Win, Win, Winner
The Awesome Otters (team name) are practicing soccer
Munchy : (nervous, chewing on a stick) Jelly’s got the ball…(chews on stick again)she lost the ball…(chews on stick once more)…Jelly’s got the ball again... Go Awesome Otters and Daring Duck! Go!
Two rabbits miss when they try to get the ball from Jelly; she walks right past them, and they fall onto each other
Munchy: (cont’d) Yay! Yippie! Whoo hoo!
Ootsie: Munchy, our little beaver friend…
Bootsie: We always mean to critisize…
Ootsie: But you are being extremely loud…
Bootsie: For no apparent reason.
Munchy: I have to be loud. I’m the official cheering person for the Awesome Otters and Daring Duck Soccer Team.
Bootsie: Well, if you must be loud…(with Ootsie)…please be quiet.
Munchy: (stares, blinks twice, and turns around; whispering) All right, team. We are doing great.
Jelly: Coming at ya. (kicks soccer ball)
Peanut: (tries to kick, but misses and fallls down)
The other team, The Wonderous Wolverines, gets the ball
Munchy: We have it…oh. We were doing great.
Jelly: (helping Peanut up and laughing) That was your funniest kick yet! (Peanut joins in laughing, too)
The rabbits still have the ball and are about to kick it
Flick: Go ahead, rabbits. Take your best shot. Nobody messes with the Daring Duck. (they do, and he blocks it, causing the ball to bounce off of the stomach of one of the rabbits and into the net)
The rabbits are happy
Peanut: That’s okay, Flick. Don’t worry. That’s only 27 points for the Rabbitastic Rabbits.
Flick: Yeah, yeah. But still 0 for us. Zero, nada, zip! We lost again.
Munchy: Sorry, you guys. I cheered my hardest.
Peanut: We know you did, Munchy. Thanks.
Munchy: Is this the 10th time we’ve lost, or the 11th?
Flick: 12th.
Munchy: Oh.
Jelly: But it was definitely the funniest.
P eanut: Yeah. Especially when I missed that kick and landed on my tail.
Jelly: You went oops.
Peanut: I went double oops! (laughs with Jelly)
Flick: That isn’t funny. We lost! And I’m tired of losing!
Munchy: Maybe you guys could use a coach.
Peanut: Yeah. That’s a great idea. I’ll ask my dad.
(At the Otters’ house)
Peanut, Jelly, and Flick are there
Peanut: Thanks for being our coach, Dad.
Ernest: Thanks for asking me, Peanut. Now let’s start with a little test—kicking. Now kick the ball straight into the net like this. (kicks the ball over the net and into Lake Hoohaw wher e a fish eats it) Well, I guess my first advice as your coach is never, never kic k the ball too hard.
Flick: And never feed the ball to a hungry fish. (laughs at his joke)
Peanut: Guess this means practice is over.
Ernest: Sorry, kids. I’ll order another ball.
Flick: So what do we do in the meantime?
Ernest: All I can tell you is this. When your in the game, do your best, play fair, and have fun.
His advice doesn’t satisfy Flick
(At the soccer field)
Flick: I’m doing my best, and I’m playing fair, but I’m sure not having fun. We’re 17 points behind and here comes a star player. (that last sentence didn’t seem like I got it right to me)
The same rabbits from before kick the ball towards the net, and it hits Flick in the stomach, but it doesn’t make it in
Flick: (cont’d) I blocked it! I blocked it!
Wooly Wolverine 1: (couldn’t get the first sentence) Nice stuff.
Flick: Whoa. You’re Wooly Wolverine.
Wooly: Yeah, that’s me. And after the game, we’ll talk.
(in front of the Otters’ house)
P&J: (at same time) You’re what?!
Flick: I’m leaving the Awesome Otters and Daring Duck Team.
Peanut: You can’t!
Flick: Sure I can. I got a better offer.
Jelly: From who?
Flick: The Wonderous Wolverines. They’re (I couldn’t get some of this sentence right)…and Wooly—he’s team captain—wants me.
