me.
Mrs. Duck: You're giving all those to yourself. But why?
Flick: Because I'm not gonna get any from anybody else.
Mrs. Duck: That's silly, Flick. Of course you'll get Valentines.
Flick: Not now. I talked to Peanut, I talked to Jelly, I talked to everybody. I told them I didn't want any Valentines.
Mrs. Duck: Flick, honey, it might have been better to tell your friends how you really felt.
Flick: Oh. That's too hard.
Mrs. Duck: Well, it is hard, Flick. But it sounds to me like not telling your friends how you feel is making you one miserable duck.
Flick: Yeah, you're right. After what I told everybody, the only Valentines I'll get are my own scribbly ones. Hmm.
Mrs. Duck: Well, cheer up. You can still go the Valentine picnic and have lots of fun.
Flick: Fun? Now? You're kidding, right?
Mrs. Duck: It's always more fun to give Valentines than to get them.
Flick: Even ones that are scribbly?
Mrs. Duck: Well, you'll find out tomorrow.
(Scene change to the next day. Mayor Jeff is standing in front of the banner.)
Mayor Jeff: I hereby declare that the Hoohaw Valentine's Day Picnic is about to begin. 1 2 3...
Mayor Jeff, Peanut, Butter and Jelly: Happy Valentine's Day! (all cheer)
Jelly: Hey!
Peanut: Hey, Flick.
Flick: (pulling out three Valentine cards) They're kinda scribbly. Go ahead, laugh at 'em. Happy Valentine's Day, Peanut. Happy Valentine's Day, Jelly and Butter.
Peanut: Thanks, Flick.
Jelly: Yeah, thank you.
Butter: 'ank you.
Flick: I know you won't give me any back because I asked you not to.
Peanut: Yeah, you did.
Flick: Well, I didn't really, really, exactly kinda mean it. But next year I won't do that, so you can give me Valentines then?
Jelly: (reaching behind her back) You won't have to wait till next year. Here. (Both she and Peanut present cards.) Happy Valentine's Day, Flick.
Peanut: Happy Valentine's Day, Flick.
Flick: Hmm? Wow. You made me Valentines after I told you not to.
Jelly: We really, really kinda sorta didn't believe you.
Peanut: We knew you'd really feel just as good about getting ours as we feel about getting yours.
Pinch: (approaching with her cookies) Happy Valentine's Day, Flick.
Flick: Wow, Pinch, thanks. You didn't believe me either?
Pinch: (shaking her head) Nope.
Munchy: Me neither.
Flick: Huh?
Munchy: Happy Valentine's Day.
Flick: Man, thanks. And here! I got Valentines for you guys, if you don't mind scribbly. (sound of horn honking)
Ootsie: Flick, we found it!
Flick: Huh?
Bootsie: Your Valentine!
Ootsie: It fell behind the thousand inch plasma screen TV on our limo boat. We came back early from our luxury ski trip
Bootsie: so we could be sure you got it.
(Ootsie pushes a button on the mini-car they're driving and a box unloads from a panel in the car.)
Ootsie and Bootsie: Happy Valentine's Day!
Flick: Thanks, guys. Am I lucky duck or what? Happy Valentine's Day right back at you. (hands them each Valentines)
Ootsie: These are great.
Bootsie: Scribbly is really in this year.
Jelly: Well, after all his worry, Flick got Valentines from everybody.
Peanut: And everybody got Valentines from Flick.
Jelly: But it sure woulda been easier if he hadn't tried to hide what he really wanted. You know, Flick, there's an old song that says it all.
Flick: Huh?
~~~ You Just Can't Hide Your Heart ~~~
You can't keep the sun from risin'
You can't keep good friends apart
Like a breeze that blows, everybody knows
You just can't hide your heart
[Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Flick, Pinch, Ootsie and Bootsie]
You can't keep a creek from flowin'
You can't be somethin' that you're not
Ain't no doubt, you've gotta let you're feelings out
You know you just can't hide your heart
You can't keep the wind from blowin', heh heh
You can't keep a lid on a boilin' pot
A little candle glow has gotta shine, you know
[Ootsie and Bootsie]
You just can't hide your heart
[Peanut, Jelly, Munchy, Flick, Pinch, Ootsie and Bootsie]
You can't keep a creek from flowin'
You can't be somethin' that you're not
Ain't no doubt, you've gotta let you're feelings out
You know you just can't hide your heart.
(Scene change to the dock outside the Otter Family houseboat.)
Jelly: Ootsie and Bootsie's Valentine candy is delicious.
Peanut: Double delicious.
Butter: Yum yum.
Flick: (approaching, holding a long list) Hey, guys. Haven't finished your Valentine candy yet?
Peanut: Don't tell me you ate yours already.
Flick: Hours ago. Needed to get to work on this.
