Agent0042 has typed up another transcript. This time, it's a double-length episode. Thanks, Agent0042!
"Thanks for the Giggle Melon"
Written by Dennis Garvey and Tom Nichols
Songs by Joshua Sitron, Lyrics and Music
Transcribed by Agent0042
(I transcribed this from an audio recording I made while watching the episode. As such, scene description may be a bit less than usual.)
Adam Rose as Peanut Otter
Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly Otter
Gina Marie Tortorici as Baby Butter Otter
Gwen Shepard as Opal Otter
Chris Phillips as Ernest Otter
Chris Phillips as Cap'n Crane
Jackie Hoffman as Mrs. Connie Crane
Nancy Giles as Aunt Nanner
Eddie Korbich as Flick Duck
Eddie Korbich as Ootsie Snooty
Eddie Korbich as Bootsie Snooty
Bruce Bayley Johnson as Mayor Jeff
Chris Phillips as Munchy Beaver
Cody Pennes as Pinch Raccoon
Cody Pennes as Scootch Raccoon
Corinne Orr as Wanda Raccoon
Corinne Orr as Shirley Duck
Mrs. Beaver
Redolfo (non-speaking)
Mr. Muskrat
Mrs. Muskrat
Opal: "Thanks for the Giggle Melon"
Peanut: Phew. This snow otter sure was a lot of work to make.
Jelly: Yeah, but it was worth it.
Peanut: That's for sure. I bet Snowy is the best snow otter ever.
Jelly: I wish it would snow some more. Then we could build him a friend.
(Redolfo blows by on a jetski with Aunt Nanner riding along. It kicks up a bunch of snow, covering Peanut, Jelly and the snow otter.)
Aunt Nanner: Woo hoo!
Peanut: Man, Jelly. You gotta be careful what you wish for.
Aunt Nanner: Yee-haw!
Jelly: It's not snowing! It's Aunt Nanner!
Butter: Nanner, Nanner!
Aunt Nanner: Ooh, sorry about that, kids. See you later, Redolfo. (gives him a kiss)
Kids: Aunt Nanner!
Aunt Nanner: Ooh, okay, okay. Hold on.
Peanut: How come?
Aunt Nanner: 'Cause we need to go inside and see what fun surprises your Aunt Nanner has brought you.
Kids: Ya'ay!
(They head inside the Otter household, where Aunt Nanner begins the gift-giving.)
Opal: Here you go. Some nice hot cocoa to warm everybody up.
Aunt Nanner: And I've got a present for everybody from my trip to Howdydo Island.
Peanut: Wow! Howdydo Island? That sounds cool.
Aunt Nanner: Not only cool, it's hot. In fact, it's so hot, everybody uses a fan. (She gives one to Peanut.)
Peanut: Wow, thanks Aunt Nanner!
Aunt Nanner: And it rains so much there, everyone needs an umbrella.
Monkey Umbrella: Uh oh! It's raining! It's raining!
Butter: Uh oh! Raining! Raining!
Aunt Nanner: And for Jelly, I have a special Howydo Island treat. It's a giggle melon.
Jelly: Wow, thanks Aunt Nanner. Why do they call it a giggle melon?
Aunt Nanner: You'll find out when you eat it. It tastes so delicious -- (Jelly eats it and giggles.) you can't help but giggle.
Jelly: Thanks, Aunt Nanner. This is amazing. (giggles)
Opal: Anna, you've done it again. The children love their presents.
(Jelly continues to giggle at the taste of the giggle melon.)
Peanut: Hey, Jel, can I have a taste of that giggle melon?
Jelly: Sure, Peanut. (giggles) I'm sorry, Peanut, I don't have anymore. But maybe Aunt Nanner brought another one.
Aunt Nanner: Yes, Jelly?
Jelly: That giggle melon was the best-tasting thing I've ever put in my whole mouth. Do you have another one for Peanut and Butter?
Aunt Nanner: Oh, Jelly, I'm sorry. I don't. And they only grow on Howydo Island.
Jelly: No more giggle melon?
(Scene change. The kids are outside, sledding on lids in the snow.)
Munchy: Watch how fast I can go!
Peanut: Watch out, here I come!
Pinch: I'm a cannonball!
Scootch: My turn! My turn! Yaaahhhh! Oof! (knocks into the snow otter built earlier in the episode) Sorry, sorry. My fault.
Pinch: Jelly, are you okay?
Jelly: Huh? Oh, sure, Pinch. I'm fine. I just can't stop thinking about giggle melon.
Flick: Giggle Melon? Who's he? Some new cartoon character?