Peanut: But we need you. What’ll Jelly and I do?
Flick: You’ll find somebody. I couldn’t say no. After all, the Wolverines have won every game they’ve played.
Jelly: You want to win.
Flick: Yeah. What else is there?
(the field where the Wonderous Wolverines are training)
Wooly: (while Flick and a Wolverine are doing jumping jacks) Hup two. (x7) (while he says it the 4th-7th times, he is shown standing in front of a giant metronome)
He blows a whistle and Flick is tired, but the Wolverine isn’t
Flick: (panting) Wow. That was a workout. Is practice always like (beat) this? (as he says that, the Wolverine walks away) My team mate isn’t very friendly.
Wooly: Okay, (????). Take 30 laps around the track.
Flick: (surprised) Now?!
Wooly: That’s what I said. And I’m the team captain. Now!
Flick: But when does the fun stuff start?
Wooly: Fun? You’re kidding, right? Now run!
(in front of the Otters’ house)
Peanut and Jelly are with Munchy
Munchy: But I don’t want a promotion.
Peanut: Sure you do, Munch.
Munchy: No. I like being the official cheering section of the Awesome Otters and Daring Duck.
Jelly: Wouldn’t you rather be the official goalie of the Awesome Otters and the Bertacious Beaver?
Munchy: No.
Peanut: But you’d get to kick the ball.
Munchy: No, thanks. I’d rather try out my new idea. Instead of the cheering section, I’m going to be the official sports brodcaster.
Jelly: Well, okay. If that’s how you feel.
Peanut: We’ll find someone else to take Flick’s place…I hope.
(the field where the Wolverines practice)
There is a big machine on the field that shoots soccer balls into the net
Wooly: Ready, goalie?
Flick: Uh, ready, Wooly.
Wooly: That’s Captain Wooly to you. And don’t forget, for every ball you don’t block, we will need 21 push ups.
Flick: Are you sure we have to do this?
Wooly: Stop whining or I will make it 40 push ups. (he flips the switch that starts the machine)
Numerous soccer balls are hurled at the net, none of which Flick blocks
Flick: Cheese and crackers. (the net is completely full with soccer balls) I hope he’s something like Peanut and Jelly Otter.
Wooly: (comes into view) You owe me 1,260 push ups, Daring Ducky.
Flick: Can I ask you something first?
Wooly: What?
Flick: Now that I’m on the team, can we call it The Daring Duck and the Wonderous Wolverines?
Wooly: (sarcastically) Aw, that’s so funny, I forgot to laugh. (normal) Just The Wonderous Wolverines. Now get moving on those push ups!
Flick: If this is Wooly’s way of cheering me up (beat), it isn’t working.
(In front of Pinch’s house)
Pinch has a tea party set up
Pinch: You’re kidding, right?
Jelly: No! And if you join us, we’ll call the team The Awesome Otters and the Radical Racoon.
Pinch: Really? Wow. I’ve never been radical before.
Peanut: So you’ll do it?
Pinch: No. (continues playing)
Jelly shrugs
(the area where the WW practice)
Flick: (really tired and worn out and doing push ups) 1,259…(struggling)…One thousand two hundred…(beat)…sixty! (he sighs and falls down slowly)
Wooly: (walks into view) Now comes the good part of practice.
Flick: (worn out and hopeful) It’s over? I can go eat dinner?
Wooly: No food for you, feathers.
Flick: When Awesome Otter practice is over, we always have snacks.
Wooly: Who needs snacks? It’s time for cheating lessons.
Flick: Cheating lessons? But Mr. Otter said we should always play fair.
Wooly: Fair? Not on this team. We do whatever it takes to win. You do want to win, don’t you?
(In front of the Snooties’ house)
Bootsie: So you want to combine your soccer team…
Ootsie: With our soccer team? (they laugh at the idea of it)
Bootsie: But our team…
Ootsie: Always wins.
Jelly: And our team always has fun.
Bootsie: That’s true.