Peanut: What is it?
Flick: Your official reminder list. Keep it handy.
Peanut: (reading) "Flick wants birthday presents. Flick wants Hoohaw Hoo presents. Flick wants Hoohaw Halloween treats." (PB&J giggle.)
Jelly: Flick!
Flick: What? What, guys? Tell me, what?
Monday, July 13, 2009
It's been a while
Wow. It's been a while since my last post here. Well, there's not much PB&J Otter news for you, but I've got a weird photo of Opal that I edited in Paint which you can see above. I removed her afro, just to see what she'd look like without it. I know it's not the best edit, but I don't have all that cool software like Photoshop, so try to cut me some slack.
In other news, I have a transcript for Ducking Out on Valentines Day that Agent0042 sent me via TV.com. So I'll upload it as soon as I can.
Friday, July 3, 2009
PB&J Otter Season 4 Fanfic Ideas
I, being struck with inspiration, came up with the idea to write some PB&J Otter scripts for my own episode ideas. With my ideas, we could have our own imaginary Season 4 of PB&J Otter. When I have scripts done and they are uploaded onto my Scribd account, I'll post the links to them. Here's what I've come up with so far:
Lights, Camera, Otter: The kids (minus Ootsie and Bootsie) decide to make their own movie when Mayor Jeff loses a Mallard Man film of is in his piles of junk. The problem is, the kids can't agree on what movie to make.
- This is a double-length episode.
- We learn that Mallard Man movies exist.
- There are 4 songs in this episode, counting the 2 Noodle Dance segments.
- Most of the episode takes place in front of PB&J's house (not counting the scenes with the kids imagining their movie ideas).
Scootch and the Magic Tree: Scootch is looking around in the woods when he comes across a talking tree that offers to grant him 3 wishes. For one of those wishes, Scootch wishes he wasn't always destroying stuff. Everyone begins to enjoy the new Scootch, but then they start to miss the old Scootch.
- This is inspired by a fake episode that is mentioned on various websites.
- During the credits, instead of the normal format, there is a montage of scenes with Scootch from past episodes.
- This is the first episode centered around Scootch.
- Scootch does the Noodle Dance by himself in this episode.
- This is a double-length episode.
I Pledge Your Otter: Peanut and Jelly are Otter Scouts. As Otter Scouts, they have to use hard work and teamwork when doing their scout tasks. Peanut and Jelly, however, aren't doing that.
- This is paired with the episode below.
- This is the first time we see a large group of otters in the show.
- The Noodle Dance segment features a flashback to various scenes of Peanut and Jelly working together.
- A fake episode title inspired this episode.
Baby Butter's Bugs: Butter befriends a ladybug that she finds in the grass. But then she starts making more bug friends. So many, in fact, that the rest of the Otter family can't live in a bug infested house. But Butter doesn't want to part with her bug friends.
- The cricket Jelly found in "Born to Chirp" reappears in this episode.
- A fake episode title inspired this.
More might come on the way, but for now, that's all I've come up with.
Lights, Camera, Otter: The kids (minus Ootsie and Bootsie) decide to make their own movie when Mayor Jeff loses a Mallard Man film of is in his piles of junk. The problem is, the kids can't agree on what movie to make.
- This is a double-length episode.
- We learn that Mallard Man movies exist.
- There are 4 songs in this episode, counting the 2 Noodle Dance segments.
- Most of the episode takes place in front of PB&J's house (not counting the scenes with the kids imagining their movie ideas).
Scootch and the Magic Tree: Scootch is looking around in the woods when he comes across a talking tree that offers to grant him 3 wishes. For one of those wishes, Scootch wishes he wasn't always destroying stuff. Everyone begins to enjoy the new Scootch, but then they start to miss the old Scootch.
- This is inspired by a fake episode that is mentioned on various websites.
- During the credits, instead of the normal format, there is a montage of scenes with Scootch from past episodes.
- This is the first episode centered around Scootch.
- Scootch does the Noodle Dance by himself in this episode.
- This is a double-length episode.
I Pledge Your Otter: Peanut and Jelly are Otter Scouts. As Otter Scouts, they have to use hard work and teamwork when doing their scout tasks. Peanut and Jelly, however, aren't doing that.
- This is paired with the episode below.
- This is the first time we see a large group of otters in the show.
- The Noodle Dance segment features a flashback to various scenes of Peanut and Jelly working together.
- A fake episode title inspired this episode.
Baby Butter's Bugs: Butter befriends a ladybug that she finds in the grass. But then she starts making more bug friends. So many, in fact, that the rest of the Otter family can't live in a bug infested house. But Butter doesn't want to part with her bug friends.
- The cricket Jelly found in "Born to Chirp" reappears in this episode.
- A fake episode title inspired this.
More might come on the way, but for now, that's all I've come up with.
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