Jelly: It's not a cartoon character. It's the best fruit in the whole world.
Munchy: Hey, that sounds good. Can I have some?
Flick: How 'bout me? I asked her first.
Pinch: I'll have a small piece, please.
Jelly: I'd love to give you some, but I don't have any anymore.
Munchy: Oh.
Jelly: I wish I could think of a way to get some. Hey, how 'bout a Noodle Dance?
Flick: Yeah.
Munchy: Sure!
Pinch: We'll think of something.
Peanut: I'll noodle, but it's way too cold to dance.
Noodle, noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Use your noodle, use your brain
Flick: Hey, I got it! We could go buy another giggle melon at your dad's store-boat.
Peanut: That would be a good idea, except he doesn't sell them.
Flick: Oh.
Jelly: Hey, I've got it. We jump on a subway. That'll take us all the way to Howydo Island.
Peanut: I like it, Jelly, but I don't think there's a subway that goes to Howydo Island.
Flick: Hello?! There's no subway that goes anywhere. We don't have subways!
Jelly: Oh yeah, I forgot. Man, if only I'd saved some giggle melon from yesterday.
Munchy: That's it. We can all run backwards real fast until we get all the way back to yesterday.
Peanut: Come on, guys. Let's try it.
Jelly: Yeah. If it works, I can give you all a piece of giggle melon.
(They all try running backwards very fast, shouting out excitedly, but they just collapse and don't get anywhere.)
Munchy: Wow. Yesterday looks just like today. I mean, tomorrow? Heh heh heh.
Jelly: Well, that didn't work.
Pinch: Then let's make snow angels instead.
Jelly: Let's not just make snow angels. Let's do thinking and make snow angels. (Noodle Dance music resumes.)
Peanut: Are you sure there isn't any of that giggle melon left at the house? Not even one teeny-tiny piece?
Jelly: Nah. It was so good, I ate the whole thing. Except for this seed. That's it! I can plant the seed and we can grow all the giggle melons we want. (Flick takes the seed from her.) Huh?
Flick: So what are we waiting for? Let's get this seed growing. (He starts to plant it in the snow.)
Peanut: I don't think we can plant a garden in the snow, Flick.
Munchy: Yeah. Mayor Jeff always plants his garden in the spring.
Flick: I knew that.
Jelly: Well, hope spring gets here soon.
(Spring has arrived. The kids gather up plenty of equipment to start their garden.)
Opal: Starting a farm, kids?
Jelly: We're gonna plant my giggle melon seed.
Opal: I don't know much about gardening, kids, but I think it might be hard to grow giggle melons in Lake Hoohaw.
Jelly: That's okay, mama. All my friends are gonna help me. Right, ya'll?
Munchy: Well, sure, Jelly. But if giggle melons won't grow here...
Jelly: Mama didn't say they won't grow. She just said it would be hard. Well, we'll just work hard. Right?
Pinch: Right!
Peanut: I don't know, Jelly.
Jelly: Mayor Jeff knows a lot about gardening.
(They go to visit him.)
Mayor Jeff: Giggle melons, huh? Don't believe I ever heard of any those growin' around these parts.
Jelly: Maybe nobody ever had a seed, like I do.
Mayor Jeff: Well, I-- I think it's because giggle melons will probably grow only in tropical weather.
Jelly: Tropical weather?
Mayor Jeff: Yep. Very wet and very hot.
Jelly: Ooh, maybe Dad has an idea!
Ernest: I don't think so, honey. Not here in Lake Hoohaw.
Cap'n Crane: Watchbird alert! Watchbird alert! The kids have a problem. We'd better check it out.
Connie: Okay, you go ahead. I'll be right there.
Cap'n Crane: Uh oh, now I have a problem.
Mrs. Raccoon: It's never been done before.
Jelly: That's for sure.
Cap'n Crane: Hey, kids! There. Come on, Connie. Where'd she go? Huh? Whoa! Leapin' mackerels, Connie. We gotta go see--
Connie: I already went, Cap'n. Jelly Otter's tryin' to grow giggle melons.
Cap'n Crane: Giggle melons? You can't grow those here.
Connie: That's what I told her.
Cap'n Crane: Well, I'd better keep an eye on things.
Mrs. Raccoon: Sorry, kids. I don't think you can do it.
Peanut: Everybody said that we can't.
Jelly: But I just know we can.
Flick: This is never gonna work. Let's go play Space Ducks. (He, Munchy, Pinch and Scootch leave.)
Peanut: Playing Space Ducks sounds like fun.