Peanut: So you’ll do it?
Ootsie and Bootsie: (together) No, (they shut the doors to their mansion)
Peanut: Now what’ll we do?
Jelly: I think we should Noodle Dance.
Peanut: Right now? Right here?
Jelly: Yep. It’s always the right time and the right place to use your noodle.
Peanut: I guess it’s sort of time to noodle, but I don’t feel like dancing. (Jelly starts dancing and Peanut joins in 5 seconds later)
The Noodle Dance song goes to the “Use your noodle, use your brain” lyric
Jelly: (gets an idea) I’ve got it! My brain just scored a goal!
Peanut: What? What? Pass it on!
Jelly: We get Munchy to help us build a big, wooden goalie. (idea is shown)
Peanut: (VO) That would be neat.
Jelly: (VO) But we probably couldn’t get it ready by this afternoon.
Peanut: Still, a big goalie would be really great. Maybe Butter and Scootch (idea is shown) together would make one big goalie. (Butter and Scootch laugh) This is hard. Maybe we should just give up.
Jelly: No way. We’ve got to keep thinking.
Peanut: Maybe we can go ask Flick to come back.
Jelly: But why would he change his mind?
Peanut: Maybe he’d be happy if we promised to try real hard to win.
Jelly: Well, let’s go ask him. At least we’ll do good just trying.
(In front of Flick’s house)
Flick is bouncing a soccer ball against a tree
Peanut and Jelly arrive
Peanut: Hey, Flick. We want to make a deal with you.
Flick: What kind of deal?
Jelly: If you come back and be our goalie, we promise to try real hard to win.
Flick: No deal.
Peanut and Jelly: (together; surprised) No deal?
Flick: Nope, but I’ve got one for you. I’ll be your goalie again if you promise we can just have fun.
Peanut and Jelly: (together; surprised) Wha-?
Flick: The Wonderous Wolverines never have any fun.
Peanut: But they win.
Flick: Yeah, but they never play fair enough. And I’m the Daring Duck, not the Cheating Duck.
Jelly: What happened, Flick? Did you get kicked off the team?
Flick: Nope. I quit. It was the only fun I had the whole time.
Jelly: Well, now that you’re back with us, the fun is only starting.
Peanut: Right. Make way for the fun champions.
Song – We Always Win
Peanut: It doesn’t matter if we miss the ball.
Jelly: It doesn’t matter if we trip and fall (helps Peanut up). (with Peanut) It doesn’t matter if our team is in the hole. (Munchy and Flick start singing) It doesn’t matter if we take a shot and miss the goal.
Munchy: It doesn’t matter if we get a bruise.
Flick: It doesn’t matter if we always lose.
Everyone: If we’re with our friends through thick and thin, and we’re having fun…we always win!
Peanut: Give me an F!
Everyone: F!
Jelly: Give me a U!
Everyone: U!
Munchy: Give me an N!
Everyone: N! What do you got?
Flick: Fun!
Everyone: We win! It doesn’t matter if we win or lose. It doesn’t matter whose victory’s whose. If we’re with our friends from start to end, when we’re having fun…we always win!
Flick: One more time!
Everyone: If we’re with our friends from start to end, when we’re having fun…we always win! We win!
(The soccer field)
Munchy: This is Munchy Beaver brodcasting to you from the Lake Hoohaw Soccer Field. The game has just ended. And here’s the home team—The Awesome Otters and Daring Duck. You should have seen the valliant struggle they put up against their (???) opponents—The Wonderous Wolverines. However, they did have a slight problem. (holds stick “microphone up to Jelly)
Jelly: We lost.
Peanut: (with stick “microphone” held up to him) 112 to 0.
Flick: (with stick “microphone” microphone held up to him) But we had the most fun. And nobody can beat us at that.
Munchy: Yay, Daring Duck!
Flick: Yay, Awesome Otters! (with Peanut, Jelly, and Munchy) Yeah! Alright!
We Always Win (reprise)
Everyone: We always win… We win!
The End
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