Jelly: You can go, Peanut. But I'm gonna grow giggle melons even if I have to do it all by myself.
Aunt Nanner: Hi, kids! Thanks, Redolfo!
Peanut, Butter and Jelly: Aunt Nanner!
Aunt Nanner: Now what are my three little darlings up to today?
Jelly: We're gonna grow giggle melons.
Peanut: But everybody told us giggle melons won't grow here.
Aunt Nanner: Well, it's true that giggle melons usually grow only in a tropical place.
Jelly: You mean I can't do it?
Aunt Nanner: Oh, honey, I didn't say that. With a lot of hard work, you never know what you can make happen.
Jelly: Yay! I knew I could do it!
(Sequence of Jelly planting and maintaining her garden. A whimsical version of "Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush plays.)
Jelly: Hey, it looks like-- it is! Yippee!
(Scene change-- Peanut and Jelly's room.)
Peanut: You really did it, Jelly. It's growing! I'm sorry we didn't believe in you.
Jelly: That's okay, Peanut. I'm gonna dream about my giggle melon. I can't wait to give some to all my friends.
~~~We'll All Laugh Together~~~
We've been friends for a long, long time
And I know what's yours is mine
Now that the melons are fullly grown
I'm happy to give you each your own
So grab a giggle melon
And prepare to smile
A giggle melon smile is right in style
So grab a giggle melon
And prepare to smile
And we'll laugh together for a while
And we'll laugh together for a while.
Jelly: It's morning. I gotta go check my giggle melon garden. Good morning, giggle. (gasps) Oh no!
(There is a caterpillar eating Jelly's plant. It giggles happily.)
Jelly: My giggle melon plant! It's ruined! That's okay, Mr. Caterpillar. I forgive you. Oh. Now nobody'll ever get to taste any giggle melon.
(Jelly departs, sadly. Unbeknownst to her, a leaf perks up on the plant and a small sprout shoots up. The plant is still alive and well. Scene change. A triumphant theme plays as the kids play an adventure game.)
Peanut: Full speed ahead, mates! This is your captain speaking.
Flick: Well, I'm the captain too and I say we turn around and head ()
Munchy: I thought I was the captain! Let's take this boat to Howydo Island!
Jelly: Howdydo Island? That's where they grow giggle melons.
Flick: Giggle melons!? Cheese and quackers, Munchy! We're not supposed to remind Jelly of giggle melons. She doesn't want to hear the words "giggle melon" ever again. So no more talk about-- you know, giggle melons.
Munchy: Oh, I forgot. Sorry, Jelly.
Peanut: Hey, guys! Let's play on the swings! We can play "Pass the Butter, Please."
Flick: Pass the Butter, please! (Butter giggles.) Thank you!
Pinch: Pass the Butter ball.
Munchy: Here she comes!
Butter: Whee!
Jelly: You love to play Pass the Butter, Please, don't you?
Butter: Looky.
Pinch: Oh, look. Mr. Caterpillar likes to play Pass the Butter, Please too.
Flick: Hey! Isn't that the same caterpillar that ate Jelly's giggle melon? Oops! Me and my big beak! I was trying so hard not to say "giggle melon." Oops. I said it again.
Peanut: Hey, Jelly. It sure is getting hot, isn't it? Why don't we go ask Mom if we can go swimming?
Flick: Yeah, swimming. That's a great idea! Right, Jelly? Then we won't have to think about giggle melons. What?! What?!
(The kids head to the lake, where they do some fun swimming. They cheer and splash merrily.)
Opal: Come on, kids. Time for lunch. Everybody out of the water.
Munchy: Uh oh. I think it's a real sea monster.
Aunt Nanner: Oodel-ay!
Jelly: It's Aunt Nanner!
Aunt Nanner: And I've got enough fishsicles for everybody.
Opal: Now kids, just take one each. You don't wanna spoil your lunch.
(The kids all cheer and shout happily and take one each.)
Jelly: Mmm. These fishsicles are great.
Pinch: Your Aunt Nanner always brings the best treats.
Flick: Yeah, like the time she brought that giggle melon. Did I say giggle melon again? Oops, I said it again. Sorry, Jelly. I didn't mean to say gig- (Peanut and Munchy cover his beak, cutting him off.) Ow.
Peanut: It's just that we never tasted any of the gig- you know what.
Pinch: And you made it sound so yummy, we were all hoping to try some.
Flick: Yeah, Jelly. Could you tell us again how giggle melon tasted?
(Jelly sobs and walks away.)
Flick: Cheese and quackers! I said it again!
(Scene change. The kids are playing just outside the Otter household and Peanut and Butter come out to join them.)
Flick: Oodel-ay, PB&-- Where's Jelly?!
Peanut: She didn't feel like coming out to play. She's really sad about her garden.
Pinch: I know. Maybe we can plant some flowers in the garden. That might make her happy.
(They visit Jelly's garden and make a discovery...)
Butter: Giggle!
Peanut: You're right, Butter. The giggle melon plant is growing again. Let's go tell Jelly.
(They all go to visit Jelly.)
Flick: You should see it, Jelly. It has a leaf and everything.
Pinch: And we all can help you take care of it.
Munchy: I can taste the giggle melon already. (giggles)
Jelly: It's no use. I tried and it just didn't work. And now summer's half over.
Peanut: Well, I guess she doesn't wanna try anymore. Let's go plant the flowers anyway.
Aunt Nanner: What did the kids say, Jelly?
Jelly: Oh, they wanted me to start trying to grow giggle melons again. But it's too hard. I already tried.
Opal: Now, Jelly, I know you're discouraged. But I'm very very proud of you.
Jelly: Proud? Why? After all my hard work, I still don't have any melons to share with my friends.
Aunt Nanner: But the melon did grow, Jelly. Everyone said you couldn't do it, but you didn't give up. And you shouldn't give up now.
Jelly: Well, my friends did say they'd help me this time.
Aunt Nanner: Of course they will, honey.
Jelly: And this time, we'll be sure to protect the plant from hungry caterpillars.
Aunt Nanner: Great thinking, Jelly! That's using your noodle!
Jelly: Do you really think I can do it?
Aunt Nanner: You won't know if you don't try.
Jelly: Then I'm gonna try.
Pinch: You dig up that old giggle melon plant, Peanut, and then we can plant these beautiful flowers.
Peanut: Well, I guess this is good-bye, giggle melon plant.
Jelly: Peanut, wait! I wanna try to grow that giggle melon again!
Flick: All right, Jelly! We can do it!
Jelly: I'm glad you're all gonna help me. Now that summer's almost over, we'll have to think of ways to really help the giggle melon grow.
Peanut: Hey, I know, Jelly. We'll think of something if we Noodle Dance.
Flick: (looks like he's been slapped stunned) What?! You wanna do a Noodle Dance?!
Peanut: Well, she is my sister. Come on, let's dance!
(Flick continues to stand stunned. Peanut and Jelly start the dance and eventually the others join in. Pinch grabs a basket of a flower petals and throws them around merrily.)
Noodle, noodle, do the Noodle Dance
Solve a problem, it's no strain
Use your noodle, that's your brain
Do the Noodle Dance!
Flick: Ooh, I know. We can work extra-fast. Then the giggle melon will grow extra-fast. Watch this! (He picks up a watering can and runs toward the plant, but he trips and falls.) Oh. Oof!
Peanut: I don't think we should work that fast, Flick. Besides, we need a lot of heat and rain, like Howdydo Island.
Jelly: I've got it. If we all swim together in a chain, we could pull Howydo Island all the way to Lake Hoohaw and grow the giggle melons there.
Peanut: I don't think we could do that, Jelly. We'd never find a rope that big.
Jelly: Well, maybe that plant would grow better if we could make it think that this is Howydo Island.
Peanut: How would we do that, Jel?
Jelly: We'll make it really wet and hot, just like it is on Howydo Island.
~~~Gonna Make the Giggle Melons Grow~~~
[Peanut, Jelly, Butter, Munchy, Flick, Pinch and Scootch]
Got to make it hot
Got to make it wet
Got to make it sunny
We'll have melons yet
Lots of water and lots of light
Makes the giggle melon grow just right
Mr. Caterpillar, no no no
Gotta make this garden grow
We need water, water, water
Lots and lots of water
Run and get the bucket
Fill it to the top
We need light, light, sunlight
Hot, hot sunlight
Blue skies and sunlight
Sunlight makes it grow
Bang the coconuts like they're drums
Get more water, we need a ton
Mr. Caterpillar, no no no
Gotta make this garden grow
Gonna make the melons grow
Gonna make the giggle melons grow, ho!
Peanut: It's looking pretty good, Jelly.
Jelly: Yeah, but we've been working for three weeks and the giggle melon hasn't started growing yet.
Ootsie: Did I hear somebody say "giggle melon"?
Bootsie: We love giggle melons, right Ootsie?
Ootsie: Right, Bootsie.
Jelly: You've had giggle melon?
Bootsie: Of course. We've had everything.
Ootsie: Why, do you have some?
Jelly: No, we're trying to grow one. But we need more heat and light.
Ootsie: We have the brightest lights in all of Lake Hoohaw, right Bootsie?
Bootsie: Right, Ootsie. Our birthday lights.
(A triumphant instrumental version of "Happy Birthday to You" is played as a scene shows Ootsie and Bootsie on a stage with their birthday lights. Crowd cheers.)
Jelly: Can you bring your lights over here and set them up for us?
Bootsie: Ootsie?
Ootsie: Bootsie?
Ootsie and Bootsie: No!
Others: Aw.
Bootsie: But our butler can.
(The others cheer excitedly. The Poodle butler comes and brings the lights. Ootsie and Bootsie are reclining on chairs, watching the proceedings.)
Bootsie: All this work is simply exhausting.
Ootsie: Yes, but it's worth it, Bootsie. Think about that giggle melon.
(With the help of the big lights and the care and attention of the kids, the giggle melon plant grows and sprouts many melons.)
Jelly: Wow. Now there's enough giggle melons for everybody.
Peanut: All right. There's a whole giggle melon for each of us. Let's go show Mom!
Jelly: Mama! Dad! Look! Giggle melons!
Opal: Jelly, it's wonderful what you and your friends have done.
Ernest: Yep, you kids worked hard and didn't give up. And now you've got a harvest of giggle melons.
Opal: We should have a party.
Ernest: Let's invite the whole town.
(The kids cheer their approval of this idea. Scene change. The whole town has indeed gathered around a massive picnic table for the party.)
Opal: So glad you folks could make it. (A large shadow appears over the table.)
Jelly: Oh no. I hope it's not gonna rain.
Peanut: Look! It's Aunt Nanner!
Aunt Nanner: (descending from a ladder) Goodness gracious. Looks like I got here just in time. What's this wing-ding for?
Jelly: It's a giggle melon party!
Aunt Nanner: Why, Jelly, you really grew giggle melons. I just knew you could do it. I'm proud of you, honey.
Opal: We're all proud of these children. And now, it's time for the kids to eat their giggle melons. (Everyone cheers.)
Jelly: Before we eat, I just wanted to say I'm thankful to all my friends for helping me grow these giggle melons.
Pinch: Thank you, Jelly. It was fun.
Jelly: And I'm thankful to Mama and Aunt Nanner for helping me see that I shouldn't give up. And I'm thankful it's time to eat! Mmm!
Opal: Why, Mr. and Mrs. Muskrat. What a delightful surprise.
Mr. Muskrat: Just happened to be in the neighborhood and thought we'd drop by to say hello.
Mrs. Muskrat: Hello.
Opal: We're having a feast. We'd love to have you join us.
Jelly: Hey, Dolores. Hey, Lilly. It's good to see ya'll again.
Dolores and Lilly: Hey, Jelly!
Lilly: What are you eating, Jelly?
Jelly: It's called a giggle melon and we have enough for everybody.
(Jelly realizes that while they may have had enough for everybody that was there, there isn't enough for the Muskrats as well. She decides to share hers.)
Jelly: And here's a piece for you all, too!
Lilly: Wow, Jelly. Thanks for the giggle melon.
Peanut: (whispering) Jelly worked harder than anybody to grow these giggle melons.
Munchy: And it sure was nice of her to share her piece with Dolores and Lilly.
Flick: You guys thinking what I'm thinking? (trumpet fanfare plays)
Peanut: Here, Jelly.
Flick: Me, too.
Munchy: Here you go, Jelly.
Pinch: Here's another piece, Jelly.
Opal: Doesn't it do your heart good to see our kids sharing like that?
Mrs. Beaver: Oh, they're just wonderful children.
Mayor Jeff: Pretty good gardeners too.
(He eats his piece and giggles. All giggle and chatter.)
Flick: Save your seeds for next year's garden!
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We've been friends for a long, long time
ReplyDeleteAnd I know what's yours is mine
Now that the melons are fullly grown
I'm happy to give you each your own
So grab a giggle melon
And prepare to smile
A giggle melon smile is right in style
So grab a giggle melon
And prepare to smile
And we'll laugh together for a while
And we'll laugh together for a while.
Was that a dream?
DeleteWhy did jelly say she was gonna dream about her giggle melon?
DeleteCan someone answer my question as soon as they can? I'm 22 and I have high functioning autism just to let you know lol
DeleteI really wish I could see this episode! It's sounds so cool! Was jelly having a dream about her giggle melon and that's where the song we'll all laught together was playing?